Christmas Day

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Amelia's POV:
"And will our kids be okay?"
"Our kids will be perfect" I smile at my soon to be husband as I kiss him. We just found out about me being pregnant. I have to admit I am scared to death. We talked about it. My fears. My worries. He says I have nothing to be worried about and I fully trust him. Our wedding is going to be soon. Our quick wedding that we literally just decided on and told people. It's a quick decision but I think it will end up being the best decision I've ever made. We didn't plan to have a baby this earlier but hey whatever happens.
He wraps his arms around me and starts kissing me
"Mommy, Daddy! Come on its Christmas!!" I wake up to four kids with their faces very close to Owen and I's. I sit up and rub my face and kiss Owen to wake him up.
"Come on O, it's Christmas!" I chuckle and try to fix his messy hair when he sits up. He gets out of bed and stretches and I get out and look at my stomach.
"I swear it gets bigger everyday." I groan go over to the steps with the kids and Owen. Owen and I go down first so we can see their reaction when they come down.
"Alright guys you can come!"
I say up the store and down they come going straight to the tree.
Owen walks over to them and sits behind them. They all sit down and start opening them. I sit down beside Owen and he brings me into his lap and wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek.
"Merry Christmas Mia"
I smile "Merry Christmas Owen"
I lean back into him and we watch the kids open presents. I take pictures of them and smile big at their reactions. Noah isn't even opening all his presents and he comes over to Owen and hands him a box of Legos.
"Open please"
"Buddy why don't you open the rest of your presents before we start playing with stuff. We will play later I promise!"
He nods "Okay!" He sets down his Legos and walks back to the tree and keeps opening them. Noah gets lots of Legos and different train sets and of course a mini fire truck to play with. Addie and Charlotte got new dolls and a doll house. Also toys that they asked for. Little Derek got some more toys that he can play with and also a shirt that says big brother since he was so excited about it. We hand the kids their stockings too and they take the stuff out of there too. After they help clean up the rest of the wrapping paper Addie comes over to me and whispers in my ear,
"Can we give daddy his present yet?"
I smile and nod, "if you want to"
They all disappear into the guest bedroom downstairs since Megan has moved in with Nathan and come back carrying a big wrapped box. They all carry it together and I snap a quick picture of it and they carry it over to Owen who looks confused.
"Merry Christmas daddy" they say to him.
I look at him, "It's from me. They helped wrap it though. They did a pretty good job! Go ahead open it"
Owen takes the box from them and starts to open the paper. He takes off a bit of the paper and notices what it is and looks up at me in surprise,
"Amelia you didn't."
I chuckle, "Oh I did"
He finishes taking off the wrapping paper and opens up the box and takes out the new guitar in it.
"You've been talking about how much you missed playing and that you missed the guitar. So I thought why not get you a new one"
I say to him smiling.
He lifts it out of the box and starts strumming it a bit.
"It's perfect. Thank you"
"You're welcome"
"Well are you gonna play us a song?" Addie asks as she looks at Owen.
He laughs and shrugs, "What do you want me to play?"
"A Christmas song duh" Charlotte says.
"I can play we wish you a Merry Christmas on here. I haven't done in a while though" Owen says.
"Try it" I smile at him and say.
"Do I have to sing too?"
"Yes!" I say. "You are great singer"
"Oh fine"
He starts strumming a bit to get the feel for the song and then he starts playing we wish you a merry Christmas and sings it too.
I watch him smiling and see a big smile on his face and on our kids face watching him. He finishes the song and the kids and I start clapping.
"Oh stop stop" He says as he takes the guitar and leans it up against the wall.
I smile and stand up, "Who is ready for breakfast"
"Me!" The kids say.
Owen says, "You guys can stay in here and talk about what you all got when mommy and I make breakfast"
Owen and I walk in the kitchen and he looks at me,
"What would you like for breakfast?"
I shrug, "You know I'll pretty much eat anything. But lately bacon has been making me nauseous so maybe not that"
"How about scrambled eggs and your waffles" he asks.
I nod "oh yeah that sounds great. You do the eggs I'll of course make the waffles"
He chuckles and gets eggs out of fridge and starts making scrambled eggs for everyone.
"Oh and Amelia?"
"Yeah?" I look up at him.
"I got you a few presents. Megan is bringing one of them. And I have the rest upstairs. I'll give them to you later"
I smile, "Why is she bringing it?"
"Because it's been at her house so you wouldn't see it"
I walk over to him and stand on my tip toes and kiss him. He puts his hands on my back and lifts me up a bit to make it easier. We both smile into the kiss and then pull back but still saying close to each other. I lean my forehead against his and say,
"I love Christmas with you."
He smiles and kisses me again, "I love it with you too"
"I had a dream last night" I tell him still smiling.
"Oh really? What was it about?"
"What happened in it?"
"We were talking about our kids and it was just after Addison was born. And I was remembering how great you were with her and how I knew you would be a good dad."
He smiles bigger, "sounds like a good dream to me"
"Annnddddd at the end you got on top of me and starting kissing me but then the kids woke us up this morning" My face turns into a frown as I say that.
He laughs and puts me down, "That part is probably those pregnancy hormones of yours"
I nod, "They suck Owen. Like right now all I can think about is taking your shirt off and making out with you but I can't do that."
He laughs again and turns back to the stove, "maybe later" He says and I smile again and reply, "Oh please. I'll beg you" We both laugh and go back to cooking breakfast.
After we finish cooking we call the kids out to the table and we all sit down and start eating. The kids talk about how much they love their presents and Owen decided to sit across from me and he keeps running his leg across mine. If he teases all day I'm not going to be able to make it through the day. When he starts to play with my leg again and I lift my leg up and kick him and he looks up at me and chuckles.

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