Chapter 11

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The last few days of my life felt like they were taken right out of a movie script.  It has been about a week since the accident. Wesley still wasn't allowed to go anywhere, so he spent most of the time on the couch. We could tell that was really hard for him. When Keaton left to go meet his friends at the skate park he had to sit on the couch, watching TV or sleeping. Drew even gave up going to the gym for two weeks so Wes wouldn't feel left out. Drew loves working out, so it really meant a lot to Wes. Adrianna and I had stopped by a couple times, but not for very long.

Today Adrianna and I were going to go hang out all day with the boys at home. We stopped by the pharmacy beforehand and gathered up some stuff to bring. We got a bunch of candy, and some magazines. Plus we brought some DVDs from Adrianna's house. 

When we reached their place, it was surprisingly empty. Laraine's car was gone, meaning she was at work. We rang the doorbell, and Drew answered. 

"Yes. You guys brought food!" He let us in immediately.

"Have you guys not eaten yet today?? It's like 12:00!" Adrianna said concerned.

"No, we are physically incapable of cooking anything edible." Drew pointed to the sink where a pot with something charred inside was floating in the water. I sighed.

"You got any bread?" He pointed next to the fridge where there was a small wooden box. I opened the lid and there were a few loaves of sandwich bread. I pulled them out and got some cheese from the fridge. Drew watched over my shoulder as I got out a pan and put it on the stove. When it heated up, I sprayed it with cooking spray. I could see Drew mentally taking notes. 

When I was done cooking, I put a stack of the grilled cheese sandwiches on a plate and brought them over to the couch. Wesley had on this sling contraption designed to keep his shoulder from moving. Once I put the plate down, Wes and Drew attacked the food. Drew took 2 sandwiches in his hands and laid back against the couch, sitting on the floor.

"Oh my god. I love you. I was so hungry you have no idea." Drew said practically bowing down to me. I laughed.

"No seriously these are amazing. How did you make these?" Wes asked with his mouth full of bread.

"Dude she used that spray stuff in the can that's kept next to the spices in the cabinet."

"Oh so that's what that's for." Wesley said.

"God help you boys when you go off to college." I said laughing. "So, what do you want to do today? Adrianna and I brought a bunch of movies, and we got some candy..."

"What movies did you guys bring?" Wes asked.

"Uh, I'm not sure really. We kind of just grabbed the entire DVD storage case. It holds like 20 discs." I rummaged through the bag and took out the magazines and threw them to him. "Oh by the way, we got these for you." I said as he picked them up.

"Cool. Rolling Stone, GQ and... Teen Vogue?" Wes said sounding confused by the last one. Adrianna snatched it out of his hands.

"Sorry! That one's mine." She said tucking the magazine into her bag. Wes and Drew laughed. I pulled out the DVDs and started flipping through them.

"Let's see... The Hangover, Harry Potter numbers 4 and 5, Twilight, Superbad, uhh High School Musical, National Treasure-"

"Hahaha! Yes! National Treasure! Nicolas Cage is the man." Wes said.

"Yeah bro, he's the best." Drew said laughing too.

So that's what we did. For the next few hours we watched both National Treasure movies. The entire time we laughed at Nicolas Cage's acting and ate candy until we couldn't take anymore of "the quest to uncover our nation's secrets". After that, Drew moved the coffee table closer to us and we played a couple board games. Drew and Adrianna pretty much sucked at all of them. Wes and I beat them at team Scrabble, Candy Land and Life.

"Do you think you guys could let us win once?" I heard Drew ask from the other side of the table. I looked at Wesley and we seemed to reach a consensus with our eyes. I looked back to Drew.

"Nah." They did end up beating us once though at Chutes and Ladders. After that we decided to chill on the couch and watch another movie. Drew popped in the Sandlot around 10:30. Drew was seated next to Adrianna on one couch, and I was cuddled into Wesley's good shoulder. I've seen the Sandlot about 20 times, so I didn't bother stopping myself when my eyelids decided to close halfway through the film. 

I woke up right as the movie was ending. I started fidgeting and Wesley looked down at me. "Why am I the one you always decide to fall asleep on?" He asked laughing slightly.

"Fine. Remind me to fall asleep on Drew next time." I said jokingly. I looked over in his direction and saw that Adrianna and Drew were also asleep.

"I didn't say I didn't like it." He told me. 

"Well, I guess you're just pretty comfortable to sleep on." I confessed. "Even if you do have this plastic sling on." I smiled at him. The entire event of Wesley's fall made me rethink everything I had said. I might have been a little harsh on him. We weren't together, so I shouldn't have reacted like I did. I was just glad he was going to be okay. Through these last couple of weeks, he has turned out to be one of my best friends.

"Yeah, it's not really my style either." He said, adjusting the brace so it didn't pull his tank top down.

"And don't pretend like you haven't fallen asleep on me." I said teasingly. He looked at me with that smirk on his face.

"Oh yeah? When have I fallen asleep on you?" He asked me.

"Well not on me, but you fell asleep grabbing me at the hospital. You were clutching my hand the entire time." He nodded slowly as if he was just remembering that had happened.

"Yeah, but you've fallen asleep in my presence so many more times." He laughed, "Like that time I had to carry you up to your room and then I sang to you."

"And then you kissed me." The words were out of my mouth before I could stop myself. I can't believe I had just said that out loud. I couldn't read his expression. Wes didn't say anything. There was a long pause and I started biting my lip. Finally he said something.

"So you were awake?" I nodded. "And you didn't stop me?" I shook my head no. We just sat there. I didn't know what to do next. I had buried all of my feelings for Wes. I had buried them so deep in the ground that I wouldn't be able to just reach for them again. 

"Look Wes-" I started but I was cut off. As soon as I started speaking Wes turned his head and pressed his lips against mine. I didn't know what to do, but I didn't stop him. His lips tasted like Swedish Fish and the ocean. The kiss was sweet and gentle, nothing like what I saw with him and that girl during the party. I wrapped my arm around him, careful not to touch his shoulder. He had his hand on my back and we just sat there kissing. 

That's when we heard something coming from the direction of the other couch. We snapped apart so fast, I think I got whiplash. The noise continued and I saw Drew sit up on the cushions.

"Sup guys?"

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