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Amelia's POV:
Major accident in Iraq, One United States solider survivor.
My heart stops as I look at the tv and look around and see everyone looking at the TV and then to me.
"He-He" is all I manage to get out.
April Kepner runs over to me and hugs me.
She calms me down and I look at everyone,
"They called. Said he was honorably discharged..."
April nods and urges me to sit down at the desk. I let my head rest in my hands and sit there for a long time praying that he will be okay and that he is the survivor.
I hear an EMT yell as they run into the hospital with a gurney. I see a flash of red hair as the gurney zooms past. There is also an EMT on top of the gurney trying to keep my husband alive. I quickly stand up and run after everyone going in the direction of Owen.
Bailey sees me and tries pushing me away.
"Let me see him! He's my husband!" I try and get past her and I see people hooking him up to machines and talking about injuries.
"You can't be here. Go Amelia!"
Before I know it Nathan Riggs picks me up and pulls me away into the hall.
"I'll make sure he's okay. Stay here Amelia."
I lean against the wall and let myself slide down it feeling my world crumble around me once again. An EMT comes over to be with blood all over his hands.
I stand up again.
"Can you tell me what happened?"
He looks at me taking off the gloves with my husbands blood,
"There was an explosion which by his injuries is when he got thrown. But also the general told us many victims were shot and Major Hunt in there was also shot but only once and managed to make it to safety to hide is what we are thinking."
"Is everyone else..." I let my sentence trail off hoping he understands what I'm getting it.
He nods and sighs,
"Dead. I don't know what all your husband saw there but I can imagine he will be in pretty bad shape after this event."
I nod slowly and watch him walk away.
Hours after many surgeries and me stressing and walking around the waiting room several doctors including
Nathan, Bailey, Maggie and April come out to me. I look up at them as they walk over to him.
"Is he okay?" I ask worried about their answer.
Nathan answers me,
"He's good. It was really hard but he's a soldier. He fights. He was strong in there."
I nod, "When can I see him?"
Bailey says to me,
"You can go in the room. But he isn't going to be awake right. Maybe in an hour or so."
I nod again.
"I'll take her down." Nathan says as he gestures for me to follow him and walk down.
"Do you think he will talk about it?" I ask him
Nathan shrugs,
"It's hard to say. What he saw and went through is exactly what us soldiers worry about everyday when we are on active duty. We are just gonna have to keep an eye on him when he's getting better to see how he is emotionally."
I nod and stop at the door when we get outside. He looks at me again,
"I'm gonna let you go in by yourself but just know that he went through a lot and he probably doesn't look the way you are used to seeing him. If anything seems wrong page me or get a nurse."
"Alright I will. Thank you Nathan." I give him a quick hug and then walk into the room.
I stand just inside the doorway looking at husband in the bed.
I cover my mouth with my hand as tears start forming in my eyes. I slowly walk over to bed and look down at him.
I've never seen him look so helpless. Cuts on his face, his leg in a cast. I see under his gown bandages around his shoulder and down area. I think to myself that's probably where he was shot. I bring the chair over by the bed and sit down and hold his hand rubbing it with my finger. I put my head down on the bed and sit there holding his hand for god knows how long.

Owen's POV:
I open my eyes slowly and feel the instant pain all over my body. I glance around to realize where I am and look down and see my wife with her hand down on my hand. I move my fingers a bit to let her know I'm awake. I watch her jump up,
"Owen! You're awake!"
My throat is still dry and I try to lift up my arm to point to the water jug and cup beside the bed. She looks in the direction of my finger and than back at me,
"Water?" She asks
I nod my head as best I can without it hurting my head and watch her stand up and pour me a small cup. She helps me drink it and I can feel my throat getting better. I cough once and then look at her,
"Where are the-?"
Amelia steps me before I can finish,
"They are still at school or daycare. Your mom is going to get them and take them home. I don't want them here until you are getting fully better." She says to sitting back down moving the chair closer.
"Everything hurts Mia" I manage to get out.
She nods and I see tears forming,
"I'll be here for you Owen. I'm not leaving. God I missed you so much. I don't know what I would have done if I lost you."
I reach for her hand again and she holds it,
"We are gonna be okay"
She nods and then asks me ,
"Do you remember anything?"
I try to think back,
"There was a bomb or explosion and I got thrown back. I was trying to help but then I had to try and run but then I think I got shot and I fell and I don't remember anything else."
I frown trying to figure out what happened.
"Where are the other guys? Did some of them come here?" I ask.
I watch Amelia's face deepen with sorrow as she looks up at me,
"Owen...No one else made it."
"What do you mean?" I ask trying to sit up but it results in major pain so I slowly go back down.
"No one else survived." I hear a voice say and look up and see Nathan standing there.
I have no clue what to say but just sit there looking at the wall. 
Nathan comes over to me and sits down,
"They died fighting for this country Owen."
"But- But I should have stayed with them. Tried to save them. But instead I went and hid."
Amelia looks at me,
"Owen you did want you should have done. Don't beat yourself up for this"
"No I didn't Amelia!" I slightly raise my voice while saying that.
Nathan stands up quickly and walks over to Amelia.
"Amelia lets go for a walk. Let him be for a few minutes." He says to her talking her arm and leading her out the door. I sigh watching them walk away.

Amelia's POV:
"He never raises his voice at me." I say as I look down walking with Nathan.
"He didn't mean to Amelia. He's going to be a in a really rough place for a while. He will need some time to process everything. I got a call and they are having a funeral service for all the people in the army that died there. I think he should go. Megan and I are going. You could bring Owen"
I nod,
"When is it? Cause he'll have to he out of the hospital to go."
"Three days" Nathan says and I nod,
"I'll let him know. I think he would want to go."
Nathan nods and we keep walking
This question has been going around my head since Owen woke up and I'm dying to ask so I finally get the courage to ask Nathan,
"Is there going to be PTSD?"
Nathan and I stop walking and he looks at me,
"It's hard to say now. Do you want my honest thought?" He asks me
"Yes please honest." I say back to him
I watch him nod,
"Then yeah I think he might suffer from it again. He will probably feel like he didn't do enough and talk about how bad of a person he is and certain noises or sounds might bother him again."
I sigh and look down and go to play with my wedding band but then realize it's still not there.
"Where is your ring?" Nathan asks me looking down also.
"I gave it to Owen when he left. I was so angry at him. I wanted nothing to do with him. I hope he still has it."
"Lets go back and ask." He says as we start walking back to the room. I walk in first and Owen looks up at me,
"I'm sorry for yelling. I don't know what got over me"
"It's okay, I knew you didn't mean it. Can I ask you something?"
He nods
"Do you have my Uhm ring?"
"Yeah of course. It should be in my pocket in my uniform."
I look at Nathan as he picks up Owens uniform from the chair and looks in all the pockets until he pulls it out.
"Wow you got a small finger" Nathan says as he hands it to me.
I laugh and hold up my hand,
"My hands are small and delicate."
I walk over to Owen and put it back on.
I sit back down beside him and hold his hand again. Nathan looks at me and gives me a look and I know that he wants me to tell Owen about funeral.
I nod and look at Owen,
"Owen they are having a funeral service for everyone. Megan and Nathan are going. I think you should go. I'll go with you."
I look at him waiting for his response.
He takes a few minutes obviously thinking about it but then finally nods,
"I'll go if you go with me"
I nod, "of course I will Owen"

*Three Days Later- The Funeral*
Owen's POV:
I wake up in the morning in my own bed and slowly get out of bed. I grab the crutches beside me and go to the bathroom before getting ready.
The kids have been staying with my mom still to make things easier. They know I was in an accident and we FaceTime them everyday but they haven't been home to see me in person.
I go back in the room and see Amelia up now getting out my clothes.
"Thank you" I say coming over
She looks up at me,
"It's about time you start listening and using the crutches." She says to me.
I chuckle and roll my eyes,
"I hate them still"
I sit down on the bed and take off my shirt and put the new one and tie my tie and then I stand back up.
"Putting on pants with a cast is not easy" I say struggling.
Amelia helps me and then hands me the dress pants and I put them on carefully. I get out my army pin that we wear often to funerals for army people and pin it to my suit jacket. I take my crutches and hop down the steps on one leg to wait for Amelia downstairs.
Author's Note:
I don't think this one is as sad but next chapter might so prepare yourself.
Next chapter is going to be the funeral and probably what happens after that.
Thanks for reading : )
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