Sleeping Problem

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Owen's POV:
"Daddy! Charlotte took my crayons!" Noah pulls on my arm and says to me.
"No I didn't!" Charlotte says pulling on my other arm.
"Yes she did! I saw her daddy!"
"Okay both of you upstairs now! There will be no more fighting. I am done with it! NOW!" I point to the steps and watch them go up there. I turn to Derek sitting on the floor looking at me and shake my head,
"Who ever thought 5 kids was a good idea"
I walk over to Derek and sit down. I pick up the baby monitor and see Olivia is still sleeping. I lean my head back against the couch and let out a deep breath.
"Yes buddy?" I say to Derek as I look back at him.
" Ma-Ma?"
"She will be home later. She's catching up on work."
I pick him up and lay down on the couch. He lays on my chest and I put the baby monitor in my hand and I slowly drift off to sleep.

Amelia's POV:
I walk into the house,
"I'm-" I stop talking when I see the scene in front of me. I smile big and walk over to Owen passed out on the couch with Derek sleeping on top of him and Owen holding the baby monitor. I throw a blanket over them and take the monitor out of Owen's hand. I walk upstairs to addisons and charlottes room.
"Hey girls" I peek my head in.
I see Charlotte sitting on her bed in the corner with her knees up to her chest like I do when I'm upset. I look to Addison for some type of answer but Addie just shrugs. I walk over to Charlotte and sit down.
"What's wrong Char?"
Char looks up at me, "Daddy yelled at me" her lip quivers and I know she is about to cry so I wrap my arms around her and pull her in.
"Baby I'm sure he didn't mean it."
Charlotte puts her head against me and cries into my shirt. I rub her back and sigh.
"Why did he yell?"
"Cause I took Noah crayons" she says quietly.
I sigh, "Charlotte you can't take his stuff. That's why daddy yelled at you. But I'm sure he's sorry."
"But he has to share!"
I look in charlottes eyes, "Yes but you have your own crayons so you don't need to take your brothers."
Charlotte nods, "Okay mommy. I'm sorry."
I hug her again, "It's okay baby. You girls clean up your toys up here I'll be calling you down for dinner soon."
I stand back up and walk out and go into Olivia's room and pick her up from the crib.
"Well hello there. Mommys here" I say as I hold her and rock her in my arms. I carry her downstairs and see Owen still asleep. I walk over and lay Olivia down on his other side and chuckle softly. Owen stirs a bit but doesn't fully wake up and just puts his other arm around Olivia. I smile and walk into the kitchen and start dinner.
Around just the time I set dinner on the table I hear Owen moving around. He walks into the kitchen holding Olivia and Derek.
"Good morning" I chuckle and say as I carry out the food to the table.
Owen laughs and sets Derek down in the highchair and Olivia in the other one.
"Have a good nap?" I ask him.
He nods and rubs his eyes, "I needed it"
I smile and go over to the steps and call the other kids down. They come down and we all sit at the table.
We enjoy dinner and then make small talk at the table. Charlotte seems to have forgot about her whole issue with Noah and is now cheerfully talking with him at the table. Owen and I talk about cases at the hospital will the kids talk with each other.
Owen's phone rings.
My heart always skips a beat when his phone rings cause anytime it could be the army saying they need him back. He says sorry to us but answers the phone sitting here,
"Hello?" He says.
"Yeah I can be there. What time?"
"An hour? Sure I'll be there. Yes no problem at all. Alright see you soon"
He hangs up the phone after that and I look up to him,
"Who was it?"
He stands up and clears our plates,
"April I gotta go in for her tonight. She isn't feeling well so she's gonna go home and I'm covering for her"
"That's nice of you" I say as I help him with the plates.
I tell the kids to go play in the living room before they have to get ready for bed. I walk into the kitchen with Owen.
"Will you be back tonight or in the morning?"
I ask him handing him plates as he washes them.
"Probably in the morning. Why?"
I lean my head on his shoulder,
"That's okay you know I just don't like sleeping alone"
Owen smiles at me and turns off the water and turns to me.
"I know you don't. I'm sorry Mia" He says to me as he runs his hand through my hair.
"I will just cuddle with your pillow" I say
"There you go. Perfect" He chuckles and says.
"Go get ready. I'll make sure the gets get ready for bed."
"Thank you" he kisses my cheek and then goes upstairs.
I walk into the living room,
"Okay kids! Time to get your little butts upstairs for bed." I say to them.
I pick up both Derek and Olivia.
We all walk upstairs.
"I'll be in your guys rooms in a few minutes" I say to Addison, Charlotte and Noah. I put Derek down to follow Noah. Then I carry Olivia into her room. I change her into her pajamas and lay her in the crib.
"Goodnight baby girl" I smile at her. I turn on the baby monitor and then walk out and go into the boys room. I tuck Noah into bed.
"Will daddy say goodnight before he goes?" He asks me
I nod, "he will"
I smile and go over to Derek and help him get changed.
Next I go into Addisons and Charlottes room who are already in bed. I say goodnight and then walk back into my room.
"You have to go say goodnight to them before you leave" I say to Owen as I change into my pajamas and lay down.
Owen leans down and kisses me,
"I love you. If you can't sleep tonight, text me okay?"
I smile up at him and kiss him back,
"Okay, I love you too"

Owen's POV:
I go into all the kids bedrooms before leaving and say goodnight to them then I walk downstairs and head out of the door and drive to the hospital.
"Hunt. They need you up in trauma room 2"
As soon as I walk into the ER I'm already getting sent somewhere. I walk in and see a bunch of interns trying to put an IV in someone.
"Out of my way" I say as I move past them to the patient.
"Hi I'm Dr. Hunt. Sorry about these guys they are interns. I'll make sure you get out of here okay."
I start the IV and then pick up the chart.
I hold up x rays and look at them.
"He will be fine. No major injuries. Just get ortho down to do a cast and then he's good." I hand the chart back to an intern and walk out. I go over to the desk and see Megan.
"Hey Meg"
She looks up, "You aren't supposed to work tonight?"
I shake my head, "Right I wasn't supposed too. But April had to leave so I'm filling in."
"You left your wife home with 5 kids?" She asks me laughing.
I laugh, "They are sleeping. She'll be good"
I get paged for an incoming trauma and run out and get gowned and wait for the ambulance.
Massive car pile up many injuries. Ambulances start to pull up and I bark orders at everyone and take patients inside.
By the time all of my surgeries are done it's 2 AM and I finally get time to go to an on call room and lay down. I walk into an empty one and take off my lab jacket and put my pager beside me and then lay down. I take my phone out of my pocket and see a message from Amelia at 1:30.
A- I can't sleep : (
I decide to text back and see if she's still awake.
O- Had a massive trauma but I'm here now. Talk to me. Do you want me to call you?
She responds almost immediately
A- Yes please. Actually FaceTime me. I want to see you too.
I smile and FaceTime her and turn on my side putting my phone against the wall.
She answers and I see her holding my pillow and looking exhausted.
"You look exhausted" I say to her.
"I feel exhausted but can't fall asleep."
"I'll talk to you until you fall asleep. Will that help?"
I watch her nod, "Yes please" she replies.
I tell her about my surgeries and then we walk about the kids and then about an hour later,
"Amelia?" No response. I look up to my phone and see her sleeping.
I smile and hang up the FaceTime and then also go to sleep.
I wake up around 5 and walk out of the room and see April.
"Hey you can go. I'm good to start" she tells me
"Are you sure?" I ask stretching.
She smiles and nods, "Go home to your family."
I smile at her and then walk out of the hospital to my car. Amelia and the kids are probably still asleep. I drive home and unlock the front door trying to be as quiet as possible. I make it upstairs and lay in bed with my wife.
She opens her eyes when I put my arms around her.
"Go back to sleep". I say as I kiss her cheek.
She smiles at me and curls into me and falls back asleep just like I do.
Author's Note:
Thanks for reading this part! I'm in major need of some ideas or plots. So if one of you lovely people could drop me some ideas that would be great 😂😂😂 Comment, message me whatever. Thanks so much

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