part 3

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Dan's pov

I'm so glad he agreed to this. I felt so bad knowing that he was hurting. I knew why me not telling him hurt him a lot. It is because usually we tell each everything . Literally every little secret or thing that has happened we would go to each other first.

I realised something as soon as I went upstairs. I didn't have anything to wear. Apart from a suit. But if we go to the sushi place I can't really wear a suit.

Then it hit me. Instead of going to the sushi place we can go to this posh place that me and Phil went to for his birthday one time. I know he loved it there so it is bound to impress him. The only problem is that you have to ring up in advanced and book a table.

I decided I would ring any way and see if they have any spare tables.

"Hi I'm Dan I'm calling to see if you have any spare tables for tonight."

"I'm sorry sir I don't believe we do. If you give me your number I will check then I will ring you back in a few minutes."

I gave him my number then he hung up. I knew by how long it took that I wouldn't be getting a table there.

20 minutes later and I heard my phone ringing.

"Hello is this Dan?" the man asked on the other end of the phone.

"Uhh yeah it is." I replied.

"There seems to be one table left some people have recently dropped out on there reservation. so its your but there is a catch." He said.

"And that is?" I questioned.

"Well the table is in a different room and in the room there are only about 3 other tables in there. But for that table and the food, which is a international buffet If you didn't know, would come up to around £44.50 each with that you get the separate room with your reserved table and you get the unlimited food and a unlimited fizzy drink refill." he said

To be honest, I thought that deal sounded pretty good if I do say so myself.

"That's perfect" I replied.

"What time would you want it for sir?" he said.

"Well I told my friend to be ready for about 6:30 so is around 6:45 a good time for you?" I asked

"Yes that's fine by us see you then sir."

"Thank you bye." I said while hanging up.

well least that is sorted and because we are in a posh restaurant and are going into a different room I believe I won't look out of place with a suit on. I need to tell Phil though. I'm guessing he won't wear a suit unless I tell him to.

I decided to write a note as I think he is in the shower right now.


we are going to somewhere unexpected. If you may please wear a suit.

Thank you

Dan x

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