"You want a child with me?"

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Owen's POV:
*6 months since accident*
I'm finally recovered. I didn't think it was going to be possible but everything is healed. My hand went through a lot but it's perfect thanks to Jackson. I thank him every time I see him. And as of now Amelia and I are closer than we've ever been before. Our relationship is perfect and I can't imagine myself with anyone else.
"Dr. Hunt?"
I turn and look at the nurse "Yeah?"
"Dr. Shepherd told me to let you know she went home cause she wasn't feeling well."
I frown at the thought of Amelia being sick, "Okay thank you for letting me know"
She nods and walks away and I pull out my phone and call Amelia.
"Hey Are you okay?" I ask into the phone.
Her voice sounds weak, "I've spent the last 15 minutes throwing up but yeah I'm good"
"I'll come home Amelia"
"No don't Owen, I'll be fine until you get off work."
"Alright if you insist. Don't forget to stay hydrated and call me if you need anything. I love you"
"I love you too Owen, I'll see you later"
"Bye" I half smile and hang up the phone. She's just sick I tell myself, nothing to worry about.

Amelia's POV:
I pull myself up off the bathroom floor and look in the mirror. I look like a zombie. I brush my teeth to get the taste of throw up out of my mouth and grab a blanket fro, our bedroom and go downstairs. I grab a water bottle from the fridge and sit down on the couch with it. I drink some and sit it on the coffe table. I curl up in the blanket and lay back on the couch. It takes me a while but I slowly drift off to sleep. I wake up a couple hours later when I hear Owen come in. I sit up and look over the couch, "Welcome home". He takes off his jacket and walks over.
"Hey I didn't mean to wake you. I'm sorry"
"It's okay Baby, can you come lay with me"
He smiles and sits down beside me, "It would be my pleasure. " he puts his arm around me and pulls me practically on his lap. I interlock my hand with his and lay my head on his shoulder. "I missed you" I say with my head on his neck. He kisses the top of my head and runs his hand through my hair, "I'm here now"
"Are you feeling any better?" He asks with a slight sound of worry in his voice.
I nod and look up at him, "Don't worry Owen. I'm okay. It's just a stomach bug. I'm staying hydrated." I say as I point to the water bottle on the coffee table.
He nods and says, "Okay I just want to make sure. I Know I worry a lot but that's just because I love you so much and never want anything to happen to you. "
I grin and blush while looking at him. "You are so sweet. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend and best friend" I kiss his cheek. He smiles and rubs my back. We sit in silence for a bit enjoying the warm presence of each other until a thought comes in my head. We've been having sex. And I'm suddenly sick and throwing up. I sit up straight and cause Owen to jump from my sudden movement. I put my hands over my face when a rush of fear comes over me. Owen puts his hand on my shoulder, "Amy what's wrong. You look scared" I slowly lift my head and look at him.
"Owen what if I'm pregnant?" My voice cracks when I say the word pregnant out loud. He looks at me completely shocked and says, "We could handle that" He says softly.
"The last time I had a baby he didn't have a brain!" I sigh. He puts his arms around me and pulls me back to him. "Amelia listen to me. If you are pregnant, we will have that baby. I know you are still scared because of what happened to your baby the last time. But that will not happen again." I look at him, "You want a child with me?" He nods and smiles a bit. "I do actually" I smile at him and kiss him. He kisses me back and we hug.
"I'll take a test at the hospital tomorrow"

*the next day*

I walk into the bathroom at the hospital and drag Meredith with me. "Mere I'm scared" she puts her hands on my shoulders and says, "You would make an amazing mom. You are so great with my kids and they love you so much." I take a deep breath and nod. I take the test in the stall with Me and do it. A few minutes later I come out and sit it on the counter. I look away and wait for it to tell me the results. "Amelia it's time to look" I shake my head, "I can't. You do it"
"No it's not my pregnancy test!"
I take a deep breath and turn back and look at the stick. I see the result and lean against the wall and put my hand over my mouth.

Authors note
Hey guys thanks for reading! I know this part wasn't the longest but it was an important one. Please comment below what you think and any ideas you might have. Do you want Amelia to be pregnant?
Stay tuned for another update!

Ps: I'm going to start putting Owen and Amelia pictures at the beginning of the story. Hope you like themmmmm

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