Perfect #5

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((Two updates in one day! Sorry I like to do this story! 😂😂))

Owen's POV:
I walk into the ER, on time. Every since our first day we have been getting here on time as we go back into our normal routine so we don't have a hectic day again. I talk to April about my sister getting her job here. It's still in the midst of all the paperwork phase. She will be coming in later today to do some of it. Amelia and I have been waiting to tell everyone about the pregnancy until after our first appointment which is in fact today at 12:30. I fill out some charts in the morning and then April and I work on a case together for the rest of the morning.
Around 12 I walk down to the surgical floor and ask a nurse where Amelia is and then walk to her office to see her. I knock on the door and I hear her say "Come in"
I open the door and walk in and she looks up and smiles at me.
"Hey" I say I walking over to her desk.
"Hi, How was your morning?" She asks me as I pull over a chair and sit beside her.
"Pretty good, just did some charting and worked on a case with April. How about yours?"
I look at her and tilt my head and smile.
"I've just been in here doing paperwork. Head of Neuro sucks sometimes" She chuckles and puts her pen down.
I nod, "I believe it. Anything I can do to help?"
She grins a little, "Wellll I could use a shoulder massage"
"Oh come here." I laugh and say. She comes over to me and sits on my lap and I start massaging her shoulders.
"How are you so good at this" She asks me as I keep doing it.
I laugh and shrug,
"It's not that hard to do"
I move my hands down her back and massage her low back.
"You're gonna be doing that a lot when I start getting bigger. Cause my back always kills me."
"Oh I know it does. Did you forget I've done this with you four times already?"
She laughs, "Yeah I guess I did forget"
I look at my phone for the time,
"We should go. Arizona is a busy person"
She gets off my lap and I stand up.
"How are we telling everyone after?"
"You know how everyone has IPads?"
She nods as we walk out of her office.
"what if go talk to Bailey and ask if she can put a message to everyone's iPads saying we are having another kid?"
She laughs and smiles,
"That's an interesting way to tell them. Better than telling everyone individually too. Let's do that"
I nod,
"Yep we can go to her office after we are done."
"Sounds good" she says as we step into the elevator and go to the maternity section.
Arizona sees us and takes us in a room.
"You guys ready?"
We both nod and Amelia gets on the bed. She lifts up her shirt and starts putting the gel on herself.
"Amelia are you the doctor here?" I laugh and say.
"No I've just done this so many times I can do it myself" She laughs and leans back after doing it.
Arizona looks at both of us,
"You are telling everyone after this right? Cause I'm terrible at keeping secrets."
"We know we know and yes we are."
"Alright good" She smiles and gets out the machine thing and moves it across Amelia's stomach.
She points to the screen,
"There you go. Perfect #5"
I smile at Amelia and she asks,
"How far along do you think I am?"
"Probably about a month. Not far"
We both nod.
"Would you like the picture?"
"Yes" we both say at the same time.
She gets the picture for us and hands it to Amelia.
"Congratulations guys"
We say thank you and wipe the gel of Amelia's stomach and then head out of the room and walk to Baileys office.

Amelia's POV:
"You're pregnant?!" Bailey says to me after we tell her the news.
I laugh and smile,
"Yeah I am"
"Congratulations both of you!!" She smiles and hugs both of us.
"Thank you" We both say.
"Do you think you could help us with something Bailey?" Owen asks her.
"Of course anything"
"Can we do an announcement over the iPads?"
"Sure just type it here and I'll send it to everyone in the hospital."
She hands me her IPad and I start typing. Owen and I decide to put,
Special Announcement: We are having another baby!....yes another! - Owen and Amelia Hunt.
We snap a quick picture of us and put it there too and then hand it back to Bailey and she sends the picture and the message to everyone in the hospital.
"Thank you Bailey!" I say as we walk out of her office. We see everyone looking down at their iPads and we both laugh. We decide to go down to the ER so Owen get some charts to update and then we are going back to my office. We start walking like nothing happened and people start congratulating us. We smile at them and thank them and keep walking. We get to the ER and Kepner runs to Owen and hugs him and then hugs me.
"If you ever need a babysitter call me!!" She says excitedly. "That's so many kids and I love kids so I'll watch them anytime!"
I laugh and nod,
"If we need one we will let you know April"
Owen grabs charts and Nathan walks up to him and pats his shoulder.
"Congrats Owen. I knew Meg was hiding something from me but she said she wouldn't tell"
Owen and I both laugh and he thanks him.
"You and Megan better start your family soon. Evelyn needs some other grandkids besides mine and Owens!"
They both laugh and shrug.
Owen looks at Nathan and says,
"I'll allow you to have one or two kids with my little sister"
"Oh gee thank you" Nathan says sarcastically and laughs.
I laugh, "We will see you later Nathan." I say as Owen and I walk back to my office.
After a few more hours it's time to go home and we go get the kids from daycare/school and then head home. After we get everyone in the car we are on the way home.
"My friend is coming over at 4" Addie says as soon as she gets in.
"Jack?" I smile and ask. She says yes and I look over to Owen in the drivers seat and see him tense up. I reach over and put my hand on his leg.
"Relax Major Hunt."
He laughs and nods,
"I am I am"
"Daddy guess what!" Noah says excitedly.
"What buddy?" Owen replies as he glances into the rear view mirror to see Noah in the back.
"I played with a fire truck at school today!"
"That's awesome! Did you like the fire truck?" Owen smiles and asks.
Noah says,
"Yes! I want one!"
I chuckle and smile,
"You can tell Santa Claus in a few months!"
"I will" Noah says as we pull into the driveway. Owen gets the girls and I take out Derek and Noah and we go inside. We walk in and let the kids play in the living room.

Owen's POV:
At 4 Jack comes over. His dad knocks on the door and I walk over and answer it.
"Hey you must be jacks dad" I say
"Yep I'm Drake" He puts his hand out and I shake his head.
"I'm Owen. Nice to meet you. My wife Amelia is right here. Mia come here for a sec!"
Amelia walks over and smiles, "It's nice to meet you! I'm Amelia" She shakes his head too and we discuss that Drake will pick up Jack around 5:30. I take Jack into the living room.
"Addie your friend is here" She runs over and hugs him.
I look down at them and smile a little. I look at Amelia and see her smiling.
"You guys can play in here. We will get a snack for you."
"Okay daddy" Addie says as they walk back into the living room.
Amelia and I walk into the kitchen.
"He's adorable" Amelia says as she opens up the fridge to get juice boxes.
I shrug, "He's alright"
Amelia looks at me,
"Owen she's 6 years old. Don't get all flustered about this. It's not like they are going out on dates and prom"
I sigh and nod,
"I know I know. It just seems like she's growing up now. And girls always just drift more and more away from their dads the older they get and I'm not ready for that to happen"
Amelia walks over to me and puts her hand on my face,
"She will always love you no matter what Owen. Your her dad. And we can't stop our kids from growing up."
I put my hand in her hair and run my hand through it and nod,
"You're right. I'll make them sandwiches."
I start making sandwiches for all of them and then take them out to the table.
"Okay all you kids to the table!" Amelia says to them in the living room. She hands out the juice boxes as they all sit down. Jack and Addison talk the whole time about school and different toys and I smile and lean against the wall and watch them.
Later, Jacks dad comes to pick him up and him and Addie hug goodbye again and then he leaves. We all eat dinner and then send these crazy kids up to bed. Amelia and I have had this whole bedtime routine thing down for ages. She takes the girls and makes sure they brush their teeth and give them the bath and everything. And then I take the boys and make sure they are good and then they all get in bed. Lastly Amelia and I go into their bedrooms. Addie and Char sharing with their bunk beds. Then Noah And Derek sharing in the other bedroom. We say goodnight sometimes read a story and then Amelia and I go to our bedroom.
Amelia and I are laying in bed and it's just about 8:30 when our door opens and Megan walks in.
"I got the job!" Megan says as she stands in the doorway.
"We knew you would Meg" I chuckle and get out of bed and hug her anyways.
"I know I know but I'm still happy about it."
"Glad to have you on team trauma little sis"
"Also I have something else to tell you."
"What's that?" I ask her stepping back to look at her.
"Nathan asked me to move in with him. And before you yell at me saying we are moving too fast again let me say something, you have another baby coming and this house is gonna be bananas and I'll still come and help if you need me of course but without me here then you don't have to worry about me"
I smile at her.
"Are you mad? Is that a I'm trying to yell at you so I'm just smiling smile?"
I shake my head,
"I'm not mad Megan. Amelia and I jumped into things too. I've been thinking and I think Nathan is right for you. I trust him with you."
She smiles and hugs me again,
"Your the best brother ever"
I smile and chuckle, "Yeah I would consider myself pretty good. Now go get some sleep. You have work tomorrow Dr Hunt. Oh that'll be confusing. Three hunts now"
Amelia, Megan and I all laugh and then we say goodnight to her and then she goes down to her room and I climb back in bed with Amelia.
"Your sister is great"
I laugh and nod, "She's a handful"
We talk for a bit more and then we both decide to go to sleep.
Thanks for reading this chapter! Nothing too exciting happened which is why I want your opinion on something! I was thinking of skipping a bit to Christmas cause I think that would be fun to do! Would you guys like that? Of course Amelia would still be pregnant I'll probably make her like 4 or 5 months pregnant. But let me know if you would like that.

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