Part 18

229 17 6

Phil's pov

I was just innocently eating cereal in the kitchen.

With my hands

Out of the box

And it's Dan's cereal.

That's when he walked in.

Don't look at me" i shouted.

"Phil I can see your eating MY cereal." He said while chuckling .

"No I'm not I'm just eating some shreddies."

"Last time you ate shreddies out of the box you was nearly sick." He replied. That is true as well.

"Uhm Uhm I uhh don't have anything" I said then I shoved the rest of the cereal in my mouth.

"Your such a dork" he said. I could tell I was blushing but I don't think he noticed.

I Started laughing then loads of cereal came out of my mouth.

"PHIL your fucking disgusting your cleaning all this up" he shouted while running back to his room.

So now I'm stuck cleaning up all of this. Which was his fault for making me laugh.



I looked in there and it was there. I got it out and started sweeping all the little bits of cereal into it.

I'm actually glad I weren't eating shreddies as it is pretty disgusting if it's wet.

I had finished and fancied a drink. I went to Dan's room to ask if he wants one.

"Daniel do you want a drink?" I asked grinning.

"Uhm yeah just get a coffee please Philip." He replied while smiling.

He has a gorgeous smile.

Wait what am i thinking?

I need to stop this.

"Okay what mug?" I said.

"Adventure time please"

I walked out after that. Turned on the kettle. Got out the two mugs. And sorted everything I needed to use for making the coffee.

Shortly after Dan walked in. He just went straight onto the sofa back into his lounge position.

He was on tumblr. I'm not going to ask anything as I don't want to cause another falling out

"Here you go dan" I said walking in with his coffee

This time he didn't shut his laptop screen down.

"Cheers Philly" he replied.

I decided I would sit down next to him.

"Hey Phil look at this" he said showing me a picture of me him and Dil.

"Aww that's adowable but weird at the same time" I replied.

"I know it's cute but really weird" he started. "But it is very well made"

"That is true. Some people are very clever with either drawing or like editing" I replied. " sometimes they go a bit far with the editing though"

Dan just started laughing. He looked so cute. His laugh I could listen to all day.


My brain has problems.

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