Part 14

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Dan's pov

Me and Phil were on our way to Cassidy's house. Phil was actually I dark clothes for once so no one noticed him while he is outside Cassidy's house. I was of course in black jeans and a dark grey top.

As we approached Cassidy we could see her car was in her drive so we knew she was home. The fact was there was also another car.

We got nervous of who it could actually be.

"Dan just make sure you don't get hurt." Phil whispered worriedly.

"I wont get hurt she cant touch me."

"But whoever is with her could." he said.

I just looked at Phil I don't want him to get worried so I just nodded and looked strong. I could indeed get hurt. But I want to do this for Phil.

"Okay let's go. Right ring me now" Phil said.

I rang him but we made sure his end was on mute. Then I made my way to the door after hugging Phil.

I mean it is not as if anything too bad could happen to me.

But I was wrong.

Very wrong.

It was much different than we expected.

I walked up to the door and knocked. a man answered.

"Hey can I speak to Cassidy?" I asked.

"Who even are you and why do you want to speak to her." he spat back.

"Well if you must know I'm Dan and I need to talk to her about something that doesn't involve you." I replied to him in the same tone he did to me.

"Jake just let him in I know who it is." I heard Cassidy shout.

He turned around at Cassidy then looked back at me with a disgusted look on his face.

"Whatever" he snorted.

"So Dan what brought you here today?" She said grinning at me.

"You know why I am here" I spat back.

"Oh yeah and what might that happen to be" she replied still smirking.

"Why did you lie to phil" I asked.

"Well him being his innocent gullible self would obviously believe I wanted him. When I didn't want him at all." She started. " Then I thought I was close to getting what I wanted to I switched our lives around and claimed that you use to bully me"

"Yeah but you realise Phil didn't even believe you" I stated.

"But he just wanted an actual relationship as no one else would want to date him"

"There is nothing wrong with Phil he's like the best person I've ever known. Your the only one who had the problem he thought you loved him. But no you decided to break him. Then tried to get him to turn on me by blaming everything on me. I don't think so mate it's not going to work." I shouted.

Half way through speaking that Jake guy came back and started pushing me about.

"Oh yeah so tell me Dan if you love Phil so much why don't you date him" she shouted back at me.


After speaking I realised I just admitted I would date phil. And he was on the phone while I was speaking.

Well fuck.

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