The Songwriter

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A/N Above is Taylor's outfit. Ignore the black dot. Enjoy.

Tuesday: 8:30 am

Taylor's POV

"Taylor, wake up. Remember that meeting you have today at 10 am?" Ariana bangs on my door.

"But it's so early!" I whine, getting up to take a shower and brush my teeth.

I get dressed, do my hair and makeup, and grab my phone.

9:30 am

"Ah, you look nice." Sean says, walking by my room with Jordan.

"Thanks. I'll see you guys later."

"Bye." Jordan waves and they go into the game room.

"Ariana, let's go!"

"Alright, I'm coming. Sean said we have to take one kid with us. I chose Jaidon."

"Fine with me. As long as you watch him."

"Whatever. Let's go, I want Starbucks." We to outside and get in Ariana's new lavender Lamborghini.

"Are you sure we should go in this? We have like, 5 other cars that are safer for Jaidon."

"He'll be fine." She says.

"You're a horrible mother." I put on my seatbelt and sit back.

"Thanks, I try." She checks her makeup in the rearview mirror and backs out of the driveway.

"That's not what it's for." I say.

"You have one more year until you can use it correctly."

At the Office: 9:45 am

"Took you long enough to get here. It only takes 5 minutes, you drive like an old lady."

"Shut up! Don't you remember we went to Starbucks?" She slides her sunglasses on and takes Jaidon out of the car.

"Starbucks is 3 minutes away."

"Ariana, Taylor! Over here! Heading to your new job?" Fans yell, trying to take pictures and get autographs.

I take one picture and sign one thing while Ariana just walks.

"Taylor, over here!" I look their way and smile before going inside.

"Seems as though you brought a crowd outside my building." Scooter says, shaking my hand.

"Since when is it your building?" Ariana says as we get on the elevator.

"Since I purchased it this morning." He replies.

"Sure you did."

"Whatever. Taylor, welcome. Today, we're gonna interview some people to be your songwriter. It's not that hard. They come in, you ask questions. Write who you like and we'll narrow it down. I want your final decision by tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow morning? Do you know how hard it is for me to make decisions?"

"Yes, Ariana told me. That's why I want it tomorrow morning."

"And what happens if you don't get it by tomorrow morning?" I ask as we enter Ariana's studio.

"Nothing." He answer simply.

"So you're telling me if I don't give you my final decision by tomorrow, nothing will happen?"


"So I can just, not give it to you?"

"Yes, you can, but you won't."

"How do you know?"

"I did my research."

We sit at a table with 3 chairs on one side and 1 chair on the other.

"Can we just start now?" I ask, annoyed.

"Yes. Number 1, come in."

"Where were they even at?" I whisper to Ariana.

I didn't even see them when we came in.

"Hi, I'm Isabella. I'm 17 years old and I'm from Beverly Hills."

"Hi." She shakes my hand and sits down.

"What type of songs do you write?" I wrote all these questions last night.

"Anything. Mostly pop, but I can write anything."

"Cool. Do you have a certain schedule?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you have any sports, or clubs, or another job, besides school?"

"No, I'm homeschooled." She says.

"Good. So, that's it. I'm very simple. You're dismissed." She smiles and leaves.

"Next!" Scooter yells.

In comes a girl wearing a crop top so tight, and shorts that don't even cover her whole butt.

"Out!" I point to the door and she rolls her eyes.

"What is she talking about?" The girl asks, faking clueless.

"You heard her. Out!" Ariana says.

"Whatever. I'm so telling daddy and he's gonna put this in J-14."

"Oh, is that the case? If it is, I'll just have to call the president and tell him to banish you from America." I cross my arms.

"What? So rude." She says, rolling her eyes again, and leaving.

"I see Taylor takes after her big sister." Ariana says, giving me a high five.

"Next!" Scooter yells, ignoring everything that happened.

"Hi, I'm- oh you have a baby! Can I hold him?"

"No." I say, simply.

"Oh, well I'm Tabby. I'm 15 and I love writing songs. Especially about babies. Wanna hear one?"

"No thanks."

"I just can't take my eyes off of him. He's so adorable. How old is he?"

"Get out."


"You heard what I said, get out."

"Oh, ok. I'll be hoping to hear from you soon."

"Of course you will."

1:45 pm

After a bunch more people, we finally are done and I have 3 names down.

Isabella Thompson

Leila Bayer

Kristen Fein

I go home and decide I'm gonna choose...

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