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The sun was bright that day, it was also very hot. I heard many voices and sounds around me, children were running around everywhere. I remember the day, it was the day my whole life changed. I was standing at the play ground minding my own business when a man came and tapped my shoulder. I turned to face the man and was shocked at seeing his face. I don't remember it like this.

"Hey little boy, where's your mother?" The man asked me like he did the first time but something was different.

"I'm Zayn, why don't you take a walk with me."


I jerked up from bed with sweat dripping off me. I still had to sleep in my stomach, so I was leaning on my elbows in the dead of night. I wasn't in the hospital anymore and back in my bed at the house. I pushed up from the bed and sat on the edge running my fingers through my hair. I desperately wanted to go take a shower to rid of the sweat but I knew what would happen if anyone woke and heard me. So, I snuck to the back door leading to the backyard for some fresh air.

I sat on the grass welcoming the cool air to help me relax. I still had replays of my dream in my head so I tried to focus on the millions of stars above me. I wanted to lay on my back to get a better view but can't really do that.

Without noticing I saw that the sun was starting to rise so that was my cue to get back inside. As I snuck in I saw on my the maids raise an eyebrow at me then quickly shoo me away to my room. After sitting on my bed motionless for a few minutes I heard my door open.

"Your back is looking better. How are you feeling?" I hated hearing his voice, it was choppy and rough sounding and it made me cringe.

"Answer me pet." I could tell without turning around that his stance got stiff and tense.

"I feel fine. May I use the shower?" I eventually looked at him seeing that I was correct about his stance and seeing him nod.

"Make it quick, pet. We have company coming today so, best looking clothing." He shut my door roughly on his way out. I walked out of my room briskly and into the bathroom taking a quick shower. I knew what was planned today and I've been looking forward to it since I saw Zayn again. My owner now used to be a captain of one of the police forces and what I've been told he likes to hold parties to honor the forces now. So seeing a familiar face here is something I can use to an advantage.

Once I was out of the shower and dressed in the clothes they call nice, which is only short shorts that show off a lot of leg and a see through shirt, and walked into the living room area. Once I sat down he came up to me and snapped a collar on me then on Sully, who looked nervous.

"Now boys, since this will be the first of many events you'll attend to we need to let you guys know the rules." His wife was the first to speak, I liked her a lot more than him only cause she at least tried to treat us as people.

"You will keep to yourselves and not bother the guest, some of them haven't been around hybrids before so if they stare don't mind them." The wife smiled kindly at us then was glared at by her heartless husband. They continued with more rules that I wasn't planning to follow only because I was hoping that I would be able to escape today.

A group of ten or so people showed up first and sadly none of them were the one person I needed. It was an hour since the first people showed and I was thinking that he wasn't coming. That was until I heard the doorbell ring once more and my ears flicked up in hope.

"Ah Mr. Malik, you showed! I was thinking you wouldn't make it this year." I let out a sigh of relief and the went back to looking like I knew nothing when I saw a few stares.

"No need to worry Mart, these are the events I look forward to." I couldn't see them from the place I was told to stay but I could hear hostility in the tone. I could see them come into view and my owner was probably telling them about his hybrids. That's all he talks about, was how he's proud to own them.

They walked towards Sully and I, and I noticed that Zayn's mother was with him. Or from what I knew she was the doctor that checked me out. Zayn's dad made eye contact with me and held it for the longest time till my owner spoke again.

"Isn't the blonde a beauty? He's a little rough to train but I think I'm getting there with him." When gave me a look I felt like my back was burning, I wanted to tell one of them about my injury so they could get me out but I didn't want to move.

"He sure is Mart. He looks a lot like a hybrid my son had." Zayn's dad glared almost at Mart who only gave him a confused look but brushed it off.

"Alright well, have a look around and we'll start soon." He left and when he was out of view Zayn's dad knelt in front of me.

"How are you doing?" He looked worried while his wife looked nervous.

"Do you really want to know. Are you going to tell Zayn?" He looked at me dumbfounded.

"Of course I'm going to tell him. He's been a mess ever since you were taken from him, and I don't want to mention how he's been since he saw you at the mall. Now tell me." I looked at him with sad eyes and looked around for anyone watching me. Then I turned around and told him to look under my shirt. I felt him move my shirt and move quickly away from me with a gasp. His wife doing the same.

"That's how I'm doing, and don't tell Zayn but, they are a lot more scars then I care to mention. I want leave this hell rather quickly." I say with my head down as I turned around back to him. He let out a deep breath then stood to tell something to his wife. She looked like she was going to cry but nodded. He knelt down to my level again with determination in his eyes.

"Do you have to sit here all night, or can you move around."

"We were told not to bother the guest and stay in a place were we were easily seen or that they could come get us quickly. But you should know that I don't follow their rules." The corner of my mouth twitched upward then went to normal again. He smirked at me the nodded.

"Well this is how we're going to do this. If you can get outside-"

"Mr. Malik? We are about to start." My owners wife came behind them and looked at him confused.

"Is there something going on with this hybrid?" Mr. Malik sat there for awhile then stood and turned to her.

"How has this hybrid been? Does he behave?" She looked confused at him then to me. I looked up at him with the same look of confusion.

"Well he has his days and he's rather difficult to train. My husband wants to train him into being the perfect submissive but I don't think he'll get to him. Why do you ask?" I could see behind her that her husband was coming to see what was going on.

"Is he for sale? Or can I take him off your hands? He doesn't look well and I'm sure you don't want a sick hybrid on your hands, especially if he gets terminally ill." Both of my owners looked down at me then back at Mr. Malik. Mart came to me and grabbed me by my collar pulling me to my feet.

"Why do you really want him?" His grip on my collar was still hard and I was struggling to breathe slightly.

"My wife and I are lonely at home. All the kids are out of the house and we need something around the house to keep the excitement there." He kept his face straight and didn't look away from Mart. Mart hummed and gave me a side look, then to my surprise shoved me into the arms of Mr. Malik's arms.

"Good luck trying with him. Now get out of my house." Zayn's dad gripped my arm tightly and dragged me out of the house quickly with his wife following. Once we were outside I hugged him tightly and felt tears fall. I kept repeating thank you over and over again until I pulled away from him.

"It's alright Niall. Now let's get you home." He smiled down at me then unsnapped the collar from my neck.


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