Chapter 38

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"Seriously though, we need to get these." I said, wiggling the Mickey Mouse ears in his face.

"No freaking way." Wes backed away from me jokingly causing him to bump into a rack of souvenir shirts. A few of the shirts fell off the rack and he crouched down to pick them up from the ground.

"Pleaseeeeeee." I flashed him a smile. His eyes locked onto mine and we were in a staring contest. He broke first though. 

"Agh! Fine." He said blinking his eyes rapidly. He came over to the bin that I was standing in front of and picked up a pair of Minnie Mouse ears. He placed them on my head lightly and brought the strap around my chin, tickling me a little.

When they were on my head I pulled out a matching set of Mickey Mouse ears and put them on him. Not gonna lie, they actually looked pretty good on him. 

"Ever think you'd be trading in your snapback for these?" I giggled, flicking the black felt of his right ear.

"Never." He grabbed my hand and we walked over to the register. "Just these." Wes told the cashier pointing to his head. He handed the woman a twenty and she smiled at us.

"Good choice, you two look adorable." Coming from anyone else I would have hated being called adorable. But this little old lady was so nice. I smiled and thanked her. At the same time Wes wrapped his arm around my waist so I moved closer to him.

Strolling back into the square felt like walking right into a sauna. There was at least a twenty-degree difference between the gift shop and outdoors. It had only been a few seconds, but I could already feel myself sweating like crazy. I really hope Wes doesn't notice, who wants to have their arm around sweaty people?

So far we had been on every rollercoaster in the park. Wes was obsessed with them, just like I was. There was something that we both loved about that feeling you get when your stomach is practically in your throat. Most people don't understand the appeal. As we rounded the corner I stopped suddenly.

"Hey, is that Keaton over there by the fountain?" I asked. It looked like Keaton, the guy had the same distressed jeans on, but I wasn't sure. I couldn't remember what color shirt he was wearing. Wes squinted his eyes a little bit in that direction. When that didn't work he brought his hand up to shade his eyes from the sun.

"I think so. Maybe we should- Oh my god, is that the girl?" My head whipped back over in Keaton's direction. I eyed the girl up and down. Yep. It was definitely her; she looked exactly the same in the picture Keaton showed me.

"Oh my god, yeah! That's her! That's Vanessa!" I tried to keep my voice down, but I was so excited. At that moment Keaton looked over in our direction. Wes grabbed my hand and spun me around so our backs were to him.

"Did he see us?" I questioned biting my lower lip and smiling at the same time. Wes shook his head.

"Nah I don't think so. He probably didn't recognize us in these hats." He said laughing. Wes grabbed my hand and pulled me into another store that was selling water bottles and key chains.

"What are we doing?" I whispered.


"What?! No Wes we can't spy on him!" I whispered again. Instead of making a comeback he just laughed at me.

"Avery, why are you whispering? He's outside and can't hear us." I felt my cheeks flush.

"Oh. Right." I said sheepishly. I cleared my throat and started to speak at a normal volume. "Wes, we can't spy on him-" I tried pulling him out of the store. But then, through the window I saw Keaton tuck a strand of her Vanessa's hair behind her ear. My mouth dropped and I joined Wes by the window. Our faces were both pressed against the glass.

"Haha, so much for not spying." He stuck his tongue out at me and I laughed.

"Oh my god, look at him!" Keaton was leaned against a railing while Vanessa laughed at something he said.

"What can I say. The kid's got game." Wes nodded at his brother approvingly. We watched them in silence for a couple more minutes through the glass. We probably looked like total creepers. "So, do you think they're dating?" Wes whispered to me.

"Ha. Who's whispering now?" I punched him in the arm.

"Hmm. I don't know, whispering just made me feel more stealthy." He said now at normal volume. "But- Okay then well I guess that answers my question." I looked at Wes who was looking out the window again. I followed his stare and saw Keaton in a full on lip lock with this girl. 

My mouth basically hit the floor. Wes actually looked a little surprised too, like he was shocked how fast his little bro had grown up right before his eyes. A smirk grew across his lips. I knew that look too well. He had an idea.

But I didn't know it was a bad idea until Wes was dragging me across the courtyard in Keaton's direction.

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