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The woman shuffles into the police station with detective Malik following behind her. She silently walks through the station assuming the worst. The only thing going through her head was that she's about to see her only son dead on a cold table. Once they get to the morgue detective Malik stops her by putting his hand gently on her shoulder.

"If you would like to take a breather before-"

"No I'm fine." He nods taking her in the room. The room is cold and musty and has a negative aurora. The woman feel pity for every person lying on these cold lifeless tables.

Once they reach the table were the body is with a white cloth over it detective Malik nods to the man and he pulls away the cloth showing the young boys face. The woman's hand goes to here mouth as tears come to her eyes. The boy had bruises everywhere, his eyes, lips and any visible skin. There was also cuts everywhere on his face but something was missing from him. She got closer to his face and breathing in relief.

"It's not him. It's not him."


I wake up naked on the floor wrapped in a blanket with a pain coming from my behind. I slowly get and look on the bed seeing him sleeping, I have an urge to climb in bed with him and cuddle up against his side but he'd probably push me off. I slowly crawl to the bathroom closing the door once I enter. I stand up looking at my bum in the mirror seeing multiple hand marks and a shinny pink butt plug. I sigh looking around the bathroom before deciding to take a shower. Once the water is warm I jump in letting a quite mewl as my muscles relax under the water. I clean my self then get out and lazily wrap a towel around my waist. As I walk out the door I see that he isn't in the room and I quickly walk to the closet where he put my stuff. Just as I pull on underwear I feel hands run down my back to my bum giving it a squeeze.

"Good morning kitten."
"Good morning daddy." He starts to kiss my shoulder while still kneeing my butt. He kisses my neck then walks over to pick out an outfit for me. He comes back over to with a sheer leggings and one of his shirts.

"Once you're dressed go down stairs and eat. Once you're done with that I need you to be in my office. We have a guest coming and I need you on you're best behavior. Understood?"

"Yes, daddy."

"Good now let's take that plug out." He smirks at me turning me around. He bends me over pulling my boxers down then gently pulling it out. I let out a soft moan and my ears flatten on my head. He pulls my boxers back up playing with my tail. 

"Get dressed and eat kitten."  He leaves me in the closet walking down stairs. I quickly dress as blush runs across my face. I run my hand through my hair a few time as I walk down Zayn's huge staircase. When I walk in the kitchen I see Mary and Wilson.

"Good morning Master Niall. What may I make you for breakfast? We have eggs, bacon and toast or we have pancakes?"

"Um p-pancakes." She nods and I awkwardly sit at the table as Wilson sits next to me with coffee.

"So Niall how are you liking the house?"

"I-it's very b-beautiful."

"It is but a bitch to clean. Don't tell Zayn I said that." I giggle at him as he pours himself another cup of coffee. Not soon after Mary sits a plate in front of me.

"Would you like coffee or tea?"

"Tea, please."

While I was eating I heard Zayn's voice and another male voice by the front door, they sounded very business like. I quickly finish remember Zayn wanted me in his office, I set my stuff in the sink and speed walk towards the closed door.

Once I get to there I hear people talking.

"So you got another hybrid?"

"I replaced another hybrid. And this one is different I can it feel."

"That's what you said last time but we'll go with it."

"I told him to be here I hope he didn't forget." I could hear the other man scoff and I quietly knock on the door.

Soon Zayn opens the door with a smile and welcomes me in. I walk in look at the other man in the room. He strangely looks a lot Zayn but more grown up. Zayn points to the chair next to the man and I sit cross legged looking at him.

"Niall this is my father." I look at the man with a smile.

"Hello I'm Niall Horan." Zayn's father looks at me for awhile with a concern look then looking away.

"Is there something wrong?" Zayn asks worryingly.

"No no it's just his name sounds familiar."

"Dad I told you no work relations today." The man nods and looks at me.

"Hello Niall, I'm Yaser your future father-in-law." Nervously giggling I look at Zayn who glares at his father.


"Right I forgot about that. Don't bring up the past."

"Niall you may leave, I'll talk to you later." He says emotionless still glaring at his father. I nod and leave the room biting my lip. I shut the door behind me but stay listening to the conversation.

"Why did you bring that up?"

"What did I bring up?"

"Don't play bullshit. It's not my fault I fell in love with a hybrid that-"

"Yeah yeah I know. Who knows this one could be different."

There is a moment of silence as I hear Zayn take a deep breath.

"I remember were I heard that name before."

"If it's going to be-"

"An 8 year old boy was taken off the streets one day at the park and I remember his mother coming in panicked. It was terrible and it was my first missing persons case. I remember asking her to come look at a body to see if it was him."

"How do you know if it was Niall's mother or not?"

"Cause her last name was Horan and the description she gave us matches Niall completely." Another moment of silence then a phone goes off.

"Well son it was nice to see you but-" then I walked away hoping to not get caught and sit on the couch playing with my tail making it look like I've been siting here the whole time. Soon they walk out and Zayn takes him to the door. With my ears perked I can hear his father saying something to him.

"Take care of him Zayn. You were right I don't see him being like hybrids you've had. I see something in him that will hopefully bring out something in you again." And he left. Once the door is shut I hear him walking over to me. He sits on the floor in front of me looking at me.

"You were very polite kitten. Thank you."

"You're w-welcome." He puts his hand in my hair rubbing my ear looking closer at me.

Soon he gets up on the couch pulling me in his lap holding my bum.

"Do you remember your parents?" I shake my head looking in to his eyes studying the basically. He runs his hand down my face the pulls my face closer to his. Soon I feel his lips on mine and I could feel my stomach do flips, my eyes flutter close as I grip his shirt tighter. The kiss gets more intense but Zayn pulls away resting his forehead on mine.

"You're safe now kitten."


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