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The first thing he sees when he wakes up from a long sleep is a bright light shinning down on him. He squints his eyes shut trying to get used to the light and tries to move. When he moves his hands they don't move, only to have them tied to the cold metal table along with his feet.

He can hear strange things he couldn't hear before, like movement and high pitched noises. He hears someone enter the room and go up next to him grabbing his chin to examine him, especially his head.

"482 seems to be in good condition with ears perked and moving vigorously." The man moves around him then looks under the table. "Tail is still in formation but coming along well."

The man clicks a button on the little black box he was holding and looks at him.

"Welcome to your new beginning 482. I have a feeling you'll be one of the best with that little innocent face of yours."

The doctor gave Niall a dark smirk then rubbed his ears gently then to walk of the room locking the door behind him.


After the pool incident Zayn told me to go change and freshen up just in case the guest wanted to see me.

I walk out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist and finger combing my hair. Once inside Zayn's huge closet I pull out a pair of grey panties, some sheer knee highs and one of Zayn's huge hoodies that came to the tops of my knees.

Once dressed, I walk down to the kitchen seeing a mug sitting out with a post-it saying it's my favorite tea for me.

I pick it up gently wrapping my cold hands around it, trying to get some warmth. I walk to the giant living room and sit cross legged on the couch leaning back into it sighing deeply. I close my eyes for a moment resting my head on the back of the couch.

With my eyes still closed my ears flick at the noises of movement. I keep my eyes close but my ears trained on the movement. Soon I sense someone sitting in front of me, hearing them sniffle. I peak my eyes open to see Harry with red puffy eyes.

"I sorry NiNi. I didn't realize I hurt you. Pwease forgive me." He looks up at me with sad eyes that struck my heart and made me feel guilty about treating him so horribly. His thick curly hair has all over the place and looks like when he cries he pulls at his hair. Like I do.

I set my mug on the coffee table in front of us, I crawled on to the floor sitting cross legged in front of him.

"I forgive you Harry. You didn't mean it. Why don't we try and be friends again, yeah? Like start over?" His hands were in mine and I was rubbing his knuckles as he still sniffled. He looked at our hands for a long time then looked at me, tears threatening to fall.

"We can be friends. You are the first person Harry's met that is nice to him besides Boo. All of Boo's hybrid friends are mean to Harry and call him stupid." Once a tear fell I quickly wiped it away and hugged him.

"It's alright Harry. You have me now and we'll be best friends." He hugged me tightly for a long time till we heard voices walking down the main hall. We separated and waited to see who it was, soon Zayn his dad and an elderly woman walked into the living room. The women was looking around until she saw me and just stared. Zayn and his father looked over at me and they grinned slightly, only for Zayn to frown seeing Harry.

"Harry did I say you could come out of your room? I told you-"

"Zayn he's okay. He apologized-"

"I don't care Niall. Harry go to your room, I'll deal with you later." Harry looked at me terrified then scrabbled to his room quickly. I gave Zayn a glare only to know that was a mistake after I did it as I saw his jaw clench.

"Alright well Niall I would like you to meet someone very special. This is Maura Horan." My eyebrows threaded together and my ears perked up high. Once the lady saw them she gasped and clutched her chest.

Seeing this upsets me but I kept searching my memory trying to figure out who this lady was and why she sounded familiar.

"Come on son let them have a moment." Zayn's dad put his hand on Zayn's shoulder as he was still glaring at me with a clenched jaw. He brushed of his father and stalked away, his father following behind him.

I watched them go with my ears still up and alert as the woman got closer to me. She sat in front of me on the floor looking over me for a while. Then she reached out out touched my cheek and gasped again.

"I've found you baby. Everything is going to be okay." I pulled away from her giving her a questionable look.

"Who are you?" Once the words left my mouth hurt flashed before her eyes and her smile dropped.

"You don't remember me? You have to remember me, you're my baby. That doesn't matter right now, the only thing that does is how I'm getting you home. Come on." She gripped my wrist roughly and dragged me to the door, I pulled back on her grip only for it to tighten.

"I don't want to go with you. I don't even know you. I want to stay." She didn't stop dragging me which was worrying me.

"That doesn't matter Niall. You're going home." She gave me a "sweet" smile and went back to walking.

"I don't even know you. I want to stay here with him! Zayn! Zayn!" I started to scream out for him only to have her glare at me and a door bust open. She muttered something under her breath but I couldn't catch it. As we got closer to the door I felt someone wrap there arms around me and pull me into them making us fall to the floor. I turn around to see its Zayn and wrap my arms around his neck hugging him like it was dear life.

I was in his lap as he was telling me that I was okay and rubbing my back as I cried. I don't know why I was crying but it felt right for the moment. After a while I let go of Zayn and looked at the woman who was crying and telling Zayn's dad to let her go.

"He's my son! He deserves to be with me! Someone who loves him and doesn't use him for his body like you do with your other pets!"

I felt Zayn tighten his grip on me and I just went back to crying in the crook of his neck with her words cycling through me head.


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