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**warning slight use of 'extreme' words**

Zayn stalked down the dark street with an umbrella covering his body from the heavy rain. He decided to walk to his meeting to clear his mind, the only thing he's been thinking of for the last two months was Josh. The street that he took was known to have homeless people take shelter there, even if a shelter was a few blocks away.

Zayn looked over the people feeling bad for them, he dropped a couple 20s in people's cup feeling bad for them and wanting to help. Right when he was about to drop the bill in a boys cup he recognized the boy.

"Josh?" The boy looked up at him with a glare then looked away.

"Piss off. I'm not in the mood for you." He looked down at his lap and was shaking from the cold, the rain not really helping.

"What happened to your lover?" Zayn spat not really feeling like being nice or pitiful for him.

"He left me and I had no where to go. Happy Zayn? I got what I truly deserve didn't I?"

"I never said-"

"You're thinking it. I know you. I know that you are happy to see me out in the streets with nothing because I had everything until I threw it away? I knew that you were going to propose to me soon, part of me felt guilty for cheating but it was such a rush. The rush to be sleeping with another person in your boyfriends bed. The rush of actually having sex with someone with out being bound to the bed or any other object. So I actually don't regret anything, I'm glad I did what I did. You were a shitty boyfriend anyway, or were we ever in a relationship?" Josh smirked up at Zayn seeing that his face was calm, not showing any emotion. His smirk faltered when he saw that his words didn't make any affect. Zayn knelt to his level, looking right into his eyes.

"A rush? So you're saying you get a rush whenever you're being a dirty slut? Your words don't hurt Josh, I've been rejected before. Oh you thought you where the first one to lie and cheat? Well you're far from right." Zayn looked over Josh's face seeing how his words effected him more then Josh's words affected himself. Zayn smirked and stood up to walk away but turned back to him before leaving.

"Oh and you didn't have everything because you never gave me the chance to give you everything."


I've been lying in Harry's bed curled up in a ball all morning, Harry brought me breakfast but it was still in the same spot untouched. He's tried to get me out of bed but when I don't make an effort to move he gave up and left the room.

I don't know how long I've been there but I needed to pee bad plus take a shower. I slowly sat up and left the small room, the only shower I know of is in Zayn's room. As I walked to his room I saw the door slightly open, I looked in the room seeing it empty but trashed. There were clothes everywhere like he threw them out of their drawers. I didn't make time to look around only to dart into the bathroom and do my business.

After drying I darted to the closet hoping to get dressed and get out. But right as I pulled a hoodie over my head and walking out I ran into someone. I looked up to see Zayn glaring at me, this isn't going be good.

"What are you doing in here?" He said darkly and looking like he wanted to hurt someone. I felt like I couldn't answer him only look at him and admire the details of his face.

"Answer me Niall!" His loud voice shocked me making me jump a few steps back.

"Just to take a shower and change, sir." My training kicked in and I looked down at my feet. My ears are hidden in my hair so everything sounded distant and not clear but there is a slight noise of him walking closer to me. I feel my chin being grabbed and jerked up roughly to look at him. He looks pissed and I've known from the past that when your master is pissed you're fucked. Literally.

"Why so much disobedience? You're normally so good and collected. Hmm" I look at him straight in the eye because I haven't done anything that has been bad, I don't even know what this is about. But I know not to ask why I'm being punished, unless asked. He looks over my face as his fingers grip my chin tighter. He leans closer to me but I make no effort to move closer to him, slightly scared. His eyes are dark but his pupils are blown with lust, the little fleck of gold in his eye is more noticeable.

"You have no idea how much I want to destroy you." I swear if he wasn't holding me up but by chin I would have crumbled. My fingers grip the end of the hoodie as my tail flicks wildly from excitement.

"Why don't you?" I whisper growing some balls. He smirked bitting his lip in the process like the sex god he is, again I'm about to crumble.

"God I want to so bad but the thing is sweets, you've been bad and bad kittens don't get cock. They get punishment." I deflate and whimper at his dark tone. He let go of my chin and pushed me to the ground by my shoulder, then stalking to the drawers that aren't ripped apart.

"What color do you want kitten? Pink or blue?" He says darkly adding a hum at the end. His back is towards me and I can see the muscles in his back flex.

"Pink." I whisper quietly hoping he heard me. He chuckles with delight and turns to me holding a pink rubber butt plug.

"Wise choice kitten, and the great thing about this choice is that it vibrates until I turn it off."


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