Chapter 12

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"Uh. Nothing." Wes and I said in unison. Drew gave us a funny look, but before he could question us any further I jumped up from the couch. I woke Adrianna and had to practically drag her off the couch. "It's getting pretty late. We should probably get going." I had Adrianna by the elbow now and was leading her in the direction of the door. Apparently she wasn't exactly awake yet because she wasn't doing much moving. I had to drag her.

"Yeah. Here, I'll show you out." Wes said anxiously trying to get me out of the same room as Drew so he wouldn't ask questions. He rushed us to the front door, and I was out of there faster than he could close it. I was breathing hard and leaning against the outside of their front door. When I finally caught my breath I motioned for Adrianna to walk with me. 

"What the hell is going on?" Adrianna demanded of me once we were on a new block. I sat down on the curb.

"I kissed Wesley." I stared off into the distance, trying to analyze the pattern the asphalt made.


"Well he kissed me, but that's same thing I guess." I let my brain relax, I wasn't thinking about anything. Not about Wes, not about Owen, not about myself. I just let my eyes focus and zone out on that one spot of road.


"I know." So much for not thinking. In that moment I was reminded of all the things I had said. I told Wes that I forgave him. I told Owen I was done with Wes. I told Wes that I cared about him. I told Adrianna I was fine. "Ugh I wasn't supposed to kiss him! It just happened."

"Well did you want it to happen?" Adrianna asked as she sat down next to me. I had my face buried in my hands but I still nodded.

"I thought that I didn't, but once his lips were actually on mine I didn't want it to end." She put her hand on my shoulder and just comforted me. "At first I was done with him completely, but then I felt bad and decided to forgive him as a friend. Then the next thing you know we're making out in the middle of his living room." When I said it out loud like that it did seem kind of pathetic.

"Maybe it's for the better. I think he's changed Aves." I contemplated this. 

"I thought so too. Like he can be so sweet some times, but there are other times where I feel like I can't trust him."

"Welcome to my life, Avery." she laughed. 

"What do you mean?" I asked her, genuinely confused.

"You think that I can trust Drew all the time? He was as drunk as Wes at that party remember?" I thought about it. She was right. I wasn't the only one. "He's almost 2 years older than me. I don't know if I can always count on him to be responsible. At least Wes is our age." I reached over to her and grabbed her arm lightly.

"Adrianna, Drew is one of the best people I know. He's not like any other guy I've met before. He always has this really positive attitude, and I know that he's a responsible guy. He's the one that talked Wes into apologizing to me, and I know he wouldn't hurt you." I meant it. Drew was great guy for her. They had a weird relationship. Drew treated her like a little sister, but that type of relationship worked for them.

"I guess you're right... So, what are you going to do?" That was a good question. I shrugged. "I guess you should just lay low for a while, like learn to trust him as a friend, and then see where the relationship goes." I started laughing. "What?" she asked me.

"Hahaha, you've been spending too much time with Drew, you sound just like him." she smiled at me.

"Well I've heard he can give pretty good advice." And with that we walked back to the house together.

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