Gender Revealed!

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Owen's POV:
I wake up in the morning and see a note beside me. I sit up and rub my eyes then pick up the note.
Owen, You looked so peaceful sleeping I didn't want to wake you. I took the kids to school and by the time you are reading this I'll be at work. Ultrasound appointment is today at 12. I'll see you then. I love you and before you text me and ask, I did eat breakfast.
- Amelia
I smile at the note and set it on the dresser when I get out of bed. I don't have to be at work for another hour. I take my time getting ready and find something to eat before I go. I also couldn't leave the house without playing with our pup Max. I take him out in the back yard and play with them until I have to go. I let him back inside and then head out to my car. I drive to work and on my way there I get a phone call. I stop at a red light and glance down at my phone and see its Megan and answer it.
"Owen can you talk?"
"I'm kind of driving. I'm going to work"
"It's an emergency"
"Meg what is it? Are you okay? Where are you?"
"I-I can't find my one army sweatshirt and I was wondering if it's at your house. You know it's getting a little cold these days and I need it"
"Megan! I thought something was seriously wrong!"
"Uhm yeah there is. I want my sweatshirt"
I roll my eyes glad she can't see through the phone,
"I'll look for it later. Now I have to go. I'm not the type of person to talk on the phone while driving."
"Okay grumpy pants bye"
I hang up the phone and shake my head. Sisters can be such a pain. I get to the hospital a few minutes later and park beside Amelia's car and walk in. I walk into the ER and April sees me and runs to me,
"The Chief wants to talk to you!"
I look at her, "Whys that?"
"Not sure she just told me to tell you when you get here to go to her office."
I nod, "Thank you. I'll go see her."
I walk away and start going to Baileys office. I sigh wondering what's wrong now. Being the head of trauma can be a struggle and I've spent my fair amount time in her office talking through stuff. I knock on her door and get a come in so I open the door and walk in.
"Dr. Bailey you wanted to speak with me?" I say as I shut the door behind me.
"Yes sit down Hunt" she motions to the chair in front of her desk and I sit down.
"I've been doing a lot of thinking Owen"
"Oh yeah?" I ask still confused.
"I would like to ask you if, you would take the job as chief of surgery"
My mouth hangs open and I can't find the words to say.
"I-I-Uhm..are you sure? Me?"
She nods, "You are the person for the job. You've done it before and if I remember correctly you were amazing. So what do you say? The board already is okay with it I talked to them this morning."
I think for a few minutes.
"I'll do it." I take a deep breath and say.
"But I have to talk to Amelia first. I'll go ask her now and then text you" I add.
She nods, "Sounds good Owen. Thank you"
"No thank you" I smile and say as I stand up. "I'll let you know what she says" I walk out of the office and text Amelia:
Hey, Are you busy? I want to talk about something before the appointment
She answers within a few minutes with:
No I'm not, I'm in the attendings lounge it's just me here right now. You can come
I put my phone in my pocket and walk to the attendings lounge and see her laying on the couch with her feet propped up. I walk over and sit down and lift her legs up and put them on my lap.
"Long morning?" I ask her
She nods and rubs her head, "I'm tired"
"I need your opinion on something" I say kinda nervous with how she will react. I was chief long before I met her and then I stepped down to focus on trauma and when I went to the army again.
"I'm listening" She says as she looks at me.
"Bailey asked me to be chief of surgery" I say quickly trying to get to the point.
"Owen!" She sits up and looks at me, "You have to take it! That's amazing!"
I smile and hold her hands and pull her onto my lap.
"You are okay with it?" I ask her to be sure
She smiles and puts her arms around my neck and kisses me. "Of course I am"
I kiss her back and take out my phone and text Bailey to tell her.
I slip my hand onto Amelia's stomach, "Are you ready to go see what baby #5 is?"
She smiles and nods, "But then I want to go home and take a nap"
I laugh and nod, "You can do that"
She gets off my lap and we both stand up and walk to the peds  floor.

Complicated Love Story(Omelia, Grey's Anatomy)Where stories live. Discover now