Chapter 16

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Yay! Just before I start off this chapter I just wanted to wish Keaton a happy seventeenth birthday! :) Hope you have a great day Keats :p

A few minutes later, Adrianna and I found Wesley with Drew by the pool. I grinned at them and started laughing. Drew and Wes pretended to be angry.

"What does everyone see in that kid?" Wes asked jokingly, referring to Keaton who was chatting with some of his friends on the deck. I laughed.

"Well don't be so offended, he is related to you." I came over and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed the air out of my body. I giggled and swatted at his arms to make him let go. He just gripped me tighter. I bent my face down towards his arm and rubbed my tongue on his skin. He pulled back screaming like a little girl.

"Eeeeeww! Avery licked me!" Drew and I busted up laughing. Wes tried to wipe his arm on my shirt but I swerved away. He eventually got me though because I was laughing so hard. I could feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes. I dabbed them away with my towel. I was still laughing slightly. "Not funny." Wes said, looking me in the eye trying to be serious. But he was so bad at it; I saw a smile crawling across his jaw before he finished his sentence. His eyes were shining down at me.

"I thought it was pretty funny." I heard Drew offer from the chair next to us. He was just calming down from laughing too. Adrianna seemed to be having trouble holding it in because her face was turning red trying not to laugh. Adrianna grabbed me by the arm and held up her bag.

"We're gonna go change." She said. The boys nodded. 

"Cool. Do you guys remember where the bathroom is?" Drew asked. Anger started rising up inside of me. Yeah I remember. The small rectangular window looked different during the daytime. Adrianna must have sensed my hostility because she nodded quickly and led me into the house.

The boys were already in bathing suits when we left, so they were just chilling outside when we got back. I had on a teal bikini this time. My tan had gotten darker, and Adrianna said that it matched really well with my hair. We had both pulled our clothes back on before going back out.

"What's the point of putting your clothes back over your bathing suit?" Drew asked us referring to the fact we looked the same as when we left. I thought about it, and I didn't really have a good answer.

"I don't really know." I looked over at Adrianna. She just shrugged back at me. "Girls just do that." We set our things down and noticed that Keaton had excused himself to grab a drink. I saw a mischievous look flash between Wes and Drew, and they started walking off nonchalantly in his direction. They looked hilarious pretending to take in their surroundings and admire the potted plants. Note to self, if the whole band thing doesn't work out, acting should not be the next project. 

As soon as Keaton passed them, the guys whipped around and grabbed him. I heard Keaton yelling at them and laughing. I didn't know what was going on until they dragged him over to the pool. Keaton took notice of where he was being taken. He started punching Wes and Drew, but they were bigger than him. With a large heave they both shot Keaton into the pool. I watched as he resurfaced, spouting some colorful language at his brother. Drew and Wes were laughing hysterically on the side. 

Adrianna and I walked over to the edge of the pool, and pulled Keaton out. He picked up the beanie we had gotten him and placed it on his head. It had fallen off before he landed in the water, and was the only dry article on him. He thanked us and then turned to Drew and Wesley who were grinning ear to ear.

"You guys could learn a few things about manners from your girlfriends over here." Keaton said as he punched Wes and Drew again. It didn't seem to faze them at all because Wes just laughed at his little brother and patted him on the shoulder.

"Happy birthday bro." He said between chuckles.

"Yeah man, congrats." Drew was doubled over laughing. Wes tossed Keaton a towel and Keaton smiled at him. They had such a good relationship. I wish Sam and I were closer in age so we could have that kind of dynamic.

"I guess we know whose turn it is now." Wes said, nudging Drew in the ribs.

"Wha- No. No. Stay away." I said backing up. Drew made a beeline for Adrianna who dashed in the opposite direction. I dodged Wesley and giggle ran away. He was fast, though. He would get me eventually. I threw my shirt on the chair once I passed it. My shoes were already off. At that moment, Drew decided to cut me off. I turned, starting to run in the opposite direction, but I smacked right into Wesley's chest.

I laughed. Oh man there was no escape. I squealed as Wes cradled me in his arms about to toss me. Adrianna saw and came over trying to help, but Drew snatched her up too. I looked at my friend and we both took a deep breath before being simultaneously chucked in. The guys were laughing when I came up. Adrianna and I were both spitting out water. I swam over to the side and Wes offered me his hand.

"Here, Keaton told me I should be more polite." I reached up to take it so he could pull me out. I placed my hand in his, but at last minute I shifted my weight. I was smiling evilly at him when I saw him pop up. Keaton was applauding me from across the yard.

"Nice one Aves!" I heard him call. I gave him a thumbs up in response.

"How did you even do that? I'm way stronger than you!" He said.

"Ha! Says the guy that just got pulled in by a girl." I scoffed. He smirked and dunked me under the water.

"Pfft." I heard him say.

Drew cannonballed in before Adrianna could trick him. Couldn't blame the guy for wanting to keep his dignity. For the next few hours we just swam. I loved swimming pools. I didn't have one, so I mainly went to the town pool. But that wasn't the same as having your own. Keaton even came to hang with us after most of his friends left. We all had a good time. We played Sharks and Minnows, Toothpaste, and raced each other until it got pretty dark out. 

When we finally removed ourselves from the water, it was about 8:30. Laraine brought out a plate piled high with s'more fixings and we attacked that. It was really nice. We all sang happy birthday to Keaton around the fire and then roasted marshmallows. Afterwards the boys got out their guitars and we all just chilled around the fire. Kenny was still here too, so he helped out the guys on the bongos. It was pretty sick. They performed a bunch of their originals, and I noticed for the first time how well their voices actually mix together. 

Drew was an amazing rapper. All of the lyrics he wrote are kind of ingenious. Some of them are lined up in the song that they just hit you like a really good pun, but it works for him. After he finishes his raps, I am usually left with my mouth open. They're just really clever.

Keaton is also amazing. His voice sounded so mature. It was like he had just turned 25 instead of 15. He also had an incredible range. His voice was so impressive because he had the ability to sound so raspy, but he was also able to hit the higher notes in harmonies because he was so young.

And then there was Wesley. His voice just shoots through you and makes you feel every single emotion in the world at once. It was incredible. His voice just has so much feeling and tone to it. I always caught myself staring at him when he sang.

All together they just sounded right, like they were meant to be a band from day one. There was a perfect balance. Wes had told me that they had broken up a few times, and then gotten back together. I think these boys will always do that, but they will always come back to each other. I could just tell that one day they would be huge.

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