Family Ruiner

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Two updates in one day- Whoops 😉 but I doubt you guys mind

Quick Timeline- This is set about maybe 6 months after Olivia has been born.

Owen's POV:
I sit in my chief office staring at the paperwork in front of me. Bailey sits in front of me explaining all I have to do to give the job back to her.
"You are really doing this again?" She asks me.
In my head it feels like my whole world has stopped again. I can't talk. My breathing is trapped inside of me and I don't know what to say.
I look up at her quickly,
"What?" I say coldly.
"You are really doing this again? Leaving your family?"
"Bailey I have no choice! Everyone is going to blame me for ruining my family anyways. Do not make me feel worse about this." I say as I sign the papers and hand the papers to her.
"I have to do this."
"Good luck telling your family Hunt."
I don't respond and just pick up my stuff and put in all in the box I brought. I gather pictures from the desk and put them in. I walk out of the office and go to find April Kepner.
"April. A word please" I say to her as walk into an empty room and she follows me.
"I'm leaving"
"What? Owen you can't! You run this ER. You-"
"Kepner. I've been called back on active duty. I have to go. They need me over there. I'll be back. "
"Does Amelia know? The kids?"
I shake my head and look down, "I just found out today. I'm telling them when I get home. She's not going to take it well I know that already."
"We will miss you here Owen."
I set the box down and put my arms out and hug her.
I've always had a close bond with April. Back when my sister wasn't around April was basically my sister. We've always been team trauma together. I've had her back and she's had mine.
"You can run this ER April. You are the best trauma surgeon I know. Remember, you are a soldier."
She looks back at me and nods.
"I'll keep this ER under control"
"Thank you. I know I can count on you. I'll be back soon."
I pick up my box and walk back out of the room. I slowly walk out to my car contemplating on how I'm going to tell Amelia. I think about it the whole drive home and when I pull into the driveway I sit there. I rest my head on the steering wheel as thought flood through my head.
"All you doing is ruining this family. They are going to hate you. You are terrible father. A terrible husband."
Those are the phrases going through my head right now. I slam my hand down on the wheel and sigh.
I walk into the house leaving the box in the car. I walk in and see my family all sitting in the living room watching a movie.
"Daddy is home!"
Noah yells to everyone as he runs at me and hugs me.
"Come watch with us!"
He takes my hand and pulls me into the living room.
Amelia smiles up at me.
God I'm never going to see that smile after she knows about this.
I look down at Noah,
"I gotta talk to mommy first." I glance at her,
"Alone." I add on.
Amelia nods and stands up and we go outside and sit on the swing on the porch.
"What's up?" She smiles at me.
I try to smile back but I can't bring myself to smile at a time like this.
I sit down beside her.
"I don't know how to tell you this Amelia. I really don't." I shake my head while trying to find the words I want to say.
"Owen what is it? What's wrong?"
"Amelia- I...I have to go back. Active duty. I'm leaving."
She looks back at me with utter disbelief. Her eyes look into mine and I find myself trying to look away.
"When?" She quietly says.
"'s important."
She gets up from the swing and looks back at me and says coldly,
"This is the second time you broke this promise
to us. Your family. After you came back before you said you would never leave us again. But here you go! Off to war again. How do you think this affects us Owen?! And now I can say that I'm not sure we will be here when you come back."
I feel my words get caught in my chest again and can't move or speak when I see what she does next.
She lifts up her hand and takes off her wedding band and throws it at my chest and then storms inside slamming the door to the porch as she goes in. I let her ring fall to my lap and I pick it up and hold it in my hand. I stare at it and just get angry. My whole life is currently falling apart is there is nothing I can do about it. I put the ring in my pocket and slowly stand up and walk inside.
All of the kids look up to me and walk over to them.
"I'm going to fight the bad guys."
I say quickly just wanting to get to the point.
"Again?" Addie says to me.
I nod slowly.
I crouch down to try and hug them but they all run upstairs. Noah carrying Derek up with him. I'm left in the living room with Olivia in her downstairs crib. I walk over to her and pick her up,
"I'm so sorry I'm leaving you Olivia. Please just don't forget who I am. I'm your daddy and I love you so much. I will be back." I carry her upstairs and put her in her room and then stop at mine and Amelia's room. The door is shut and I knock.
"Amelia." I say through the door.
Amelia shouts back, "Go away!"
"I just need my stuff. Then I'll leave now."
She opens the door and moves over to let me in not making eye contact. I look down and go over to the closet and take out my army bag. I notice Amelia threw a picture of us on the floor and my heart instantly breaks. I remember the wedding band in my pocket and slowly take it out,
"Do you want to keep this here."
I clear my throat and say.
She shakes her head still looking down,
"I don't want it."
I nod slowly and put it in a pocket in my bag. I put my bag on my shoulder and walk over to stand in front of her,
"I will just go. None of you want anything to do with me right now. So I'll leave now I guess."
She makes no response and does not make an effort to look up at me.
I reach for her hand but she pulls it away from my reach.
"I love you Amelia" I say as tears start to form in my eyes.
She again doesn't respond and I sigh and walk past her into the wall. I look into Addison and Charlottes room and see them on one bed together holding each other.
"I'll miss you girls." I say quietly. They both look up at me and run to me and hug me.
I bend down and hug them tight. Not even realizing I'm crying.
"I love you girls so much. Don't forget that. I'll be home okay? I'll be home."
Charlotte talks into my shirt,
"We love you too daddy" I let them go slowly and tell them I have to go say bye to the others.
"Be good" I say before leaving the room and walking into Noah and Derek's room.
Derek is too young to understand exactly what is going on but I still hug him and tell him it's going to be okay.
Noah runs to me and hugs me tight. I hold him tight and rub his back. He pulls back after a bit and looks at me,
"Are you and mommy getting a divorce" he asks me very seriously.
"Of course not-" I sigh,
"I really don't know buddy. I really don't. I'll fight for your mommy forever. I love her."
Noah nods slowly and hugs me again. I let out another sigh and then stand up.
I already said my goodbye to Olivia so I walk back downstairs. I do a quick look around my home that I might not even be coming back too. And if I do it's a possibility that my family won't even be here. I slowly walk out of the house looking at everything. The family pictures. The kids toys. Everything. I get outside and look at the outside of the house.
I walk to my car and throw my bag in the back seat. I have no where to go and my plane doesn't leave until tomorrow morning. The first place I think of going is my sisters. I drive there.
I knock on Megan's door with my bag on my shoulder. She answers quickly and looks at me confused.
I still have tears in my eyes from crying the whole way here.
She notices my stained cheeks and then my bag on my shoulder and quickly moves aside to let me in.
I put my bag down on the ground when I walk inside.
"My family hates me. I've ruined my family." I say looking at her.
She quickly embraces me and rubs my back.
I let everything out in front of her. My sister and Amelia have been the only people I've let seen me when I get like this.
After a few minutes I pull back and wipe my face.
"When do you leave?" She asks me handing me a tissue.
I sigh, "Tomorrow morning."
"Wow that urgent?"
I nod and walk into her living room.
"Can I stay here tonight. My family wanted nothing to do with me."
Megan nods and sits beside me on the couch.
In the car I had taken the ring out of the bag and put in my pocket while sitting with Megan I pull it out.
"Is that-" She starts to say.
I nod, "She threw it at me. She said they might not be there when I get back."
"Oh Owen" She says as she moves over to me and hugs me again.
"She's leaving me. Another marriage for me is down the drain. My kids are going to be gone. I'll never see them again. They are going to hate me. Amelia is going to hate me!"
Megan calms me down within a few minutes and lets me talk about everything. Before we know it is night time and she sets me up with pillows and a blanket for the couch.
It's not like I actually get to sleep. I spent the night checking my phone for messages from Amelia. But nothing. Not one.
Authors Note:
This by far was the saddest chapter for me to write. May or may not have shed a few tears. This one probably isn't as long as my others but since I'm going with a plot like this I'm going to kind of break it up. So if the following chapters are a little short that's why. But anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if I made you cry I apologize.

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