Chapter 6

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Dan's pov

We were sitting in the car and I just loved how me and Phil were acting.

We just sang to panic! And acted as if this morning didn't happen.

As we pulled up to the restaurant Phil's face started to light up.

"Dan. Why are we here this place Costs loads." He spluttered out.

"I know. I remembered you loved this place that one time we went for your birthday. " I replied.

"B-but this place I-it costs loads." he stuttered.

"Heh I know but it is worth it. I love seeing you happy." I said.

"Thanks Dan." he whispered softly.

We got out of the car and Phil came to hug me. It was a short but sweet hug.

"Dan Howell, table for two." I said to the guy taking us to the tables.

"Aye right this way sir" he replied.

As he started to take us to the vip area mine and Phil's faces started to light up.

This area looked beautiful. There were fancy candles and lights everywhere.

"Dan seriously you have spoiled me too much. This must have costed hundreds" he whispered to me.

"Phil don't worry about it. I've got it all under control" I replied calmly.

Our table was right in the corner of the room which was okay I guess as we weren't centre of attention.

"I'm guessing you are having the refill drinks?" The waiter said.

"Yeah we are"

"Okay I'll bring the glasses right over the machine is just round the corner" he said.

We both thanked the waiter and slowly relaxed through the night.

Once we had gone to get our drinks it was time to get food.

I think this was what me and Phil were looking forward to the most.

We got up and shot to the starter area. Here there was bits of salad. I got a slight bit of salad so I don't feel too fat.

Phil just straight away went for chips and curly fries.

He literally got just a plate full of them with a bit of sauce on the side.

After we had finished that we went up for another plate. This time we both got sushi.

After about an hour or so we were both so full we could hardly move.

The bill came and phil was convinced it was going to around £200. Which it wasn't.

"Dan how much is it?" He asked me.

"Guess" I replied.

"Um £163?" He said obviously uncertain.

I shook my head in response.

"Just tell me" he whined. "And I'll pay a bit towards it"

"Oh no you won't this was my treat for you. It's not even that much." I said.

"Well it has to be over £100 as we ate nearly the whole restaurant." He chuckled in reply.

"Phil it doesn't matter how much it is. I'm paying it all" I whispered.

Under my breath I was literally going. Just tell him you love him.

But I know I couldn't.

"Ugh fine. But all seriousness how much is it?"

"It's only £89 it isn't that much." His face was shocked as I said that.

"That's so cheap." He half shouted but I had to shush him as we were in a restaurant.

"Dan I really love you." He said this and my face lit up. "Your literally the bestest friend ever"

As he said them last words my face slowly lost its excitement.

"Dan what's wrong" he asked after a while.

I didn't reply. I just wanted to tell him the truth but I know he doesn't love me.

"Dan answer" he murmured


This time I'd had enough of him bugging me.

"Iloveyou" I said as fast as I could.

"Huh what was that? You said it so fast I couldn't understand"

"I l-love you okay" I stuttered in frustration.

"I know and I love you too" he replied innocently.

But he didn't know. And if he did know it would ruin our friendship.

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