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All I could feel was tingles all over my face and my throat closing from the grip on my collar. I held my cheek softly trying to get a grip on reality and breathing. I thought I was dreaming but I heard his voice still. I looked up and saw him struggling against mall security guards and yelling my name. I tired to move to Zayn but my owner pulled back on my collar again making me choke. He knelt to my level and gripped my hair pulling my head back.

"I hope that little reunion was worth it cause it's not pretty for you when we get home, pet." I shuddered at that word and but kept my eyes on Zayn till he was out of the building and out of sight. He let go of my hair and told his wife that we were leaving and pulled me and Sully out of the mall.

Sully was a small puppy hybrid they got a few weeks ago and I've tried my best to keep him from getting hurt.

Once we got to the car I was roughly thrown in and Sully came and cuddled against my side. The ride back was silent and I knew I had a whole bad night coming my way. Punishment here could last all night into all of the next day, and it wasn't simple punishment it was painful.

I've acquired many new scares from these awful people that I hate seeing. But I still kept up my attitude I've had since the auction hoping they would send me back, but I was wrong. They tried to break me of it and make me into the perfect submissive, still trying actually.

When we were in the house he told the wife to take Sully somewhere, and he gripped my arm tightly dragging me to the awful place I knew well. Once we were in the room he handcuffed me to two chains that hung from the ceiling and turned me facing the wall. I heard him opening a chest and moving things around, but I already knew his favorite whip and the one he would choose.

"I'm giving you permission to speak, now tell me who was that at the mall?" I kept me mouth shut and just braced myself for what was coming. I felt the pain on my back before I heard it.

"Answer me pet. I'm not going to ask again." His voice always got deeper and scarier when he tormented me. His whip hit the back of my thighs when I still didn't answer him, then my butt and back again. I heard him sigh and come up behind me. He ran his fingers over the welts the was forming on my thighs and sighed again.

"How long is it going to be till I break you pet? I'm sure you're getting tired of this punishment, right?" My breathing was heavy and shallow as my head dipped down. I pulled on the restraints on my wrist to distract myself from the continuous whips on the back of my body. Soon I was so out of it till I felt something drip onto my heels. He went harder this round.

My restraints were undone and I fell to the floor feeling the pain now. He's never gone this far. He stood over me and pushed me onto my stomach looking at my back. He dropped him whip to the ground and walked away from me.

"You stay put, I'll send one of the maids in here to help you." And that was the last thing I heard till the pain put me unconscious.


I woke up on my stomach and a coolness on my back and thighs. I saw people around me checking on me I'm guessing. I started to move and I felt someone gently stop me by putting their hand on my shoulder.

"Don't move, you'll make it worse." It was a female voice. I felt to heavily drugged to fight back so I slumped down back on the bed.

"How long have I been asleep?" My voice was horse and rough, I barely recognized it.

"Four days. He got you deep this time, it's going to take some time for the healing." It was a different voice, male, and he didn't sound pleased to be here.

"Do it get to stay here?" My eyes started getting heavy and my limps weak again.

"Till you're healed enough to move." I sighed and fell back into another deep sleep.

I woke up this time to hear soft humming and less pain. I was still in the same position and bed I was in the last time I was awake. I looked around me seeing no one around then I looked on the ground next to me and saw Sully coloring.

"He bud, what are you coloring?" Again my voice was rough and horse but Sully jumped up and smiled at me.

"I thought you died Ni, you've be asleep for two weeks now." I looked at him confused and sat up on my elbows, which was surprisingly easy and didn't hurt as much.

"Two weeks? What's been going on the last two weeks then?" He looked up at me with doe eyes and sat crisscross.

"Well not much, Master and Miss have been arguing a lot ever since Master hurt you real bad. And this man and a few police officers came to the house a few days ago asking about you but Miss said she's never heard of you which I thought was weird."

"What did the man look like?" I was confused why police would come looking for me when I'm just an ordinary hybrid. Sully's eyes lite up and he pulled out a piece of paper with a drawling on it. For being his age he was very very good at drawling and I envied him. I took the paper from him and looked over it. My fingers lightly touched the drawing immediately knowing who it was. I smiled to myself and stared at the picture. He found me.

"Why are you smiling Ni? Do you know him?" I looked at him and saw he was wearing an innocent look.

"No just admiring your drawing." I shock off the point that I did know who it was and decided not to let anyone know.

"I don't think I did a very good job on it but I feel like I captured the mans face well." He did and it almost looked exactly like Zayn even if it was his father coming to my rescue.

"You did bud, good job." He smiled at me brightly and continued telling me about the man and other things.

But all I could really think about was how hoping I would be out of here and back home in Zayn's arms once again.


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