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I woke up to an empty bed and the house being bitterly cold. Pulling myself up out of bed I made my way to the closet to wrap myself up in warm clothing, once I'm dressed I head downstairs to the kitchen for tea. Glancing around I see no one, not even hearing a voice throughout the house. Gently setting my mug down I make my way towards Zayn's office, as I neared the door I heard the slight noise of typing. Letting out a relaxed sigh, feeling slightly calm that I wasn't alone, I slowly push the door open seeing Zayn focusing on something on screen. He's shirtless and his hair is still messy from sleep, and his eyes looked hooded and dark filled with interest and complete focus. Before I make any more movement towards him sound started seeping out of his laptop.

"More and more surgeries on hybrids have been sky rocketing the market. The highest selling surgery is to reverse the effects of hybridism, many owners that view their hybrid less as an item and more of a lover are all over bidding and setting their places to make the change." Before the woman could continue he shuts the laptop cutting all the sound in the room. He puts his head in his hands, running his finger through his hair. I look down at my feet and slowly make my way back through the door before he could see me standing there.

I slowly start my tea again while the woman's voice is racing through my head on a loop. Reverse the effects of hybridism. Would Zayn want to do that? Was that why Mart was over here yesterday? As questions flooded my head rather quickly I heard the door to Zayn's office open and close, still looking down at my tea mug I felt him come up behind me rubbing my shoulders calmly.

"Good morning love, did you sleep well?" He whispers kissing the back of my neck, I can tell he doesn't want to tell me what I heard in his office just by the sound of his voice. But I couldn't help but lean into his embrace letting the questions and news in my head die down slightly.

"Fine, but I was disappointed when I found you weren't there." I turned into his embrace and ran my fingers through his hair, he let out a soft groan closing his eyes at the feeling.

"I was going to come back I just had to ease my mind of a few work things." His eyes were still closed and my fingers stilled for a second then continued. So is he not going to tell me about the hybrid surgeries?

"What works things did you have?" I couldn't help but push more, I just wanted to hear it from him and not some news woman or Mart. His arms tighten around me and brought me closer to him, my arms fell from his hair and down to lay on his chest. He kissed me suddenly and moved his hands under my sweatshirt making my warm skin be chilled again against his hands. Before the kiss got any more heated or I could move my hands he pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

"Just some finical things for the company, nothing to serious. I'm going to go take a shower would you like to join me?" I frowned slightly then pushed it away giving him a small smile.

"I'm going to finish my tea and think of something for us to do but you can go ahead." It was his turn to give me the frown but it was playful at least.

"Huh, you pass on having a shower with me? Never thought we'd get to that." His kissed me again deeply then pulled away making his way back upstairs, once I heard the door close and the shower start I grabbed my tea and made a beeline to his office. I guess I'll just have to find out myself. 

Slowly opening the door I made my way to his desk where his laptop lied, setting down my tea I opened it slowly. Once it was open all the way the screen flashed up with a picture of me as the background, I was sleeping looking at peace. Smiling to myself I opened one of the tabs at the bottom of the screen. The first one that came up first was a chart covered with numbers and ways a company would expand. Clicking the next one I was greeting with news headlines on hybrids, reading the title just made everything about me cringe and want to crawl under blankets. Opening the video again the woman continued where she was cut off.

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