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"How dare you comeback into this house, back into his life, back into anyone's life acting like the world revolves around you!" Another punch came to Josh when he tried to sit up. No one helped him. Everyone just stood around and watched Louis go at him with words and attacks.

"You ruined my best mates life, almost ruined the life of the person I love most and yet you show up here begging for mercy? From the person who you broke their heart!" I held Harry so he wouldn't get up and accidentally get hurt. Even though he wanted to get up and help Louis or pull him away. Josh kept trying to speak but Louis wouldn't let him.

"Are you only here to get a hiding place while the hybrid search is going on? You just don't want to go back to hell hole that made you don't you?" Louis knelt to Josh's level, who had a very bloody nose and busted lip.

"So tell me, why are you here? To get him back?" Louis pointed at Zayn, who tensed behind me. "Or to ruin the person he's with cause it's not you?"

Josh looked down at the last part and I let out a breath letting the stress sink back in. Harry wiggled out of my grip and went to Louis pulling him away from the man that lied on the floor. They walked in the kitchen with Louis holding Harry close and kissing his forehead. Once they disappeared Zayn stood up and nodded to the staff to exit the room leaving only me, Zayn, and Josh in the living room. Zayn walked over to Josh who was trying to talk but was keeping his nose from bleeding more.

Zayn picked him up by the collar of his shirt and pulled him to the front door where he threw him on to the patio.

"Don't ever try to come back here hoping to get in my head again. Why can't you just focus on your own life instead of-"

"Because I love you still. We had so much-"And with that Zayn slammed the door in his face and walked to his office slamming that door behind him. Louis and harry came into the living room seeing me sitting alone staring off into space. Harry sat down next to me while Louis tried to talk to Zayn, he let him in then the door was shut right behind him. I slumped in defeat, even though I should be feeling like it's my fault yet it's not. Harry hugged me and told me that everything is going to be fine and work its self out.


"I'm a fucking idiot for letting that mutt into my house again. I had a feeling that this would happen." I leaned over my desk and let out a deep aggravated breath.

"Well instead of moping about it get over it. It's done and over with. He's out of the house and now your hybrid or lover or whatever you guys are, is sitting in the living room acting like this whole outburst is his fault." Louis flopped into the nearest chair running his fingers through his hair.

"It's not his fault. He's done nothing wrong."

"Then go out there and tell him! Damn." He gave me a look like I was stupid so I let out a sigh and went to the living room where I found no one. I walked further into the room looking around seeing that the back door was slightly open and I saw Harry and Niall sitting at the pool edge. I step outside and slowly make my way over to them. When I get there Harry looks up at me and lays a hand on Niall's shoulder and walks back to the house. I sit down next to Niall who doesn't say anything at first, but I hear a sniffle and feel him lay his head on my shoulder.

"What's wrong kitten? You've done nothing wrong here." I say wrapping my arms around him kissing his hair.

"Then why do I feel like it is." He shifts in my grasp slightly so he's looking at me. I run my fingers down his face slightly then pull him closer to me.

"My love, you've done nothing wrong. I promise that, this is all on me and my actions. Don't let my poor judge meant get in the way cause it's all me." He nodded and wiped his tears away quickly. I pushed his hands away and wrapped my hands around his face and pulled him into a gentle kiss. I felt him relax and scoot closer to me. I used one hand to pull him into my lap and cradle his lower back and deepen the kiss. I felt him snake his hands around my torso and slowly unbutton my shirt. Once the top of my short was unbutton he pulled away and kissed very gently on my collar bones. He moved across my chest with kisses and lent back on my arm with my other hand still on his back. He came back and captured my lips again. I moaned in his mouth and he gripped my hair tighter, I pulled away and put my forehead on his both of us breathing heavily.

"Do you really want to continue this my love?" he looked up at me with innocent eyes and that just gave me my answer but I wanted to hear it from him.

"What if I really want to, baby?" He bit his lip and leaned closer to me again but we jumped apart when we heard someone clear their throat. I looked up to see my dad with an eyebrow raised and then looked at Niall whose face was bright red. I fell onto my back on the grass and rubbed my eyes sighing.

"This better be life or death important." I looked at him again and he shook his head at me.

"Oh trust me it is. Now get up both of you and adjust your problems or get rid of them. Once you're done meet me in the kitchen." He turned to leave and got a few steps away from us and turned back around.

"And please make it quick." He left the yard and I looked back at Niall who was still bright red. I chuckled softly and stood up offering him a hand. He took it and I pulled him up close to me to kiss him, I could tell he was tense so I didn't push it any further and pulled away.

"I'm sure it's nothing love. Come on." I grabbed his hand pulling him close as we walked to the house. When we got in the kitchen I saw Louis downing shots and Harry sitting at the island with a jumpy leg. At that sight I instantly got nervous considering Louis refuses to drink in front of Harry. I looked at my dad who as giving his phone the death look then looked at me with dread.

"I'm sorry Zayn. I tried my best to keep this from happening."

"What are you talking about?" I stepped closer to him, seeing Louis in the corner of my eye drop his head.

"The next hybrid number is 482. And they're coming soon, I was hoping to get here as soon as possible to warn you guys." 

Everything that happened next went so fast I thought I made it all up. No one had the chance to say anything because we heard the front door bust open and people yelling. I instantly grabbed Niall and bolted to the play room that locked from the inside but we were cut off by people coming in from the back door close to us. Soon we were surrounded and hands started grabbing Niall and pulling me away from him. I heard Louis letting out yells to not lay a hand on Harry, Niall was screaming for me and I was thrashing in the grasp of two officers. I got out of the grip and punch one of the officers in the jaw and got to the man holding Niall by the hair only to push him off Niall and grabbing him and running. We didn't make it too far for a man to grab the back of my shirt pulling me back and letting go of Niall. They soon had a hold of Niall again and there was on officer on top of me holding me against the floor.

"Zayn! Please don't let them take me! Please!"

I struggled in the man's grip only to get my last words in before they took him out of my sight.

"I'll get you back Niall. I love you!" and with that I heard a struggled cry and he was out of my sight.


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