Christmas Eve

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Quick Authors Note:
I just want to say thank you so much for all the reads and nice comments I've gotten about this story. I'm so glad so many people enjoy it because I really do also. I plan to continue to keep writing this, but again thank you so much! ❤️
Amelia's POV:
I walk into the house Christmas Eve morning after working night-shift the day before. I take off my jacket over my quite large 4 month baby bump. I hang it up and walk upstairs to my bedroom. Owen is still sleeping and I really don't feel like changing my clothes right now so I just lay in bed beside him and cover up. Out of habit he puts his arm around me and asks,
"Did you eat?"
"I'll eat later. I just want to sleep now please"
He nods and kisses my cheek.
"I'll keep the kids occupied so they aren't too loud."
I smile, "Thank you Owen"
A few minutes later he gets up and goes downstairs to make breakfast for the kids.
I end up sleeping like a rock until around noon. I wake up and get out of bed and and gasp when I feel something.
"Owen!" I yell and sit back down on the bed.
He comes running into the bedroom,
"What happened? Are you okay? Is something wrong?"
I look at him and smile,
"Come here"
He sits down beside me and I take his hand and put it on my stomach where I felt the kick just a few moments before. The baby kicks again and I see my husbands face light up just like it has every time it happened with our first four kids.
"#5 is a hard kicker" I say as I rub my stomach.
"Maybe that means he or she will be a soccer player" Owen suggests.
I chuckle and point to a pair of leggings,
"Can you get me those?" He stands up and grabs them for me and I change into them and I put on one of his shirts.
"Do you have the presents wrapped" I ask him. That was the one thing I told him to get done last night and I let out a sigh of relief when he says he did.
"They are hidden in the closet now. I'll take them down tonight. "
He kisses my cheek and smiles,
"Now come on, the kids kept asking when you were going to wake up."
I go downstairs with him and walk into the living room. I smile at our Christmas tree all lit up. At the beginning of the month we all went out to pick the tree. The kids all fought about which one would be the best. Noah wanted a tall one, Char wanted a smaller one but a fatter one. They couldn't agree on anything until we all saw one at the same time and knew it was the one. We brought it home and Owen lifted up all the kids to help put on ornaments and lights. We hung up the stockings around our fireplace, Owens mom made the kids new stockings this year and they all have their names on them.
"Mommy you're up!" Charlotte runs to me and says. I smile and run my hand through her hair,
"I am babygirl. Let's go sit down"
I walk over to the couch and sit down and all the kids come around and join me. Owen brings me out some eggs and toast and I eat while talking with the kids.
"Are you guys ready for Santa to come?" I ask them. They all nod their heads and smile.
"Well Santa only comes if he thinks you all were good this year" Owen adds in as he sits down with us.
"We were good daddy" Noah says proudly.
"We'll see tomorrow!" He smiles and says.
"Does the baby in your belly get toys?" Addie looks at me and asks.
I smile, "Maybe some clothes. But when the baby is born it can't really do much remember?"
Addie nods, "I remember. They just cry a lot"
I chuckle and nod, "Exactly"
I start thinking about my pregnancy with Addison. The first pregnancy. Owen and I found out just before the wedding. I was scared. I was insanely worried that I could only have brainless babies. I was afraid that Owen would leave me because I couldn't give him a baby with a brain. But after 9 months everything was great. We were married and had our first baby. Addison, she was a great baby. She didn't cry much which was easy on us. We loved her so much. Owen was in awe for a long time with her. Just watching him hold and cuddle her I knew he was going to be the best dad ever. And he still is. Even with 4 kids soon to be 5. I get thrown out of my thoughts when Charlotte taps my arm.
"I'm sorry baby, I wasn't paying attention." I look at her and smile.
She points to my stomach, "Is the baby kicking? Daddy says it kicks"
I nod and smile, "Yeah the baby is. Would you like to feel it?"
She nods. I take her hand and put it on my stomach and when the baby kicks she jumps and giggles.
I laugh and look at her, "Isn't that weird?"
She nods and looks at her siblings, "Feel it!"
I lift my shirt up and let Addie, Noah and Derek get a hand on there. It takes a couple minutes for them all to feel a kick but they do.
"Real baby in there?" Noah asks me looking perplexed.
"Yes there is. The baby gets bigger everyday"
"How did it get there?" He asks next.
"Oh that part you can learn when you are way way way older okay?"
He shrugs and nods, "okay mommy"
Owen looks at Derek our current youngest and lifts him on his lap.
"Soon you won't have to be the littlest anymore Der"
He looks up at Owen and looks confused. He's 2 years old and manages to say,
"But I want to be the wittlest"
"You get to be a big brother" Owen says.
"Me do?" Derek says now looking excited.
Owen smiles at him and nods, "Yep you can be a big brother."
Derek claps his hands and smiles.
We spend the rest of the day watching Christmas movies. The kids enjoyed Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.

Owen's POV:
"Daddy can we go play in the snow?" Noah looks up at me and asks. I look over to Amelia for her opinion and she shrugs,
"Just wear your winter jackets. It's cold out there"
"You heard mommy go get your coats. "
They all get off the couch and go to grab their coats and put on their boots.
Amelia looks at me and puts her hands out,
"Help me up" She smiles.
I take her hands and pull her up. We walk over and put on our coats and shoes and Amelia grabs hats and gloves for the kids. Then we go outside. Our house is kind of secluded from other houses which makes it nice. The kids run around in the yard throwing snowballs at each other and I put my arm out for Amelia and pull her into a hug. I keep my arms around her and she does the same with me and she turns her head on my chest to watch the kids too. We are as close as her bump will let us. I smile watching the kids and the brave Noah decides to throw a snowball at my back. I laugh and bend down and get a snowball and throw it back at him. He laughs and runs away. We spend a little bit more time out there but Amelia being a mom says it's time to go back in. We go back inside and I offer to make some hot chocolate for the kids.
I walk into the kitchen and get some making and take mugs out to the table for them when it's done.
Around 4 o'clock Megan texts me.
From Megan: There is a blizzard coming in tonight so we won't be able to come over tonight but we will try and come over tomorrow night if it's not bad.
I turn on the tv in the living room to check the weather and see the snow coming in now. I text her back,
That's fine, We will see you tomorrow. Stay safe.
I put my phone back in my pocket and go back out to the table with the kids. Amelia is sitting down and looks up at me with the famous puppy dog eyes. She must want something.
"What do you need" I look at her and ask.
"Do we have any pickles?"
"I don't think so, and don't you hate pickles?"
She shrugs, "But I want them now"
"When you were pregnant with Derek all ate was brownies with mustard and you hate mustard and now with this baby you want straight pickles." I laugh and shake my head.
"I'll never understand these pregnancy cravings. But I'll see if we have any pickles." I walk into the kitchen. I look in the fridge and spot a pickle jar in the back and I grab it and check the expiration date and see it's good so I take the jar out to Amelia and hand it to her.
"Thank you!" She smiles and opens it and starts taking the pickles out and eating them.
"You are eating them without anything else?" I ask her
She nods and says, "Yep" She keeps eating them and eventually finishes the rest and then she lifts the jar up to her mouth and drinks the juice.
"That is disgusting" I laugh and say.
"Want some?" She holds the jar up and asks.
"No I'm good" I shake my head and take the kids mugs from their hot chocolate. Amelia finishes the juice and brings it out to the kitchen too.
"We are gonna need some more. What else do we have to eat. I'm starved"
"Eat whatever you want. I will try not to judge" I laugh and kiss her cheek.
Later it starts to snow more and the kids are all amazed and sit in front of the window watching the snow while Amelia and I make dinner in the kitchen. We are saving the big Christmas dinner for tomorrow obviously. My mom is supposed to come over and Megan and Nathan.
After we get dinner made we call the kids over and we all eat. The kids talk about how excited they are for Santa to come and to see what they get. After dinner Amelia asks the kids if they want to help her make cookies and sit out milk for "Santa" to eat when he drops off the cookies. Which actually means free cookies for me tonight. After the cookie making fun I get them a plate and they put a few cookies on the plate and we take it too the table. Amelia fills up a glass of milk and sets it beside it. Now it's time to get these excited kids to bed. We do our usually nighttime routine but read stories to the kids tonight. Noah holds in the room a little longer with his questions.
"What if Santa can't find our house?"
"He will buddy. He never misses a house!"
"Will he eat the cookies we made for him?"
"Of course he will. Santa loves cookies"
"And he won't forget any of our presents on the sleigh?"
"Never. Now go to sleep or he won't come. Remember he only comes when you're sleeping." I smile and kiss the top of his head and Amelia does the same and then we say goodnight to Derek in there and then walk back into our room.
We decide to stay in the room for a bit talking quietly and Amelia quietly gets up to be completely sure the kids are asleep then we take the presents out of the closet and start taking them down. We set them all up under the tree. Piles for each kid. I look at Amelia and laugh,
"We may have spoiled them a little bit this year"
"Oh well" she smiles as she puts the stuff in the stockings. I walk out to the dining room and eat some of the cookies and drink the milk. After everything is set up Amelia and I quietly go back upstairs and get in bed. It takes a while for even me to fall asleep because I'm excited to see the kids reactions tomorrow.
Hey! Did you guys like this part? It was certainly fun to write. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did 😂 thanks for reading. Christmas update will be soon!

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