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"What you working on daddy?" I look up to see Zayn trying to look at the arrays of paper on my desk but he's still to little to look over the desk edge. I motion for him to come here and I pick him up putting him in my lap.

"I'm working on some work stuff. Wanna help little man?" He eagerly nodded with his bottom lip frame between his teeth and waited for me to explain.

"I'm trying to find this little boy who is missing. What we need to do is look through the clues that we have and see where the boy went or who took the boy, okay?" He nodded again and picked up a picture of the missing boy.

"I like his eyes daddy. They very pretty."


I stared down at Niall's open file, hoping that something new will pop out of it. He's been here for two months and I still haven't figured out anything new about him. I ran my hands down my face in exhaustion trying to think of something or some how I'm going to figure out about the beautiful blue eyed hybrid living in my house. So I pulled out my laptop and googled him, a lot came up but it was all dated to when Niall would be at least 7 or 8.

I clicked on one site that said an 8 year old boy went missing from a play ground and still hasn't been found. There was a picture, an old one, that came up on the website of a little boy with the brightest blue eyes. I leaned closer to my laptop feeling like I've seen that picture before. After just looking at it for ages I leaned back and shut my laptop giving up. I left my office going to the kitchen for a drink, once entering I saw everyone hustling around trying to get things done and cleaned. I looked around confused until Mary came up to me to explain.

"Master Zayn, good afternoon. Would you-"

"Mary what's going on here? Why is everyone running around like there is something important happing?" She just looked at me shocked and like I lost my mind.

"Master Zayn, it's your fathers birthday. We're having a party here like every year?" Now it was my turn to look at her shocked.

"Shit I forgot. Okay Mary I need you to just drop what you're doing and get my hybrid ready for tonight. Make sure he looks decent and doesn't smell. I don't need an embarrassment tonight." She nodded but looked disappointed at my tone. I was still slightly mad at Niall so I had to keep my act up that I'm mad at him. I didn't want to keep in up cause I honestly just wanted to apologize and get him back. She left the kitchen while I went to my room to shower and pick out an outfit.

As I walked into my room I saw Niall just getting out of the shower, he still uses mind even though there are many more throughout the house. I looked through the door to see his back to me and a towel rubbing his hair. I had a clear view of his backside and just the sight of him makes me want to forget all the drama that happened and have my way with him on that counter.

Shaking my head I looked down and walked to my closet, once I entered I lied my head on the wall to breathe a little and to bring my attitude back. I heard a sharp breath intake and I looked up to see Niall staring at me with his ears perked and his bright eyes looking right in mine. I stepped back from the wall and took a step close to him, he didn't do anything and kept looking in my eyes. The only thing I wanted to do was kiss him and feel his lips on mine again. I didn't even notice that I got so close to him that our noses were almost touching. I had a million thoughts in my head telling me to do it but I also had some telling me to just walk away. I was battling with my inner self on a stupid simple thing that I already know what I should do.

So I did it, I grabbed his face and kissed him with passion and need. I felt him still for a second then start to kiss me back and soon his fingers were in my hair and I pulled him closer to me. I turned him around and backed him up against the wall and gripped his hips wrapping my fingers around the edge of the towel pulling it apart so it fell to the floor. I picked him up by his thighs making his legs wrap around my waist. His ankles hooked together making me come closer to him some how. I pulled away and kissed up his neck to his sweet spot sucking on it, making him let out a loud moan and grip my hair more. I moved from the wall and walked into the room to lay him down on the bed and gaze at his beautiful body underneath me. Once he was down on the bed I ran my hands down his body and ghosted over his hard. I smirked and kissed his hip bones and sucking around his hard but not touching or coming close to it. This make him wither out a moan and run his hands through his hair.

"Please... Zayn don't tease." I stilled for a minute at the sound of my name coming out of his mouth and went back up to his face to look at him. I stared at him for a moment, only to see confusion in his eyes then he realized what he said and his eyes got wide. I gripped his chin and got closer to his face, and my hand grip his hard, slowly rubbing it.

"Say it again." I picked up my pace seeing him holding back so I ran my tongue across his jaw to his earlobe.

"Say it again." I repeated bringing his ear lobe in my mouth to sucked on.

"Zayn.. please." I groaned in my throat at hearing my name coming from his mouth. It was one of the hottest things I've heard, probably better then either daddy or sir. I kissed his neck till he came, then I kissed him again but this till with just passion. Once I pulled away he looked confused and passion.

"I'm sorry." I let it out and I didn't want to but I need to.

"For what?" His voice was shaky and breathless.

"My attitude towards you and your um punishment. It was unnecessary and unneeded." He closed his eyes and relaxed against the bed for a moment so I moved off of him and sat next to him.

"Let me go put pants on then we can talk." He said suddenly and walked towards he closet. All I really wanted to do was pull him into my lab and refuse him to leave. I looked down and waited for him but all I could think was I why I was suddenly feeling this way towards him. I haven't felt this since him. I felt like I was moving to fast, I did basically just torture him. Soon he walks out of the closet wearing baggy sweats and stood in front of me.

"I forgive you, but I don't think I can forget and forgive words-"

"I know, I shouldn't have said those things and I didn't mean them at. But can I ask you something?"

"Yeah." He seemed nervous at the response so I stood up so I was looking at him hoping that this will end the way I want it.

"Can we start over? But not as the whole "master and slave" thing." I stuttered through most of that again not knowing why. I saw his ears flick up in shock and raise his eyebrows. I looked at him again with pleading eyes and I couldn't help but think that he'll say no.

"Um I mean, I want to but the things said are still in my head so I thought I was back to being the slave."

"You are far far from being a slave and I regret saying those words and letting them come out of my mouth." He just stared at me thinking so I said what I really need to say that I've been thinking for a long time.

"Please Niall, I need you. And I don't want you to hate me." He let out a shaky breath and nodded giving me a small smirk. I didn't know what it meant but I couldn't help myself from kissing him again. But this time he kissed me back in an instant instead of stalling.

After a few minutes we broke apart at the sound of a door opening and I saw my dad standing in the doorway.

"Well this is a sight to see and I'm just going to see my way out and towards the liquor. Sorry for bothering." He smiled and winked at me then closed the door and left.

"We should probably get ready." He was blushing hard but nodded and followed me to the closet.


thought we could use some happiness before the drama comes ; )

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