Chapter 42

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Just so you guys know, this chapter is going to be a little PG-13. So if you're not comfortable reading it, no big deal. This is kind of a filler chapter anyway :D thanks for reading guys!

It felt really weird packing up all of my stuff. Taking my posters off the walls of Adrianna's bedroom, picking up all my clothes from her floor... It felt wrong. I didn't want to go, I didn't want to leave. But I had to. I knew this day would come, I just didn't think it would be this hard to leave Huntington.

The relationships that I had here with people we're the things that held me together. It was official, by this time tomorrow night I would be on a flight to JFK. I asked Adrianna to let me pack alone- I didn't want her to see me cry.

Today was Friday and I had to pack up all my stuff because Wes was taking me out to dinner. It's my last chance to see him before I go. Our flight leaves right around 2, and I promised my dad that he could stop by.

Could it be possible that I would actually miss my "dead beat dad"?

There. I pulled the zipper all the way closed on my suitcase and placed it next to my duffel on the floor next door the doorframe.

"knock knock!" I heard a cheery voice say from the hallway. Adrianna stuck her head into the room and admired my packing job. She looked sadly at the floor as she made her way to her bed. She plopped down criss crossing her legs as she sat up watching me. "I'm really going to miss you." she told me looking at my bags again.

"Not half as much as I'm going to miss you." I told her in reply as we both got up and met in the middle of the room. I enveloped her win a giant hug and tried to blink the tears from my eyes, but they fell quickly, rolling down my cheeks. I wasn't just leaving my boyfriend behind in Huntington; I was also leaving my sister.

We just stood there sniffling and holding each other. It was a really sweet moment that was then interrupted by a slam on the wall. We jolted apart and looked at each other confused. I sat back down on my bed and was about to ask what that was when I heard it again. It sounded like it was coming from Owen's room. Adrianna's eyes got wide, and we both ran over to the wall in silence.

Nothing went on for a while, but we both had our ears pressed against the drywall. Suddenly I heard a girl giggling on the other side. Adrianna must have heard it too because the two of us jumped away from that wall so fast it might as well have been on fire. I opened my mouth in shock but quickly covered it with my hand.

"Oh my god! Is that Owen and Savannah?" I asked referring to the girl Owen has recently started seeing. Adrianna nodded violently.

"She came over when you were in the middle of packing." her eyes were still wide open.

"Are they..." I didn't even need to finish my sentence because we heard another slam against the wall.

"Owen!" I heard the girlish voice giggle from the other side of the wall. Adrianna snapped our heads in each other’s direction.

"I think I'm going to be sick." she said backing up from the wall as quickly as possible. I followed suit and sat down with her in the opposite corner of her room. We both had our backs against the wall and were far away that we wouldn't hear anything else. But I still couldn't shake this weird feeling.

"That's crazy. Didn't they just meet two weeks ago?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. And they're already going at it. Unbelievable. They should at least wait until they get to know each other." We were then met with an awkward silence.

"Have you and Drew...?" I started to ask but didn't finish. How are you supposed to ask one of your best friends if they're banging one of your other best friends?

"No, we haven’t." she said biting her lip. We were quiet again. "it's just weird. He's so much older than me, you know? I know that he's done it before, but I'm just not sure if I'm actually ready. He would be my first, so it's kind of a big deal for him too. I need to see if he's ready to commit to this relationship fully." she said looking up at me. "What about you and Wes?" she asked flipping it on me.

"No we haven't either." I could literally feel my face reddening as I spoke. "Actually we haven't really talked about it, but I've thought about it. I just don't know if it's a good idea. It's not that I don't want to, but I leave tomorrow. It seems really bitchy if we do it and then I just leave him." She patted my shoulder and gave me a look that showed she knew what I was feeling.

"If it helps, I think he wouldn't feel that way. That guy is crazy about you." I smiled like an idiot and looked down at my hands. I still found it crazy that this totally hot guy actually had a thing for me. We sat in silence for another minute before Adrianna broke out laughing.

"What’s so funny?" I asked cracking a smile myself.

"Oh you know just the fact that we're sitting here talking about sex while my brother is definitely getting it on in the other room." she said. I laughed and rested my head against the wall. At that moment there was another slam against the wall and more laughter. We looked at each other and cracked up even harder.

Adrianna wiped the tears from her eyes after her laughter subsided. "Do you think the guys ever talk about this stuff?" She asked me. Boys, who knew. I would pay a million dollars to know what they were thinking all the time.

"What you mean like sit down in the living room and discuss their feelings?" I laughed at my own crack. Adrianna smiled and looked out the window.

"Haha, no I mean do you think they talk about us? Do you think they think about it?" I didn't know what went on in their minds.

"This is just weird. Talking about it. Blahhhh." I shook my head and tried to wave the thoughts out of my head. The last thing I needed to think about was ripping off Wes's clothes when I saw him in less than three hours.

"Haha, okay switching topics." she peeled herself off the floor. "Wanna do something fun?" she had an evil look in her eye, but I agreed anyway. She made her way to the staircase but paused right in front of Owen's room. My eyes widened, what the hell was she doing?!

Instead of opening the door, she cleared her throat and spoke louder than usual. "Hey mom! You need any help with those bags?" I head her call. About a second later I heard something crash to the floor inside Owen's room. I tried to hide my laughter, but Adrianna was waving her hand at me, telling me to hurry down the stairs.

We ran down the stairs as quiet as humanly possible and erupted into laughter as soon as we were seated at the kitchen table.

"I can not believe you just did that!" I said still laughing.

"Shhh! Here they come! Act normal." I heard their footsteps on the stairs and seconds later Owen and Savannah were in the kitchen, making their way to the front door.

"You guys sounded like you were having fun up there." Adrianna said smugly. I bit my bottom lip. Oh my god this girl was ruthless. Owen rolled his eyes at his sister.

"We were just studying." Owen scoffed back. And with that Owen tried to hurry her out of the room. With out even blinking, Adrianna retorted back,

"Hey Savannah, your shirt's inside out." the pair froze. I could tell Owen's face was turning red even though his back was to us. I took one look at the crisp white tag hanging off of Savannah's sweater and completely lost it. I had to clamp my hand over my mouth so I didn't laugh too hard. Owen practically shoved her out the door. He returned back to the kitchen so embarrassed I kind of felt bad, but that didn't keep me from laughing. He didnt know Adrianna and I were home. He got caught and totally deserved the ridicule to come.

"I didn't know you guys were here." he said mumbling. Apparently when Savannah got here I was in my room packing and Adrianna was in the basement. Adrianna cracked up. "Oh this is gonna be good. I now have eternal blackmail to use whenever I please." she held up her hand and I hi-fived it. Owen directed his glance to me.

"You’re taking her side?!" he asked me shocked.

"Dude you brought this one on your self." I said shaking my head chuckling. He glowered at us and then retreated up to his room.

I was really going to miss these guys.

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