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You're first time is supposed to be with someone you love. It's supposed to be gentle and loving with someone you imagine having a future with. Not some random guy 'training' Niall for his new life.

For the first few times Niall screamed and tried to get away from the man, but only to have to be gagged. After he lost count of how many times men have been with him and used him, he gave up on screaming and struggling. He just did as he was told and walked around like an emotionless zombie.

He was trained to do house chores where not even a spec of dust was seen. There were many things Niall was trained to do, some of the stuff he now knows how to do perfectly.

He was always the highest bid because of his very young age and his 'innocent' look. Even if everyone knew he was far from innocent.

All the training started at 8 after his new additions were fully grown and healthy, then it went on till he knew how to expertly and perfectly do everything.

Things got worse as he got older, more sexual training that got extreme and rough.

After everyone fell asleep Niall would lay in his corner and imagine his life with a family who loved him. Especially his mother he didn't even remember anymore.


"I told you that this was a bad idea. The woman almost took him!" We could hear Zayn roar down the hall at his father and Harry clung to me but still covering his ears. Ive been rubbing his back in the bedroom since he ran in screaming for me.

"I don't like yelling." He says quietly while still covering his ears. I rested my chin on his head and told him everything would be okay. We sat like this for a while not hearing a sound from Zayn's office, my tail flicking calmly as Harry calmed down. I jumped as Harry started to move to get out of my lap.

"I need to go back to room so Master Zayn doesn't get mad. Thank you NiNi." He got up, gave me one last hug and walked to his room holding himself. I sat in the same spot for awhile until I heard Zayn walk in the room.

I jumped up quickly so I was standing and he took two long strides till I felt his arms wrap around me. I hugged him back feeling his face in my neck giving it light kisses. He pulls away but his face is inches away from mine and I'm hoping he'll kiss me like he did that one night. Just one kiss makes my stomach have butterflies. His hands run down my back to my hips and grips them tightly pulling me slightly closer. He exhales deeply like he's thinking, his fingers roughly making circles in my hip bones. After a few seconds later his lips slam roughly into mine and my stomach does front flips.

The kiss is rough and lust full, his tough invading my mouth. He moves my legs so he can pick me up and take me to the bed where he throws me down on and kisses my neck. I'm letting out messy moans and gripping his hair, my tail is flicking around vigorously while my ears are hidden in my hair.

His hands are pulling at the end of my short then it's on the floor, with him kissing down my chest. As he got closer to the waist band of my underwear, making sure to suck and lick around that area, I let out a loud moan.

"Fuck Z-Zayn," and he stopped what he was doing and looked up at me. I was panting and looking at him confused.

"I -I can't-" he shook his head and left the room, slamming the door behind him and leaving me confused and hurt.


After Zayn's episode I sat the confused for a moment but soon got up and started a shower. I stood under the water letting run down me, trying to relax but my thoughts not letting me.

Did I do something wrong? Did he realize that I wasn't what he wanted?

There where too many thoughts, all of them resulting around that.

I took a deep breath and started to clean my self and brush my teeth. After I was done I dried then wrapped the towel around my waist.

I slowly opened the door looking to see if anyone was here but I was still alone. I walked to the closet and changed quickly. As I left the closet I saw Zayn walk in the room.

"You're going to be sleeping with Harry in his room tonight. Hang that towel and get down stairs. He's waiting for you outside the door."

"But can we-"

"No. Get out and get some sleep." He said darkly and walked to the door holding it open for me. I walk quickly to the bathroom to hang the towel and go back to him. I stood in front of him and look at him softly. His eyes are closed and his jaw is clenched, he notices me in front of him and stares at me darkly. I take a step back and open my mouth to try to say something but I feel a hand go across my cheek.

"You know how I don't like disobedience or back talking now get out of my room so I don't do something I regret." I cup my cheek still not understanding what happened until I felt small hands grab my wrist and pull me away. Once my foot leaves the door way it's slammed, making the whole house shake.

"It's alright NiNi. Master Zayn gets that way when something is brought up from the past."

Once we get to Harry's room I sit on the floor trying to understand what I did wrong. I don't realize I'm crying until I feel Harry wipe tears from my cheek.

"It's alright, you have me to take care of you."

"What did you mean when you said Zayn gets mad at the past?"

"Don't really know for sure," he shakes his head and sits next to me, "but I heard Boo and Master Zayn talking about a dog hybrid and how he hurt Master Zayn a lot. Like broken heart hurt."

"Do you know his name?"

"Yeah, he was super mean to me. He always used to call me stupid and retarded. No one ever believed me besides Boo. Josh was a meanie."

My eyebrows furrow together at the name. Josh? I know I've heard that name before at the camps, disobedient dog hybrid with a mouth.

"I think that Master Zayn likes you like he did Josh. He looks at you the same way he did Josh when he wasn't paying attention."


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