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"Harry please turn it off! I-i can't take it anymore! P-please!" My screams were hallow and loud, they went from screams to moans in a matter of seconds. It's been a day in a half and Zayn hasn't seen me or he would turn anyone down when they asked him to help me.

Harry would inch closer to me to try to help but when ever a strangled scream escaped my throat he would rush to a corner of the room or leave.

I've been stuck in Harry's room, on his bed mainly cause I can't move, so I've had to sit in my own filth from every climax I had. Every time I moved it felt like a bolt of energy went through my body making me twitch and shake more then I already am.

I let out another scream as I felt another climax climbing and I saw out of the corner of my eye someone open the door.

"Leave us pet." I looked over with blurry vision to see Zayn standing in the doorway and Harry leaving quickly. Once he was gone Zayn shut and locked the door, he stalked over to the bed I was withering on and knelt to my level.

"Had enough pet?"


"Don't call me that. You know the rules, my name isn't worthy for a useless pet to have in its mouth. Now shall I turn up our punishment or take it out?" All I could do was look at him with tears streaming down my face. I don't know why I even thought this man would treat me differently, guess I was wrong and that I'm still going to be another sex toy.

"Please turn it off sir." I said it staring straight in his eyes as I was shaking. An emotion went across his eyes but he pushed it away before I could tell what it was, he instantly brought back his dark attitude. He reached in his pocket pulling out a remote and pressing a button making all vibrations stop and my body could breathe. I moaned at the relief of calmness in my body, I closed my eyes and let out a breath. Then I felt fingers grip my chin tightly making my eyes shoot open making me look at a dark man with lust in his eyes.

"Get this mess cleaned then yourself. You're lucky your in this state or I would have fucked  you raw already. Now get this done pet." He let me go roughly and walked out. I reached behind me slowly for my body is aching and removed the plug. Throwing it in the corner of the room and pulled myself up slowly. Once I was in a sitting position I stared at the floor, I thought of standing and the pain that will come with it. I placed my feet on the ground and hissed at the cold tile against my toes. I muster up enough energy and push myself up off the bed only to fall forward on my knees for my body was shaking and couldn't hold my weight.

I let out a breath and I cried. I haven't really cried in such a long time that it felt good to actually cry. I bawled resting my forehead on the floor with my fingers gripping my hair hard. I hated myself for actually thinking that a man like him could treat me differently then everyone else has, but no I got my pathetic hopes up for nothing. Like he said I was just a useless pet, so I had to do what a pet does. Clean and serve his master.

I stopped crying and forced myself to get up and clean my mess even with the pain in my legs and back. I tore the sheets off the bed and wrapped them together with the comforter and put them next to the door to be taken to the laundry. Next I flipped the mattress and put new sheets and blankets on, changing the pillow case and setting them up nicely. I took the soiled linens to the laundry where I promptly started a load with others. I soon found myself in front of my masters door where it was open and welcoming, but with darkness in the room.

I scurried to the closet where I found a simple outfit then I went to the shower. I only gave myself a few minutes until I forced myself out and on to doing other duties and to find Harry.

Once cleaned and dressed I walked, or limped, to the kitchen were Mary and a few other cooks and maids were. They all looked at me with pity but continued they chores, Mary on the other hand walked up to me and hugged me. I've only been here for a short while but I found her as a mother figure who comforted me.

"I'm so sorry Niall. Would you like anything?"

"No I can get it myself. You don't have to serve me anymore, I'm nothing worthy of being served on." I looked down at my feet and feel her pull my chin up to make me look at her.

"You are so much more then some 'worthy title'. You deserve so much more." She hugged me again and I hugged her back tightly. My ears hid under my hair while my tail just hung there emotionless.

"Have you seen Harry?" I say pulling away from her sniffling.

"He went out back, might want to go see him now. Master Tomlinson should be here sometime today to fetch him." I nodded and made my way to the backyard. Once Harry leaves I won't have my friend around anymore. Him and Mary seem to be the only people who actually care about me and my well being.

Once I waked outside I saw him sitting cross legged picking at the grass. I sat next to him and looked up at the sky feeling the sun beat down on my face. It felt good to be outside again.

"Is NiNi feeling better?" He asked me quietly, I could feel him looking at me so I opened my eyes to talk to him.

"Not really. I mean yeah it feels good not having that thing in anymore but I still feel hurt. Like my body and mind." I felt him snake his arms around my waist and give me a side hug. 

"Is it of what master Zayn said to you?" I looked down at him questioning and he sat up again looking at me.

"You didn't hear this from me but I heard that when master Zayn starts getting attached to his hybrids he tries to push them away from him to avoid heart break. He thinks of the things that could hurt then the most or does things that could hurt them. I just hope he doesn't hurt you. Physically." I was going to say something but I was interrupted by Wilson coming to us.

"Harry, Louis is here to retrieve you." He nodded and Wilson walks back towards the house.

"Please be careful NiNi. I will hopefully be back to see you. I love you." He gives me a hug and walked to the house leaving me alone.


it sure has been awhile since i've updated this story. i thought it would be good to come back to this since i just finished my other story.

please tell me what you thought of this update

; )

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