Chapter 37

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This place actually felt magical. I don't know if it was because I've never been before, but something about Disneyland just made me so excited. The streets were crowded with hundreds of people. I saw babies being pushed in carriages, little kids holding their mother's hands, and old couples strolling in the shade.

No one was too young or too old for Disneyland. That's one of the things that made it so great- you could never out grow it. Disneyland was built upon people's hopes and dreams. It was beautiful really.

I grabbed Wesley's hand as we began to walk through the gates. The guys had printed our passes online so we breezed through the line. We were finally on the other side. I could feel the uneven cobblestones beneath my feet as I stood there in anticipation. I looked around at all my friends, and they were all glowing. Everyone was so excited to be here. Except Keaton. He was really excited. The look on his face made me smile even wider, he was such a kid.

"So where do you want to go first?" Wes asked me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. It was blowing around like crazy. 

"I don't know. Let's just ride the first thing we see." I said. He smiled and we led the pack over to Tomorrowland. 

"Oh my god! Finding Nemo!" Drew said as I saw him tugging Adrianna in that direction. I laughed.

"Finding Nemo it is." The line for the Finding Nemo ride wasn't that long. We got up to the front in about 4 minutes. When we got there a smiling woman in a Disneyland Park uniform was there to greet us. She ushered the five of us into a submarine. We glided along the water in our submarine and saw a bunch of artifacts on the bottom of the "ocean".

"Dude these fish are so dope." Drew said as some colorful fish swam by the porthole.

Then we dived deeper to avoid a coming storm. Soon we were met with the entire gang- Nemo, Dory, Marlin, and Squirt, the little turtle. 

The ride was really cute; Finding Nemo is one of my favorite movies. When we hopped out of our submarine and waved goodbye to our captain, Drew and Adrianna decided to split from us. It was just me and the Strom-bros now. That's what I call them, the Strom-bros. I think I'm clever.

As we walked over to the next ride, I couldn't help but wonder if Keaton felt like a third wheel. Wes and I were holding hands, and Keaton was walking awkwardly on Wesley's other side. Before we entered the Buzz Lightyear attraction, Keaton ran into some of his friends from school. One of them needed a ride buddy, so Keaton asked if it was okay if he went with them.

"No prob dude, just meet us back at Main Street at three." Wes told him.

"All right bro, see you then." Keaton turned around but Wes grabbed his shoulder.

"Seriously Keats, if you're not back we're leaving without you." He said only partially kidding. I nudged Wes with my elbow.

"Come on babe, I'm gonna kick your ass." I told him nodding my head over in Buzz Lightyear's direction. A grin spread across his face. He was very competitive.

"You're on." He said daringly. We waved goodbye to Keaton and stood on line. The air conditioning hit me as soon as we got inside. I never wanted to leave, it was so hot out. While we waited, I thumb wrestled with Wes. He beat me almost every single time, but it wasn't a fair fight. His thumbs were almost twice the size of mine.

When we got into our little cart, Wes and I made a bet. "Loser has to do what ever the winner says." Wes nudged me in the dark.

"No way!" I replied.

"Why? You afraid you're gonna lose Aves?" He shot back at me, wiggling his eyebrows. I made a face at him and he laughed. "Haha, okay fine. The loser has to do one thing that the winner says." I thought it over.

"Deal." I shook his hand and the ride started. The object of the game was to push the little trigger on your gun and shoot the targets that were hanging on the walls, and popping out from behind things. I was in the zone. After I took down a group of suspicious looking aliens that dangled from the celling I felt pretty confident.

After the ride ended, Wes and I both covered our scores. "On three." I told him. "One... Two... Three!" We both picked our hands up and my eyes darted over to his score. No way. I had scored 23780 points where Wes had gotten 23980. He had beaten me by 200 points. I opened my mouth about to call off our deal, but Wesley clamped his hand over my lips.

"Nuh uh. I don't think so." He said laughing. "You have to do whatever I say." His face looked like he was formulating an evil scheme. 

"Well you only have one request, so you better make it good." I shot back at him.

"Hmmm.... anything I want. This is going to be good." He rubbed his hands together. I couldn't help but shake my head at him and laugh. I punched him on the shoulder lightly and he punched me back. Before I knew it I was being hauled over his shoulder and carried to the next ride.

Thanks for reading guys! I've dedicated this chapter to one of my new readers. Thanks so much for checking out my story! If you want the next chapter to be dedicated to you, remember to vote/follow/comment! Thanks so much for reading; this story has come so far since I first started it. I just wanted to thank each and every one of you :)

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