Part 1

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Dan's pov

Hello my name is Dan. I am 24 and I live with my best friend Phil Lester. Me and him became best mates in 2009 then ever since then we have lived together in our apartment. We live in London and we love our little place.

So basically there is no other way to put tis but I am in love with Phil. I know I shouldn't be as he has a girlfriend and he isn't gay. But I do.

He just has this charm that makes me love him. The way he sticks his tongue out when he laughs is so cute I just get mesmerized by it. Also his eyes are just breath taking. One minute they are green then blue and then they could be yellow. They are so interesting.

"Dan?" I hear getting snapped out of my trance. "Dan are you ok?"

"Huh what yeah course." I replied. "Just lost in my thoughts"

"Want to talk about them as you were very deep in thoughts I said your name at least 14 times. They must have been something about them to make you carry on thinking." Phil said.

I sat there for a while. I obviously can't tell him that I was thinking about how beautiful he was can I?

"No, I'm fine." I mumbled. I knew I couldn't tell him. So why do I feel so bad.

"Oh o-okay." he stuttered. "Do you want a drink?"

"Yeah sure." I replied.

I know why I feel so bad. It's because I love him and I can't tell him. Which means he will be rejected from knowing my thoughts. The face he pulled one I said it was traumatizing. The once hopeful eyes had changed to a deep sadness.

Maybe I could take him out for dinner tonight as a sorry. Yeah I'm sure he will like that. But where do I take him. Oh I know. I should take him to the sushi place down the road.

I will ask him later it will be easier as he is upset at the moment.

He walks of to get the drinks, so I grab my laptop and log into my secret Tumblr account. This account is what I use for the things I don't want my fans to see that I look at.

I have two accounts one for my personal use and the other for my fans to follow.

As soon as I log on the first thing I see is an edit of me and Phil. OKAY don't judge but yeah I do follow about a billion Phan accounts.

What I like seeing the creativity of other people in the world. Well that's my excuse if anyone finds out truthfully I just love seeing the edits that people make of us.

Just as I was looking down my screen Phil walked in with the drinks.

"What you looking a Danny" he said cheekily. God I love that nickname.

But as soon as he said it I slammed down the lid of my laptop.

"Oh nothing just scrolling through Tumblr." I replied hesitantly.

"Oh okay" he whispered.

Crap I did it again I just can't hep myself today. I keep disappointing him. I feel dreadful after doing it though but tonight I will make it up to him.

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