"I thought I was going to lose you"

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Owen's POV
I walk out of Amelia's house and get in my truck and put my head on the steering wheel.
I'm being flooded with all the memories from when I was in the army. Seeing everyone around me die and me being the only one left. I decided I just want to go home so I start up my truck and start driving to my trailer. My mind drifts off once again to the army and then to choking Amelia. My thoughts are jerked when I see lights coming at me but before I can process it's too late.
"Sir can you hear me. We are going to get you out of here." I faintly hear an ambulance worker Say. I don't have the power to talk back I just blink my eyes hoping he will know I understand him. My whole body hurts. I overhear a conversation between I think a cop and the EMT
EMT: "Terrible crash. It was a head on collision with a coal truck. His car was smashed and flew into this tree. Not sure on the injuries yet, the surgeons will have to figure that out. It's a lot though."
Cop: "We found his phone, There's messages from a girl named Amelia Shepherd. I called her from his phone and told her. She's his girlfriend. She says his name is Owen Hunt. He's a trauma surgeon at Seattle Grace."
EMT: "that's where we are going to talk him now."
The paramedic puts me on the stretcher and gets me in the ambulance. I pass out on the way there.

Amelia's POV:
I go out to the bay and see the ambulance Come in . A paramedic jumps out and gets the stretcher out and starts doing CPR on Owen. Miranda Bailey runs out and pushes me out of the way "Shepherd you can't work on him. Go in the waiting room now. " I can't help but start crying "Please don't let him die. Please please"

Miranda Bailey POV: (just for a different point of view)
We get Hunt instead and I get him breathing and close to stable. We have a large amount of doctors in here right now. Right now he has a broken leg and a shoulder dislocation. And there as bleeding in the abdomen, a lot. But we were able to stop it. He was in surgery but is in the recovery room right now. Amelia has never left his side once we got him back to the room. She's sitting right beside his bed holding his hand crying. He should be waking up soon, we hope.

Owen's POV:
I open my eyes and let out a groan. Amelia looks up "Owen! You're okay. It's okay" I try to move my arm but have terrible pain so I stop. "What happened" I manage to get out of my mouth. "You wrecked your truck. Had severe abdominal bleeding, broken leg, and your shoulder is dislocated and they just found out your hand was crushed in the accident so they are going to see if it is broken." She wipe off her face and I carefully turn my head and slowly lift up my good arm and out my hand on her face, "I'm sorry". I wipe the tears off her face and she stars crying more. She says "please don't apologize. I still love you and always will Owen Hunt. I thought I was going to lose you today. We are okay though Owen. Forget about what happened because I love you and I'm never going to leave you." I nod and for the best time in a long time I am happy. My entire body may hurt but I have the most amazing girlfriend right now and I'll never love another woman.

Amelia's POV:
*about a week after Owen's accident*
I walk into his room and see he's sitting up. "hey you are supposed to be resting" He scowls and says "I've been resting for a week now. I go home today. I want to make sure I can walk." I nod and walk over to him. "Come on I'll help you." I help him get both his legs off the bed and help him stand up. He has a walking boot on his right leg. And his right shoulder is in a sling, and the worst part...His left hand, his surgical hand is in a cast. Broke his hand and his wrist but Jackson Avery says he will be able to have full function again, but as of now he can't operate. He slowly starts to walk and I stay close by him to make sure he's okay. "Can we go around the hospital?" I nod and say "As long as you don't push yourself too hard babe" He nods and walks out of the room and I follow him. We are walking slow so he can take his time and people start looking over at him. He ignores the stares and keeps going.

Owen's POV:

I'm taking it easy and slow. I lift up my hand and try to move it around but Amelia takes it and puts it back down. "You aren't supposed to use it Owen" I sigh and get to the cafeteria and sit down. She sits down across from me. "Can you get me a sandwich please" She says "Yes of course" She gets up and goes in the line to get me one. I let out a long sigh and look around at everyone looking at me. I'm the chief of this hospital and I can't even do anything. My shoulder has gotten better and I can move that entire arm again when I don't have the sling on, but my hand and wrist is basically a wreck. Jackson says I'll be able to operate but I'm ready to lose hope already. We were supposed to see improvement but there hasn't been any. As for my leg, well I've broken my leg before. So I'm used to this walking boot thing but I don't like it. I can't believe I literally wrecked my truck. Amelia comes back and hands me a sandwich. I try and get off my sling and start having trouble so she comes over and takes it off for me. "Thank you" I mumble and start eating with my one semi good hand/arm. It takes me a while but I finally finish. I take a deep breath. This is going to be A long recovery I say to myself.

Authors note: wow this was a hard part too write. I hope you guys enjoyed it. And the pic I have is just a random picture I found. Just imagine it was Owen's truck haha. But I'll be updating this again soon so stay tuned! Comment want you think!

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