Part 21

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Dan's pov

i ran out after phil shouted his name over and over again. But he was gone.

He out ran me. i didn't know where he was going to go.

I knew he had a best made called Chris i suppose i could call him. He might tell me where he could've gone.

The phone rang a few times before he picked up.

"Dan? How comes you are calling me?" he said.

"Oh Chris i was just wondering if you knew where Phil went when he was upset?"

"yeah he goes to some abandoned park. No one ever goes there because someone got murdered there a few years ago." he said really casually.

"Oh great thats like twenty minutes away." i replied.

"Just go get him Dan." he said not questioning why he is upset or anything he just hung up.

I put my jacket back on a started running.

It was so cold my face was numb but I had to carry on running for Phil.

I could see the park in front of me. Only about 1/4 of a mile left to run.

I arrived at the park only to see it was empty. I looked around everywhere to see if there was any traces of Phil being here.

There was none.

That was until I approached a tree that had a white piece of paper with a few words scribbled on there.

I got closer and grabbed the paper off of the tree.

So you may be wondering where Phil is.
If you want him back then you have to come to my house.
That also means you have to figure out who this is.

Good luck.

My face dropped. Someone has took Phil

My Phil

He must be so worried right now. He doesn't deserve this happening to him. He hasn't done anything wrong.

But who would be this mean to take him. And why?

Short chapter.

19 votes and 12 comments for next chapter.

Just remember it will be much more interesting as it will be about Cassidy.

Don't be a ghost reader.

~ Jaz :)

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