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After my shower and giving myself little ideas of ways to irritate Zayn, I head back downstairs to find Mary bustling around in the kitchen. She perks up at the sight of me and gives me a hug.

"How are you feeling Niall? Have you had breakfast yet?" I give her a confused look and go sit at the breakfast bar.

"I'm feeling fine, and no I haven't had breakfast. What's with you this morning?" She gives me a worried look but brushes it off quickly with a peppy smile.

"Oh nothing just excited." She starts mixing pancake batter together and pushes a hot cup of tea my way while I was still giving her a confused look. Did Zayn say something to her?

"Is Zayn still here?" She tenses for a moment and counties on her tasks.

"Oh no honey, he left a few minutes ago. He stormed out of here and almost ripped Louis arm off dragging him to the car." So he did say something to her about me and now she won't tell me or she's grateful I'm alive.

"So you're either excited I'm alive from standing up to Zayn or you're excited that you're back in this wonderful household?" I give her a smirk and sip on my tea watching her over the brim of the cup. She gives out a sigh and I see her body relax, flipping a few pancakes on a plate she turns to me.

"I'm just happy you're okay and not screaming to where everyone in the neighborhood can hear you. You need to be careful when pushing his buttons because you don't know what he could do." She pushes the plate of food in front of me and I can't help but grimace at the memory the last time I pushed Zayn's nerves.

"He wouldn't do that to me again, he said he wouldn't. Plus things are different now, he said he loves me." I couldn't help but whisper the last part as I glance up at Mary seeing her deflate at my comment. She walks over to me and gently takes my face into her hands.

"Just be careful honey, you never know what someone can do when they are seeing red and are angry beyond belief. Even if they do love you." She kisses my forehead and leaves the kitchen to continue with her daily chores. I'm left in the kitchen to my thoughts and thinking if pushing Zayn is really a good idea or not. But after thinking about it more often, I end up just thinking about how he's always in control and I want a little taste of it here and there.

Throughout the day I helped Mary around the house and while I was in the kitchen making tea yet again, Zayn walked through the kitchen with a smug look. I gave him a confused look and he just brushed past me, not looking at me or saying anything to me. Standing shocked I glanced at Mary and she just shrugged making her way to the laundry. Making my way upstairs I found him in the bedroom and messing around with something in a drawer.

"So are we ignoring each other now?" He doesn't look at me and just continues what he's doing. I roll my eyes and walk up behind him but as I was about to lay my hands on his chest he grabs my wrists.

"I'm not ignoring you I just don't want to talk to you, because if I do I'll say something I don't want to." He drops my hands and walks away from me towards the closet, I scoff at him and follow.

"So you're all mad because I teased you this morning?" I gave him an amused look while he only glared at me further.

"Just teased me huh? No talking back or arguing or anything? Just teasing." He tried to give me an amused look but his eyes gave it all awhile since they were dark as ever. My smile falls as he nears me looking madder than he was this morning when he found me sitting in his office. As he nears me he backs me up against the wall bringing one hand next to my head while the other ran down my cheek slowly. I went to speak but he stopped me by laying a finger on my lips and inching his face closer to mine.

"I've already had my fair share of hybrids disobeying me and rather not have any more of it, frankly its old news. I expected much more from you Niall, more reasonable than anything, so on that note I'm done arguing about something that is pointless and not going to happen. In that note, either fix this attitude of yours or find the door." He still stands in front of me watching for my reaction and I just gape at him, not believing that he just told me to behave or I can leave. Feeling tears come to my eyes I roughly push him away from me seeing his eyes flare in anger.

"You're going to get rid of me if I don't behave like some obedient hybrid pet, like I'm just one of your trophies to show off because I'm just a piece of property? I thought I was more than that to you, considering it was your idea to have me more of a lover than some pet." I jab a finger on his chest as he pulls me roughly closer to him still flaring with anger.

"It was my idea but maybe I was stupid in my decision." He lets go of me and I just stare at him shocked. The next thing I do shocks me along with him, my hand strikes his face quickly and roughly making his face turn to the side.

"Consider your stupid decision gone then because I don't want to be around someone who says they love me but doesn't show it truthfully." At this point tears are streaming down my face and run out of the room towards the front door. As I reach the first floor I hear Zayn's voice booming throughout the house calling my name, in a panic I run faster through the door ripping it open once I got there. Once I hit the drive way I see Mary heading out to go home but stopping once she sees me. She gives me a concerned look as open her car door telling her to drive me anywhere. Just as the car was pulling out of the drive way on to the main road I see Zayn running out of the house with equal tears running down his face.


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