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"Zaynie, wake up. I'm bored and want to play." His voice sounded like silk in my ear as he began to kiss my neck. I felt his weight on me and my hands found there way to his hips and gripped them snappy his attention to me. His bright eyes bored into mine, for a moment I saw an emotion flash through his face then quickly disappeared.

"You're eyes are so beautiful. I love you." His voice sounded distant, but I brushed it off and took his face in like I would never see it again. I smiled wide and cupped his face pulling him to kiss me.

I flipped us over so he was under me and his fingers were tangled in my hair. I moaned and smiled against his lips feeling happy and never wanting it to end.

But he soon pulled away and pushed away from me. I fell back onto the bed looking shocked and confused.


"You have to save me. Please!"

"What are you talking-" I slowly moved out of bed and walked toward him but he only jumped further away from me.

"Zayn! Please don't let them take me! Please!"

I shot up in bed with my face drenched in tears and Niall's voice replaying loudly in my head. I moved to get out of bed and go to the bathroom but only fell to my knees since my legs felt weak. I took several deep breaths to help me calm down, and forced myself to stand.

Once I made it to the bathroom I splashed cold water on my face and held the counter with all my strength. I don't know how long I stood there but soon I was pulled from thought seeing Marry standing in the bathroom door way.

"Zayn, hun, are you alright?" All I could do was nod and slowly let go of the counter, flexing my fingers.

"You're father is here for breakfast. Do you want to come down and join him?" Again I ended up just nodding and she slowly left me alone. I looked up at the mirror seeing how tired and stressed I looked.

There were dark bags under my eyes, my hair looked like small animals lived in it and my eyes were puffy and red from crying.Splashing water in my face one more time and dragged myself to my room to grab a hoodie and walked downstairs to breakfast. When I walked into the kitchen everyone stopped moving, glanced at my appearance, then went back to working.

I saw my dad sitting alone at the table with a mug sitting in front of him. He just stared off into space not looking up or saying anything to me once I sat down. Mary set food down in front of us and left, leaving us to silence again. My dad finally looked up and me and gave me a sad shocked look.

"Zayn, are-"

"If you're going to ask if I'm okay or alright I'm fine. I'm just tired of people asking me that." He nodded and looked at his food. I just pushed my eggs around on my plate not really feeling hungry.

"There hasn't been anything new about the hybrids. They collect two more then stopped, it's been quiet." I didn't say anything except just looking at my food feeling my headache coming back.

"But in different news, your mother contacted me. She wants to see you."

"Why? She never took interest in me ever since I started buying hybrids." My mother doesn't agree with me being gay, but some how she tolerates it. But me being with a hybrid she doesn't really like. He shrugged and took a drink of what I'm guessing was coffee.

"All she said was that it was important. But you need to get back to work and take a shower."

"Is that why you're here? To get me back into the real world after everything?" I pushed my food away and stood up from the table ready to escape to my room. But as I was about to turn and leave he caught my wrist and pulled me back.

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