The Funeral

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Owen's POV:
"Come on Amelia. We don't have all day" I yell up the steps to my wife who is taking forever as always to get ready. I lean against the wall and wait for her she finally comes down and grabs the car keys.
"I hate not being able to drive" I say to her as we go out to the car. I get in and put my crutches in the back.
Amelia drives us to the cemetery and I get out and see lots of people there. I get out of the car and Amelia grabs my crutches for me and hands them to me.
Megan and Nathan walk over to us.
"How you feeling big bro?" She asks me hugging me.
"Getting better. One day at a time right?" I smile a bit.
We go over to everyone else. Everyone's eyes go to me when I get over there.
I look down and I feel Amelia put her hand on my back as we go to sit down on empty chairs, Megan and Nathan sitting with us.
They have a long memorial service and then they ask if anyone would like to say a few words.
"This is the time to make things right" I saw to myself as I raise my hand.
I stand up with my crutches and move to the front with the stand by the caskets.
"Hi everyone. I'm Owen Hunt, Major Hunt. Most of you are probably families of the soldiers that lost their lives fighting." I see everyone turn their attention to me. I look back at Amelia seeing her look nervous.
"I never thought I would witness that many people that I knew in front of me. But I can say for everyone that they fought. I did everything I could to save them but I also had to save myself." I take a deep breath and quickly look down then back up.
"As you can see I got injuries also but not nearly as bad. I had to save myself not because I'm selfish. I have a family, a wife. 5 kids. Yes five. And I'm sure many of these men also had wives and kids and I'm deeply sorry for those of you. I will forever wish I did more to save everyone and my thoughts are with everyone right now. Thank you." I step away from the podium and salute to the flag and then to my surprise everyone stands up. I make my way back down to my seat and receive pats on the back from everyone.
"That was great Owen"
Amelia says as she hugs me.
"Thank you" We start talking to more people.
A thousand people ask me how I'm doing and to everyone I just nod and say I'm doing okay.
Hours later we get back home and I go inside with Amelia and sit down on the couch putting my leg up.
"Can I talk to you about it?" I ask looking down at my lap.
Amelia comes over and sits beside me,
"Of course you can. I didn't want to force you but yeah I'm here Owen"
She says to me as she puts her hand on my shoulder.
"All I really remember is the sound of the explosion and I got thrown backwards and then I was coming back to consciousness and I heard gun shots and watched everyone around me fall to the ground. I quickly tried to get up and ended up getting shot in the shoulder" I say as I point to my shoulder with the wrapping still over it also.
"After that I just ran as fast I could. My leg was killing me which obviously turned out to be broken but then I was able to hide." I pause and look down again and say quietly,
"And that is the story of how I'm selfish and let everyone die"
"Oh Owen. We all love you here. We are so glad you are here with us. I'm so glad." She puts her hand on my cheek and I place my hand on top of hers.
"I don't know what I would do if I lost you. I wouldn't able to go on Owen. You are part of me. You keep me going in the right direction. You keep me stable. You keep this family stable."
I lean in and kiss her. This is the first time we've kissed since I left and got home. I pull her closer and kiss her again.
I hold her hand and spin her ring around,
"I'm so glad to see this back on you inside of in my pocket for months."
She smiles at me,
"I'm glad to have it back on. I overreacted before and I'm still sorry about that"
"I know you're sorry. I forgive you. Stop apologizing now."
I smile at her and she nods.
"I think the kids should come home today." I say to her leaning back into the couch.
"Are you sure?"
I nod,
"Yeah I miss them"
Amelia smiles,
"Alright. I'll FaceTime your mom now"
She takes out her phone and we call my mom.
Addison answers the phone.
"Hi Addie" I say to her
"Hi guys! We just got done playing a board game"
Amelia and I both smile at her. Amelia talks next,
"Do you guys want to come home today?"
Addie nods with excitement,
"I miss you guys. And my bed!"
I laugh,
"Tell grandma she can bring you guys home. We will talk to you soon."
Addie nods and smiles and then we hang up.
Amelia puts her phone back down and we watch one of the Harry Potter movies while we wait for our kids to be home.
"We are home!" I hear Noah yell as the door comes open and kids start coming in.
"Goodbye quiet house" I whisper to Amelia and we both laugh as the kids come to the living room.
"Daddy you have a cast!"
Noah says as he comes over and sits beside me.
I nod,
"I do. I hurt my leg. But I'm okay" I smile at him and give him a hug,
"I missed you buddy"
"I missed you too daddy"
The rest of the kids come over and hug me and Amelia and then my mom hands Olivia to me. I hold her looking down at her smiling.

Amelia's POV:
It's a few days later and the kids have settled back in and things are pretty much normal again. Owen has been improving. He doesn't have to use the crutches anymore just walk with the walking boot. I get up out of bed one morning and walk downstairs to see the kids already at the table. I'm confused and look into the kitchen and see my mom standing there making breakfast.
"Mom?" I say to her as she turns around and smiles.
"Hi Amy!"
"Amelia." I say as I walk over to the counter.
"Right sorry baby"
I try not to roll my eyes but smile and hug her slightly.
"Why are you here mom?"
"I wanted to visit you guys. Meet the kids. Talk to you."
I nod a little,
"Well it seems you've already met the kids."
I walk into the dining room with her following me with more food as she puts in down on the table and urges me to sit down.
I sit down and point to each kid,
"Addison, Charlotte, Noah, Derek and Owen will bring down Olivia when he comes down."
My mom smiles at them and sits down also.
This is strange. My mom actually wants to be apart of my life now. I'm not complaining. I've missed her a lot and I want the kids to get to know her this is just really random. I'm thrown out of my thoughts when I feel Owen put a hand on my shoulder.
"Good morning" I feel a kiss on my cheek and look to him.
"Good morning. My moms here" I say looking up to him as he sets Olivia in a highchair between us.
"Hi Carolyn." Owen smiles and hugs her.
"Haven't seen you in a long time Owen." She says to him smiling and hugging him back.
Owen nods,
"It has been a while. Good to see you."
He starts eating and we all continue eating.
The next few days are certainly interesting with my mom in town with us.
Authors Note:
Hey guys! Thank you for reading. I have been sick and really didn't have the motivation to do anything but I'm starting to feel better so I got this update out for you. It's kinda short so sorry about that! But let me know again what you thought of this chapter and what you want to see happen next.
I have an idea of what I want to happen but I love getting different ideas and building off of ideas you give me!

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