Chapter 5

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I woke up to a beam of light peeking through the blinds. We got back to the house so late last night I thought I was going to pass out on the front porch. I rolled over onto my side so I could squint to see the clock. Hmm. That's weird. I could read the numbers perfectly. I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes. Shit.I didn't take my contacts out last night. I went into the bathroom and put a few drops in my eyes. When I came out, Adrianna was starting to roll over.

"Hey what time is it?" Her voice was extremely hoarse and groggy, probably a result of all the screaming she did last night at the show.

"It's like 11:30." I told her. As I walked back into the bathroom I heard Adrianna groaning. I looked at myself in the mirror and made a face. I was still wearing my clothes from last night. I looked like I had just been hit by a bus. I decided to take a shower to get all the make up off my face and to wake me up a little. When I got out of the shower I towel dried my hair and changed into some new clothes.

I stepped back into Adrianna's room where she was now sitting up on her bed braiding her hair, which had gone back to being wavy. "Happy birthday!!!" I jumped on her bed. She was still in her clothes from last night. "So what happened with you and Drew last night?" I asked her.

"Well he's really sweet." She looked down at her lap and started blushing like crazy. "He was teaching me to play guitar, but I kept messing up so he had to keep putting my fingers on the right frets."

"You guys are honestly the cutest." I told her genuinely. She nodded, but she turned away and started looking out the window with a sad expression on her face. "What's wrong? You guys are perfect!" I said grabbing her shoulders, and trying to literally shake some sense into her.

"I've only turned 17 today, Drew's so much older than me. He's going to be 19 in October." She said sadly.

"So what? Age doesn't mean anything!" I told her meaningfully. "You can tell that Drew likes you for who you are. You only just met yesterday, but I can see that he's already crazy about you." After I finished talking I could see the smile come back onto her face. SHe buried her face into her pillow.

"Ugh you're so right. I'm being lame!" The sound of her muffled laugh filled the room as she lifted up her head. "I've only known him for a couple hours. We have tons of time to hang out."

"Plus lets not forget that he invited us to his house so we can celebrate your birthday!!" I reminded her.

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that!" She over torwards her dresser where her shorts were crumpled on the floor. She ran back over to the bed with the piece of paper. "Okay Drew Chadwick," she said "let's see where you live..." She opened the piece of crisp, white paper. Written on the scrap wasn't an address, but a phone number. Under it was a boy's messy scrawl that said:

Here's my number, text me and I'll give you the details ;) -XO Drew

I couldn't help it. I broke out into a smile. "Oh my god. This guy is smooth." I started swatting at Adrianna's shoulder. "Well?!" I asked her anxiously.

"Well what?!"

"You have to text him!" I screeched at her.

"What am I even supposed to say?!" she asked flipping her blackberry around in her hands. I took her phone and casually typed in Drew's number. I opened a new message and spoke out loud as I typed:

"Hey Drew. It's Adrianna. What's up?" send.

"Seriously? That's what you said? How is that going to help us get his address?!" She asked me.

"Well we have to make small talk first. We can't just be like 'oh hey Drew, it's Adrianna, where do you live?' it's weird." I replied. Before she could say anything else, the red light on the top of her Blackberry started to blink. 1 new message. "He replied!" I started swatting Adrianna again. I opened the message and both of our heads were bent over the phone to see what he said.

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