Part 37

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Phils  POV

I woke up with Dan next to me. My arm draped over him, basically spooning.

I could smell his warm scent that was lingering in the air.

I wanted to check my phone but I didn't know where it was and I didn't want to move and wake up Dan. So I just laid there.

After a while I felt Dan stir and he turned around to face me.

His hair was a mess and was slightly curly, he was definitely going to straighten his hair today. It is funny when he has hobbit hair, it's really cute.

Dan opened his eyes and his brown odds were wide.

"Morning gorgeous" I chuckled.

"Is it still morning?" He asked.

"Don't really know. I haven't checked my phone" I replied.

He turned around to look at his phone and he showed me the screen.

It read 14:24pm.

"Never mind then" I laughed. "Afternoon gorgeous"

Dan started laughing. Really loudly may I add.

"Your such a nerd Philly" he laughed

"I know I am" I replied with a smile. "I'm also a lazy nerd who can't be bothered to move"

"You lazy shit" Dan chuckled. "Do you want a coffee?"

"Yes please, bring it in here after" I replied.

"Lazy sod" Dan muttered as he walked out.

"The bed lifted up slightly as he left my bed and I got colder without his warm presence nearby.

"Daniel" I shouted. "Hurry up, I'm cold being in here alone"

"Alright, calm down" he shouted back.

The kettle was boiling at this point so I knew I had to wait a bit longer.

I turned around and wrapped myself in a cocoon to try warm myself up.

"Aww Philly you look so helpless there" Dan chuckled as he walked in. "Surely your not that cold"

"I'm freezing" I grunted back.

"Here's your coffee, that will warm you up" he said passing me the mug.

"Thanks" I smiled.

He got back into bed and put the cover over himself

"Are you cold now?" I said sarcastically.

"Nope not at all" he laughed while taking a sip of his coffee.

"Course not" I smirked.

"Shut up and drink your coffee" Dan laughs.

I downed my coffee to carry on annoying him.

"So you look a bit cold mate" I chuckled.

"Say something again I dare you" dan shouts.

"Sorry Dan just got the chills" I burst into laughter after saying it.

"Right that's it" he said.

Before I could ask what he meant I was pushed off the bed onto the freezing cold floor.

"Owww it's even colder down here. Dan. I hate you" I blurted out jumping straight up off the ground.

I ran back into the bed and Cocooned myself again.

"Aww sorry Philly." He laughed before wrapping his arms around me. "I'll warm you up".

And with that I fell back asleep. With dan cuddling me.

Phan af.

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~ Jaz :)

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