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Hey guys, I wasn't really sure with how I wanted this story to go, so I skipped forward a bit to when they have kids. Life won't always be easy for the Hunts 😉 But enjoy this journey through their family.

The Hunts:
Addison- 6 years old
Charlotte(Char) - 4 years old
Noah- 3 Years old
Derek- 1 Year old
- The boys names are random but I figured the two girls should have some relation, ps watch private practice if you haven't !! Okay now for the story.

Owen's POV:
I wake up in the morning and stretch carefully not to bump into my wife or the three kids surrounding us all in one bed. I look to my right and see little Derek in the crib and smile as I look at everyone in my family. Amelia starts to stir a bit and I reach my arm over carefully and put my hand through her hair,
"Good morning beautiful" I say as I smile at her.
"Morning" She yawns and stretches.
My wife is not much of a morning person at times, she needs to have her coffee first.
"I was gonna go downstairs and start breakfast"
"Mhm" She mumbles as she rolls back over and cuddles with the kids.
I chuckle softly and get up and walk downstairs to the kitchen.
After I start getting the waffles made and set the table I hear footsteps and I turn around and smile
"Good morning Addie"
I walk over to her and kiss the top of her strawberry blonde wavy hair.
"Is your mom up yet?" I ask as I take the final plate to the table.
"She kind of is." Addison giggles, "We woke her up. She's feeding Derek and then she will be done I think!"
"Alright princess, sit down at the table I'll bring out the food."
She sits down at the table and I walk back in the kitchen and gather up the waffles and take them out to the table and sit down.

Amelia's POV:
I walk downstairs with Derek in one arm Noah in the other with Charlotte following close behind me.
"This two kids are apparently starving! I wonder where they get that from." I laugh as I look to Owen.
"Well that's why I made a lot of waffles." He says as the rest of the family sits down.
"So what's the plan for today!" I say as I start sipping my coffee and eating.
"I was thinking we could just spend the day here since we don't get to do that very often." Owen says while cutting up Noah and Charlottes waffles.
"That works for me" I smile and say.
We all eat our breakfast and talk about what we will be doing on our relaxing day at home.

** Couple hours later **
Owen's POV:
We are all watching the polar express when I hear my phone ring. I reach over Amelia and grab it and answer:
Phone call:
"Hello. Dr. Hunt speaking"
"Hey it's April."
"Oh hey April. What's up?"
"Is it possible for you to come in?"
"I was supposed to be off today. The first time in days Kepner."
"I know Owen. I'm sorry but we are really busy and I can't run the ER with it this busy. We need you."
I sigh and rub my face, "Alright. I'll be there as soon as I can"
*end phone call*
I hang up the phone and let out a groan that causes Amelia to look at me. She says,
"You have to go in?"
I sigh again and nod, "I'm sorry Mia. I didn't plan on going in. I should have been off but we are busy there. That's what April just said."
She shakes her head, "Owen don't apologize. It happens. Go. We will be okay. I understand." She stands up and I get up and hug her.
"You are the most understanding wife ever."
She laughs and punches me playfully in the arm, "Go get dressed Dr. Hunt"
I walk upstairs and change into my scrubs and come back down to see all the kids lined up by the door and Amelia standing at the end.
"It's hug time" Charlotte says as she holds her arms out.
I walk over and pick her up and hug her and kiss her cheek, "I love you Char. I'll be home tonight. Maybe before you guys go to sleep"
I hold her for a bit then put her down and pick up the next in line, Addison.
"Daddy I don't want you to go" She sniffles and hurries her head in my shoulder. Addison has always been a daddy's girl and I love it about her.
"Baby I'll be home as soon as I can. I promise." I smile and hug her again then put her down.
Next I pick up Noah
"Little man daddy has to go to work. But when I get home how about we play with those cars grandma bought you last week?" he nods very fast and says, "pwease daddy!"
"We will buddy" I smile and say as I put him back down.
Lastly is of course Amelia and she is holding baby Derek. I kiss the top of Derek's head and she puts him down in the downstairs crib and looks at me.
I wrap my arms around her waist and she puts her head on my shoulder.
"I hate when you go to work and I stay here." She says while talking into my shirt
"I'll try and get home fast. If I'm gonna be late I'll text you though."
She nods and lifts her head off my shoulder to kiss me.
"I love you" I say after I kiss her. She says it back and I let her go and put on my jacket.
"I'll see you all when I get home later. Have a good day with mommy" I grab my keys and wave one last time then head out to the car and get in and drive to the hospital to start the shift.

Amelia's POV:
It's 10 PM and Owen still isn't home and I still haven't gotten a text from saying when he will be home. I start dozing off when I hear my phone start to ring. The number is one I don't recognize but I answer it anyways
Phone call:
A: Hello?
Megan Hunt: Hi uhm is this Amelia Shepherd?
A: Yes it is. Can I ask who this is?
M: Uhm my name is Megan.
I sit there for a second trying to think if I know anybody by the name of Megan and then I remember that Owens sister name was Megan.
A: *clears throat* Megan who?
M: *pauses for a bit* Megan-- Hunt.
I gasp.
A: What?!

Authors note:
Hey guys! Yeah I know I know cliffhanger!! The next part I plan on typing out once I get some free time. I know how I want things to go so it shouldn't be long!

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