Part 2

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Phil's pov

I think Dan knew I was upset. I tried my best so he wouldn't notice but I just like when we share our feelings and thoughts to each other. It just shows that we trust each other.

When I walked back In the room with his drink he quickly closed him laptop down. I got very confused though.

"What you looking at danny?" I asked cheekily.

"Oh nothing just tumblr." he replied with a guilty face.

I knew he was lying by the way he looked. If he was just looking at tumblr then he wouldn't of reacted like that.

I set his drink down on the side and then got my laptop out and went to sit down. Dan didn't speak to me once, but he did open up his laptop again and carried on with whatever he was doing.

He was on tumblr like he said but I couldn't see what he was looking at. I didn't look like his normal account as in the pictures he was looking at there were more than one person.

I wanted to ask again what he was looking at but if I did he'd probably think I was onto him. I didn't want him to find out that I had been looking at him and his laptop.

Dan is usually fine with people looking through his tumblr I wonder what he is up to.

I finished drinking my drink and saw that dan has too. So I stood up grabbed his cup then walked into the kitchen to clean it up.

Dan soon came in after. He just sat down. I waited for a while expecting him to say something but when I didn't I started to leave.

When I walked past him he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Wait phil I need to ask you something." He said quietly.

"Sure what is it" I replied.

"Right I know you probably hate me right now for being so secretive and crap. But I would like to know if you want to go out for dinner tonight" he said which startled me a bit.

"Uhm.. Yeah sure. What time?" I replied.

"Is 6:30 okay with you?" He asked.

"Yeah that's fine. Where are we going?" I questioned.

"You will have to wait to find out it's a surprise" Dan smirked.

"Ugh fine. So 6:30 okay" I reassured.

"Yep meet me in here. Then I will take us there" he said.

"Okay." I replied

So I have to be ready by 6:30 to go out with Dan. I hope I remember to actually get ready. I might even wear matching socks today.

Nah I'll go as my normal self it's the best way to go.

I'm just really curious of where we are going tonight. There's nowhere particularly fancy around here so I'm guessing I don't need to dress up really posh as I don't own any thing that looks like something fancy.

We will see.

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