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Owen's POV:
I hold onto my phone all night and sit up in the morning. I check my phone again and see if I have any messages from Amelia but still nothing.
I check the time and get off the couch. Megan is in the kitchen and I walk in.
"Did you hear anything from Amelia?" She asks me.
I shake my head and sigh,
"Nope. And I have to leave for the airport in an hour." I add as I sit down on the chair in the kitchen.
"Well I'll make you something to eat." She says to me as she goes to the fridge.
I nod, "Thank you Meg"

Amelia's POV:
"Thank you Meredith. I need to go." I yell as I run out of the house. Owen is most likely at his sisters. I need to get there before they go to the airport.
I drive as fast as I can while still going the speed limit. I get there quickly and jump out of the car and run to the door and knock.
Megan answers the door,
"Amelia. Hi"
"Is he here?" I say
Owen comes from behind Megan holding a plate with scrambled eggs, his favorite.
I look at him,
"Hi" I say quietly.
He puts the plate down and Megan moves over to let him come to me.
"You came" He says looking at me.
I nod.
"I just wanted to see you before you left." I say looking back down.
"Can you just look at me. Please" He says sighing.
I quickly look up at him,
"I don't want to look into your eyes because I don't want you to see all the pain you are putting me through."
I look back away and step back out the door,
"I should just go. I don't know why I even came."
"Amelia. I love you so much" He pleads to me.
"I-" I pause before continuing. Thinking about what I want to say.
"I'll see you when you get back I guess." I say quietly. I feel my heart break inside of me when I walk back to the car.
"Goodbye Owen." I say as I get in.

Owen'a POV:
Once Amelia is out of the driveway I turn back around to Megan.
"she couldn't even say I love you back. It's over Megan. That was probably the last time I'll ever see my wife. As my wife."
"Owen please don't say that. I don't want you to go through that."
I sigh and pick up my bag,
"We have to go to the airport." I walk outside to her car and get in. I sit in the car and play with Amelia's wedding band the whole ride there.
I hug Megan one more time before turning away and walking to my flight. I give the flight attendant my ticket and then I'm seated on the plane. I look out the window watching us lift off and take off. Now I've got to put my family behind me for a little bit and defend our country.

Amelia's POV:
I drove back home in tears and walked in the house still with tears. Meredith comes over to me and hugs me.
"Did you talk to him?" She asks me as she takes me to the living room.
I shake my head,
"Not really. It would have hurt me even more. He is leaving well by now he's already left and there was nothing I could do about it."
"Are you mad or upset?" She asks me.
I sigh, "Both."
Meredith pats my back,
"Spend some time with your kids. They will make you feel better."
I nod and call the kids down.
Meredith leaves and the kids all sit with me on the couch and we watch movies and cuddle for the rest of the day.

Owen's POV:
I walk onto base in my uniform that I changed into when the flight landed. I look around and the place and can't help but sigh. I would do anything to be with my family right now. But this is my duty as a soldier. I walk over to my platoon and put my bag down. It's not long after I settled down before I hear the sergeant barking orders. I come back out of the tent and get to work.

Amelia's POV:
**Next day**
I wake up in the morning and look over to Owens side of the bed. Maybe I thought he would magically appear over night and we could solve our problems but to my disappointment he did not. I sit up and look down at my hand.
I have a tan line on my finger from where my wedding band is supposed to be. I sigh looking at it then put my head in my hands and run my hands through my hair. I stand up and glance down to the floor and still the picture of Owen and I at our wedding that I threw on the floor. Glass frame and all. I bend down and pick up the pieces of glass and throw them away. I stand in the middle of my room holding the picture when Addison walks in,
"Mommy" she says quietly not wanting to bother me.
I look up,
"Hi sweetie, what do you need?"
She comes over to me and looks at the picture,
"Are we not gonna see daddy again?"
"What do you mean?" I ask her looking for some more information
"Are you getting a divorce? Noah told me to ask you. He's scared about it" She says looking at me for some type of answer.
I put the picture down on the bed and sit down.
"Come here"
I say to Addison as she comes over and sits beside me.
"Daddy and I are fighting I guess you could say. I'm mad that he left us again but I've been thinking about it"
"And?" She asks me anxious to know more about her parents breaking relationship.
"He doesn't ever want to leave us Addie. Being a solider is also his job. And sometimes that has to come before us and I don't really like it but it's the truth. I might have been a little hard on him."
Addie nods at me like she understands completely everything going on. Addison is 6 so she has a pretty good understanding on things but I don't think she gets the major stuff fully.
I hug her,
"But you kids shouldn't worry about it. Me and daddy should and we will when he gets back." She hugs me back,
"But we miss him mommy"
"I know you do, I know" I sigh and quickly just want to change the subject.
"Come on we have to go eat breakfast before we have to leave. "
I walk downstairs with her and start making breakfast.
To try and cheer the kids up I make waffles and put some chocolate chips in there too. I call the rest of the kids down and they go to the table and I take the waffles out and set them on the table.
"Chocolate chip waffles" I say.
I look at their responses on their faces and see black expressions as they start to eat.
I sigh,
"I know you guys are upset but I'm going to try my hardest to keep things under control. I know you miss your dad but we will be okay"
I try to smile at them but Charlotte, Addison and Noah just keep eating not talking. And Derek just follows along with them.
4 months later...
Things have still been the same around here. Charlotte and Addison have gotten better. Talking and everything. But they all still miss their dad. And I am starting to miss him more and more. I've realized I need him here with me. Life is so much harder without him. He keeps me balanced. He is the person that makes sure I don't have a mental breakdown everyday. I sigh as I stand at the hospital desk looking at charts. I rub my head and try to focus on the charts again. But the hospital phone rings at the desk and a nurse answers it,
"Amelia it's for you"
I walk over behind the desk and take the phone. I had forgotten my cellphone at home because we were running late this morning and I just wanted to make sure everywhere got to where they needed to be on time.
I answer the phone,
"Is this Amelia Shepherd Hunt?" A males voice says back to me.
"Yes it is. Who is this?"
"Your husband, Major Owen Hunt, was in an accident. He is being transported back to Seattle as we speak. He has been honorably discharged."
"Thank you for calling" is all I can say before I hang up and run to the TV in the waiting room.
Headline on the news:
Major accident in Iraq, one United States soldier survivor.
Authors Note:
So sorry to do that to you, but I mean duh suspense!
Thanks for reading!

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