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I wake up in a field filled with wild flowers and brightness, bird's chipped in the nearby trees but the sound that overruled everything around me was laughter. Pure, at peace laughter.

Rolling over in the flowers I glance up to see a couple laying further away from me. I pull myself up, making my way over to them. They seem to not see me and are only caught up in each other. As I near closer my breath hitches in my throat as seeing Zayn laying down in the grass with a bright smile plastered on his face, but the only thing that hurts me is that Josh is straddling his lap.

They started talking but no sound escaped their mouths, I neared them almost too where I could touch Zayn's hair and still nothing. I glanced around to see if I could still hear anything else and everything went to static. But one thing that caught my eye was someone else standing at the edge of the meadow. The person had no face or anything about him really, only what seemed like a black outline of a man. The figure started walking towards us slowly but seemed to be gaining ground quick. I looked back at the both of them seeing them in their own happy world, totally oblivious. I went to shake Zayn's should but my hands went straight through him, even when I called their names, nothing. Movement in the corner of my eye made me shoot my head up to see the man standing two steps away, but the only thing that could be noticed on him was the shinning of a silver gun. I turned my attention back to Zayn but again he was so caught up in Josh that neither of them saw the man. As I screamed Zayn's name and actually got his attention, the booming sound of a gun rattled my ears sending me into a cloud of dark and nothingness.


The house was quiet as I shot up from the couch, covered in sweat and tears. I pulled myself out of the tangle of blanket but once I tried to stand my knees buckled and sent me to the floor. Letting out a shaky breath I glanced up at the clock seeing it was only two in the morning. I sat on the floor for a while but my legs soon started to feel numb, so pulling myself up I shuffled to the hall bathroom. Mary's house was small but cozy and felt like home, but not the right type of home for me.

Glances at myself in the mirror I couldn't help but grimace. My eyes looked lifeless, dark circles covered my under eyes, and my hair was matted, almost like an animal was living in it. Splashing my face with water to wake myself up I got the feeling up my back like something bad was bound to happen today. I knew that feeling was right because this is the first place Zayn would come looking for me. Ignoring the shiver running down my back I walk back to the living room and fold the blanket nicely, making it look like I was never here. Since I had nothing with me it would be easy to slip in out of places for sleep, I shake my head nervously and make my way to the front door. It opened softly and quietly but was heavy under my touch.

Looking out to the front lawn then back inside, I so desperately wanted to climb back on to that couch but I knew if I did, Zayn would be here the moment I woke up. So with that I push myself out the door and shut it quietly behind me. Looking up and down the street for a sense of direction I let out a heavy breath.

Let the adventure begin, I guess, as I headed to the left.


I always thought I would never have a lead foot but as my foot sank against the gas petal towards her house I couldn't help it. I knew he'd be there still, he has no where else to go besides with me. Even though it was only 5 am I knew Mary would be up, she has to be at my house by 6:30. I pulled into the driveway swiftly and I was out almost running up to the front door. Not waiting for her to answer the door I slid my spare key in the door finding it unlocked, which is unusual for Mary.

As I walked in the main living room seeing he wasn't there my anxiety and irritation sparked. When I went to turn into the kitchen Mary runs into me with tear running down her face. She looks up at me with her eyes filled with terrifying emotions. Her hands where gripped on my jacket as she searched for the right words to say.

"Where is he?" My voice sound dark and distant, I didn't mean it as harsh I just need him back in my arms.

"I-I don't know. I woke up to make breakfast and he was gone." She let go of me putting some space between us like I was going to hurt her. I have her a confused look but she just looked away from me.

"What did you do to him Zayn?" Now it was her turn to sound harsh and I didn't blame her.

"Something I regret." My mouth tasted like poison as I recall what all I said but the tingle on my cheek reminded me that I deserved it.

"What did you do Zayn? I don't understand why you're so harsh to him." She walks past me and sits on the couch looking distant. I stayed in my place but turned to look at her.

"I'm just used to being harsh I guess. But um I just said something's that I shouldn't have." Narrowing her eyes at me she looked at me for more information.

"I said that I regret falling in love with him." My voice failed me letting a crack slip. She shut her eyes then went back to looking at the floor.

"You'd be lucky if he ever comes back to you again. He's the type of person that once you say that you don't love them, they won't come back. So good luck to you, I'm taking the day off." She lead me to the door and shut it in my face.

Standing there shocked I surprised myself and let out a sob. Jumping back in the car I sped out towards my right hoping to find the person I love, who I hope still loves me.


i desperately need help with the plot, i need something set to stick with and i have no idea.

so please giving me some ideas! :)

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