Momma Shepherd

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Owen's POV:
I wake up to the feeling of covers being pulled off me. I open my eyes and see Carolyn taking the blanket off Amelia and I in bed.
I quickly sit up and put the blanket over my bare chest.
Amelia sits up and looks at her mom,
"Mom! You can't just come in our room and pull blankets off of us."
Carolyn chuckles,
"Well it's 9 AM. It's time to get up."
Amelia rolls her eyes,
"You don't need to see my husband without a shirt on. That's weird"
I blush and get out of bed.
"We will get dressed and come downstairs." I say to Carolyn as she nods and walks out of the room. Amelia gets up and shuts the door and leans against it,
"Why did we agree to having her stay here for a few days"
I chuckle,
"I don't know"
I take off my walking boot to slip on jeans and then put it back on.
"How is your leg feeling?" Amelia asks me as she walks over and helps me get it back on.
"Better. I like that I don't have to use the crutches and can walk with the boot now. But I'm ready for it to be off all together."
I stand back up and she kisses me,
"Soon Owen."
I smile and grab a flannel shirt from my closet and put it on.
"Is she always going to come wake us up?"
Amelia laughs and shrugs,
"I hope not. Let's go downstairs before she comes back up here."
I take her hand and walk downstairs with her. All the kids are sitting in the living room on the couch with nice clothes on. I glance at Amelia and see the look of confusion on her face too.
"Carolyn what's going on"
Carolyn looks up at us and claps her hands and smiles,
"It's family picture day!"
"We don't need pictures mom" Amelia says to her as we walk over to the kids.
"Yes you do! You guys never send me any pictures. I want to have some for the house."
I put my hand on Amelia's back,
"It'll be fun Mia. Just a few pictures. "
Her mom smiles at me and Amelia nods.
"Alright a few."
"Lets go outside!" Carolyn says as Amelia picks up Olivia and we walk outside with the rest of the kids.
Carolyn takes one of those fancy cameras out of a bag.
"So what's first Carolyn?" I ask her as I lean against the porch railing.
"Just You and Amelia first. We will get a few different ones of you two"
I nod and go down into the grass with Amelia.
"These are gonna look great with my walking boot." I laugh
Amelia laughs and puts her hand on my arm,
"You'll still look good."
I look down at her smiling and she smiles up at me.
"Oo that's a good one!" Carolyn says as she snaps a picture.
"We weren't even looking at you mom"
"It's called a candid Amy-Amelia"
I can feel Amelia tense up when her mom accidentally says Amy so I kiss the top of her head.
"It's okay Mia" I whisper into her ear and she nods.
"Alright let's get some pictures!" Carolyn says to us.
I nod and move into the yard and put my arm around Amelia's waist. She puts both her arms around my waist and leans her head on my chest. We both smile and Carolyn takes the picture.
"Kiss her daddy!" Addison yells at us from her spot on the steps.
I chuckle and look at Carolyn for approval.
"I suppose you can do a kissing one. Little Kids cover your eyes"
I laugh and look down at Amelia and kiss her and she kisses me back.
Carolyn takes the picture.
A few pictures of Amelia and I soon turn into like 20. And then it's time to bring in the kids.
"Okay kids come down!" Carolyn says.
Amelia and I stand there and Carolyn arranges the kids. She hands Olivia to Amelia to hold. And gives me Derek. Addison and Charlotte stand in front of me and Amelia and then Noah standing in front of them.
Carolyn takes a few pictures of all of us and then Amelia and I get kicked out of the shot so she can get some of just the kids. They sit down in the grass Addison holding Olivia and Derek in charlottes lap and Noah in between all of them.
Amelia and I smile looking at all of them.
"We did a pretty good with them didn't we?" Amelia looks up at me and says.
I nod and smile,
"A really good job"
After pictures Noah runs over and grabs onto my good leg.
"Hey buddy"
"Daddy can we play with the soccer ball?" He asks holding up a ball in his hands.
I nod,
"Sure but go change into play clothes"
"Okay daddy!" I watch him run inside and Amelia looks at me.
"You can play soccer with a boot on?" She asks me.
I nod,
"Yeah. My broken leg is my right leg. I'll kick with my left."
She chuckles and shakes her head,
"Don't hurt yourself. I'm gonna go inside with the rest of the kids." 
"I won't!" I laugh and say as she walks inside with her mom and the rest of the kids.

Amelia's POV:
The next few days with my mom include a bunch of delicious meals which I can say that is one thing I missed about her. One. The past few days haven't been terrible. She's been a good help. She apologized to Owen and I for not coming to our wedding band not talking to me.
I even accepted her apology.
But today is the day she is leaving. I walk downstairs in the morning and see Owen setting her bags by the door.
"What a gentleman you have here Amelia" Carolyn says to me as she pats owens back.
I chuckle,
"He is pretty great"
Owen comes over to me and kisses my cheek,
"Good Morning" I say back to him as he walks into the kitchen and takes the breakfast to the table where the kids already are.
We all sit down and eat breakfast and we finish and all the kids say goodbye to my mom.
I walk outside with her leaving Owen with the kids inside.
"Thanks for having me" She says to me as she hugs me.
I hug her back.
"You're welcome."
"Amelia I'm sorry for everything in the past. You've really grown up. You are a completely different person now." She says to me
I look down and nod,
"I changed mom. I tried to tell you guys that but the only one in the family who ever understood me was Derek..." I say his name quietly.
"He was good to you. We should have been too"
I nod a bit and look back up at her,
"I think the kids enjoyed seeing you." I clear my throats and say trying to change the subject.
She smiles,
"I enjoyed seeing them too"
I smile a little,
"Maybe you can come back sometime. Or we can come out there."
She nods,
"I would like that. And Amelia?"
"Stay with Owen. He's good for you. He really loves you. I can tell you really love him. Don't let him go."
I smile bigger,
"I won't mom. I do love him."
She smiles at me and hugs me again before getting in her car,
"I've gotta go now. Take care Amelia."
"You too."
I wave to her and then she pulls out of the driveway and drives away.
I walk back inside and see Owen sitting on the floor in the living room playing with the kids. I smile at them and walk over,
"Mind if I join?" I ask
Owen looks up at me and smiles,
"Of course you can" He moves over to let me sit down and I sit down beside him and we play with the kids.

*A few weeks later*
"Owen you ready?" I yell up the steps to Owen as he is actually coming down.
"Yep I'm ready. Right here" He chuckles and says.
"You get to be able to wear two shoes again. No more boot" I say to him.
He smiles,
"I can't wait. And I want to work again."
"Well you can after this appointment"
I had already taken the kids to school and day care and came back to get Owen to bring him to the hospital.
We drive back to the hospital and go to the ortho wing.
"I haven't been in this hospital for a while" Owen says to me as we are walking around.
"I'm sure people have missed you here" I say to him as we walk into the room with Callie.
"Hey guys!" Callie says to us.
"Hi" we both say as Owen sits on the table.

Owen's POV:
"Ready to get this boot off Hunt?" Callie says to me as I bring my leg up.
"You bet I am. I can't wait to work again."
She takes the boot off my leg and the wraps underneath and looks at it.
"Everything looks good. Don't do any like running around just yet. But you can walk. If it ever starts to hurt be sure to sit down. Alright?"
Callie says to me.
I nod,
"Sounds good. Thank you."
Amelia tosses me my other shoe so I can put it on.
I put it on and stand up.
"Oh that feels weird." I chuckle and say.
Callie laughs,
"You'll get used to it again. Now get back to work. Kepner has been going crazy without you"
I nod and thank Callie again and then walk out with Amelia. I walk down to the ER and get back to work.
It feels great to be back.
Authors Note:
Thank you for reading! I have this idea but I'm not completely sure on it yet. I need your opinion.
Would you guys like if I fast forwarded like 5 or 6 years and explore the life of the hunts when their kids are older.
Would you like that? Or is that a terrible idea? Please let me know!
And if you like the idea and have any ideas to do with that let me know also!
: ) thank you so much!

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