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"Have they found anything new?" I sipped on my tea and shook my head. My hands were shaky as I tried to put the cup down.

"They're deeming it as a cold case. That they can't find any new evidence." My voice came out as raspy and raw. I've been up all day and night hoping that that detective will come telling me that they found my son.

"Oh Maura, maybe-"

"No mom. He's still out there they're just giving up." I stood up suddenly and walked up to his room. I walked in slowly like I was going to disturb anything lying around. I sat on his bed and picked up his favorite bunny and clutched it to my chest hoping that would bring him back, I shut my eye tight trying to remember he's beautiful laugh. But when I opened my eyes I was still sitting in an empty room, with my baby out there alone.


The water hitting my back helped me relax slightly but my mind was still racing with millions of unanswered questions. I let out a deep shaky breath running my fingers through my hair. I needed to talk to someone before my mind explodes, I could only hope Harry would be here tonight.

I stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around my waist, I walked into the bedroom seeing no outfit set out like normal. I guess Zayn was serious about starting over and not treating me like the slave I was trained to be.

I walked into the closet and pushed around clothes till I found a some what decent outfit. I through on a maroon dress shirt, black skinny jeans, and black boots.

Walking back into the bathroom I fixed my messy hair and dried my ears and tail more making them puffy and soft looking.

Once I walked out of Zayn's room I was hit with music and loud talking, and with my cat ears every noise was slightly heightened. Walking down the stairs I was greeted with stares and awkward glances from people, and me being the clumsy person I am, I ran right into some one.

"Oh sorry-"

"NiNi!" The person screeched in my ear then hugged the life out of me, I noticed the curly hair and the loud voice and hugged him back.

"Harry! I've missed you, how have you been." I asked pulling away from the hug smiling.

"I been okay. Mostly missed you though. You okay?"

"Um actually-" I was interrupted by someone grabbing my waist and pulling me into their side kissing my temple.

"You look amazing. I've seen you found Harry." Zayn eyed me up and down with happiness in his eyes and I noticed Louis come up behind Harry.

"I think that they're becoming good friends. Come on Zayn let's leave them to talk then you can be all over him later." Louis winked at me and pulled Zayn towards the bar. Harry gave me a confused look and I pulled him outside to talk privately.

"Um I thought master Zayn was mad at you?" He asked once we sat down on the deck.

"So did I until we made out and did, um, other things but that's not important what's important is that he apologized for everything and asked if we could start over. But he didn't want things to be like before. I'm so confused at this whole thing, I can tell something is different with him but I can't place it. When he came to me to end my punishment he was almost gentle at it and I could hear uneasiness in his voice as he called me those names. I don't know Harry, maybe I'm imagining things." I looked at Harry and I saw he was just smiling at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He started giggling before he spoke.

"He's starting to like you dummy, and more then a master would with a slave. That's how Louis looks at me but not his others." He was still smiling and I couldn't help myself but to smile as well.

"Really? You think so..?"

"Trust me NiNi, I know so." I gave him a goofy smile and hugged him tightly. When I pulled away I was still smiling and Harry tugged me back to the party. But before I could leave his side and venture, Harry pulled me back.

"I want to tell you one thing. Stop being so scared and jump into this new situation. So go be cute with master Zayn." I nodded at him and went to go find Zayn. He's right, I need to stop being so scared everything and take a risk every now and again. I spotted him at the bar talking to his father and Louis, he honestly looked bored. I walked up to him and hugged his waist, he didn't hesitate and squeezed me tightly back.

"Hey baby, having a good time?" I just nodded and leaned into his side, he kissed my forehead and I could feel a smile on his lips. I could get used to this, it was nice.

"Oh Niall I forgot to tell you, I kinda invited someone that you would know." Zayn's father moved to the side and a woman came into view. I recognized her and gripped Zayn's shirt thinking she would try something again.

"Niall baby, I'm not going to hurt you. Come give me a hug." I just looked at her and studied her face. My grip on Zayn's shirt loosened slightly but I was still thinking about moving.

"Please Ni, I just need one." I heard defeat in her voice making my heart hurt. I let go of Zayn and slowly walked towards her, once I was in her proximity she pulled me into a tight hug. Her small arms were tightly wrapped around my waist as if she thought I would vanish into thin air. I stilled for a moment then hugged her back, once my arms touched her back I heard sobbing.

"Oh my baby. I've missed you so much."


After a few more hours of people partying and getting drunk the party soon ended, but Harry and Louis were planing on staying so that gives me some time to catch up with Harry.

Zayn and I started cleaning the kitchen only to get slightly distracted and I ended up sitting on the kitchen island kissing him.

He pulled away and kissed my sweet spot under my ear making me moan slightly, my heels pressed harder on his back making him come closer to me.

"If you don't stop that I'll have no shame on taking you right here on this kitchen island." He whispered into my ear then taking my ear lob into his mouth. My fingers laced in his hair bringing up another moan.

"Really guys on my counter!" We both jumped at the voice and a dish rag being thrown at us, looking up and saw a smirking Mary.

"Mary-" she throws up a hand and pointed to the stairs, then motioning us up and out of the kitchen. At that Zayn picked me up by my thighs taking me up stairs. I let out a giggle as he tried to hold me, walk up stairs, plus kiss me. As we made it to the bedroom finally, he lied me down as he hovered over me.

"Before this goes on, I wanted to ask, are you for sure about this or-"

"Yes. I'm for sure. I'm starting to realize that there's more to you then you came off. I want this." I saw something flick across his eyes then kissed me hard sending butterflies through my stomach.

I'm hoping I'm marking the right choice here. If not I'm blaming Harry.


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