Part 29

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Dan's pov

We both acted as if nothing had happened that day.

We got back to the apartment and ordered some food.

"Well today was adventurous" I blurted out.

"Sure was. Wonder if Pj ever woke up" Phil replied.

"Don't really care. Feel sorry for Chris though as Pj has been his best mates for god knows how long. He is going to be distraught when he finds out everything Peej did" I replied with a sorry tone.

"Well we were all very good mates with him so I have no idea why he turned like this. It's not as if any of us did anything to him. Unless..." He spoke out.

"Cassidy must have said something" we both said in sync.

We sat there thinking for a while before we heard the doorbell ring.

I stood up to go collect out food. We got Pizza with little chicken things as well.

I paid the bloke and then walked back into the living room where Phil was sitting there looking deep in thoughts.

"What could she have said?" He mumbled.

"Here" I blurt out trying to distract him so he doesn't start thinking so much.

"Oh cheers. Do you have any ideas of what Cassidy could've said to Pj to make him do this?" He asked

"No but when we go tell Chris which we should do tomorrow. I think we should ask him more about Peej and his personal life. As Chris would know everything about him" I replied pretty confidently.

"Yeah that's true. He could help us. Well that is if he believes us" Phil said with an unconvincing tone.

I sighed knowing Chris might not actually believe us. As he has been best mates with Pj for ages.

Phil turned Netflix on and we dug into our pizzas.

"Phil?" I asked

"Yeah" he replied

"Why did you run away earlier after admitting to me?" I blurted out.

"Oh I-um was just a bit embarrassed really" he said which scratching his neck awkwardly.

"Oh okay. It's not going to change anything. You know that right. You will always be my best friend" I said instantly regretting the fact I just said he will always be my 'best friend'

I loved him. I know I did. But I just couldn't admit it.

If anything happened between us I'd blame everything on me.

I always want to be with him. But I'd prefer staying best friends than dating, breaking up and then hating each other's guts.

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