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I don't know what brought me back but I found myself kneeling on the drive way with my face drenched in tears. I looked around me and saw tire marks up and down the drive way, my privacy gate swinging in the wind and my whole world looking like a tornado just went through it. I still didn't have all feeling to move so I still just sat there trying to understand what happened, but my thoughts were interrupted by Harry yelling my name with a broken voice. I felt him sit beside me and look like he was going to hug me but wasn't sure. Soon my lip started to quiver along with his and I pulled him into a tight hug. Soon he started to cry on my shoulder and I let him knowing that this was probably hitting him just as hard as me. Once all the tears were shed he pulled away from me and sat back on the grass and let out a shaky breath. I pulled myself up off the ground and picked up Harry to bring him back in the house with me. But when we got close to the door I turned to him and saw that more tears were falling down his face so I gently took my thumb and wiped them away.

"Come on, let's go get him back together."  And I took him back into the house and closed the door behind me softly. I just hope that nothing bad happens to him.


I never thought I would have to see this again. I thought the last time I was here that that would be my last time here. But look at this, I'm back in a nasty cell with other hybrids I don't know. They all looked the same, bruises here and there, marks from shots littered up their arms, and tear tracks. I wanted to cry and give myself mercy but I knew that wouldn't get me anywhere. It would show everyone around me that I was giving up and I wasn't going to give up that quickly. I looked around at my surroundings seeing many guards up and down the narrow walk ways, I saw no close escape point and leaned my head back on the bars. A few minutes went by, I'm guessing, and a few guards opened the call doors that I was in and roughly picked me up and dragged me into a new room. The room was cold and damp, it looked grey with the lighting. I knew what this room was for and I hated it.

"Well since you've been here you already know the drill. So let's get this moving, you've got a visit with doc soon." The two buff men looked at me dully and I slowly started to undress knowing that they weren't going to turn around. I've had very bad memories of rooms like this and they always scared me but today I was going to stand tall because I was going to get out this time and I knew it. Once I was fully undressed and my clothes pilled beside me I saw both men look me up and down, I couldn't help but look away and get a shiver down my spine. This was basically a mild physical exam while when you went in the actual doctors they did more of an exam, but this was just basically a time where they could touch you wherever they wanted. One of the men walked toward me pulling on latex gloves and twirled his finger motioning me to turn around, he had a sly smirk on and that made me nervous.

The gloves were cold when they touch the small of my back. His fingers gripped my waist and I wanted to pull away with all I could. Then he moved up my back more than back down to the top of my butt. His hands roamed down further and squeezed gently, I shut my eyes and let out a deep breath hoping for it to end. He chuckled darkly continued to touch my body in different ways, I'm just glad that he didn't touch anywhere down there.

"Now I understand why your owner didn't want to let you go. You look like you're good in bed." The man rubbed himself on me and then walked away. I felt disgusting. I felt like I'm back where men would just come in my cell and use me while everyone watched. Not being able to do anything.

The men left and I sat on one of the benches knowing it was pointless to get dressed or cover yourself.

Soon a woman dressed in white comes in with a tray that made loud noises against the tile floor. I shuffled my ears in my hair to muffle the noises around me to save me a headache. The woman stopped moving and glanced over what I'm guessing was my chart. Her eyes flicked over the pages and her face pulled in confusion. She looked at me confused, her bright brown eyes not giving me a clear answer. But her eyes, were scary familiar.

"What was your owners name?" Her voice was a thick english accent, which complemented her look. It was my turn to give a confused look cause his name should be all in my charts. That's how they found me.

"Why? His name should be in there." She narrowed her eyes at me and walked to the bench I was sitting on. Her heels clicking on the floor loudly as she walked. She sat down beside me crossing her legs and looking at the floor. When she was close to me I felt almost safe because she gave off a motherly attitude. But I couldn't let things get under my skin.

"Well his name is not in here. Nothing really is in here, this file should be thick. Not four slim pages. None of your past is in here, no likes, dislikes, allergies. Nothing just what you can do, how old you are and how well you can do your 'talents'. So I'm going to ask again, what was your owners name?" I looked over her face trying to see if she was lying to me about my information. If noting was in my file, like Zayn's name, his address, or anything,

How did they find me?

I opened my mouth to answer but noting came out expect for a few stutters. To much was going through my mind to speak. I didn't know the right thing to say or how to say anything I was thinking.

The woman stood up and picked up my clothes handing them to me. Then walked over to her tray again capping the needles that she brought in. She started moving to the door again getting ready to leave.

"Zayn Malik. That's his name. That's my owner." I suddenly found the urge to speak even though I didn't want to say his name but a part of me felt like I needed to.

The woman stopped dead in her tracks and let out a breath leaning her head forward. 

"Niall," her head was still bent but my attention was sparked.

"You shouldn't be here. They were never going to find you, mainly because I told them to leave you two alone." She turned around and gave me a sad look. I was still confused and wanting to know more of what she was trying to say.

"You're supposed to be at home with my son, keeping him together and happy. Not here where he'll never find you."


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