The Apocalypse Is Real?!

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Sunday: 2:15 am

Taylor's POV

"Kids, get up now! We need to leave the house in 10 minutes." Ariana says.

"Hurry up, we're in serious danger!"

"Ariana, what is going on?" I ask into my pillow.

"No time for questions. Hurry up and pack your bags. All you other friends we will take you to your house to see if your families are still there."

"What do you mean see if they're still there? Why wouldn't they be?" Rowan asks.

"I said no time for questions. Just pack everything you brought over here and be ready to leave in 8 minutes." She leaves the room as we begin packing up our stuff.

5 Minutes Later

We finish packing up our stuff and bring it downstairs.

"Put it in the limo. We're leaving in 2 minutes or less." Sean says.

We do what he says and come back inside to help with the still sleeping kids.

"Please don't wake them up. They'll ask too many questions. Especially Jordan." Ariana says.

We put the kids in the limo while Ariana and Sean bring out their bags.

"Taylor and Cameron, I need you to go inside and get the 3 bags of food from right by the door. When you come back, sort it out based on fridge or no fridge. Your friends can help with that." Ariana climbs in the passenger seat while Sean follows us back inside.

"I'll be locking the doors in 1 minutes, whether you're in or out." He goes to grab last minute stuff and me and Cameron grab the bags of food.

"House going on lockdown in 30 seconds." Some robotic voice says as we climb in the back with the rest of the kids.

Everyone awake begins sorting out the food when the house shuts down and all the doors are locked. Sean climbs in the front and begins driving. We take the other kids to their houses to find that their families left them notes saying one thing: The Apocalypse is Real!

"I can't believe they all left us like that. What horrible parents." Peyton says, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"It's ok babe. Just get your bag and lets go. We're in serious danger." Ricky kisses the tear and they climb in, Sean locking the door behind him as we leave the neighborhood.

"Can someone tell me what's going on, please?" I ask.

"Alright fine. There's only one thing to say, Zombies are real. The news said that the Apocalypse is happening. I don't know where, when, or why. I just know we're meeting everyone in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. No your parents did not leave you, they're going to OKC too."

"Oh thank god." Rowan says, leaning again Chandler.

"I have something to say." He says, causing Rowan to sit up and look at him.

"You know how you thought the zombies on the show we're fake? Well they weren't. Those zombies we're real and everyone who died on the show is actually dead. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone but the zombies got loose and now they're roaming all over California." Chandler sighs.

"No, please tell me it's a joke. Chandy how could this happen, I don't believe you!" Rowan says.

"I'm sorry, its true. But believe me when I say this, none of the cast had anything to do with it. The director forgot to lock them up one day and everyone is just now finding out about it."

Rowan buries her head in his shoulder and he rubs her back.

"I'm so sorry."

"You all need to get some sleep. You're lucky Jaidon isn't screaming his head off now. When you wake up it will be daytime and we'll eat something."

We all fall asleep, wondering if we're gonna safely make it to Oklahoma.

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