Chapter 19

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"Woah this place is so dope." Wes said as we opened the door to the suite. I looked around the room in awe. I thought we were going to have 3 separate guest rooms, but the gift certificate from Selene actually gave us the presidential suite. This place was really cool. There were 3 bedrooms, each with 2 beds and a living room/kitchen area. My favorite part was balcony. Our room was on the top floor so it had an amazing view. I could see all of Los Angeles from here.

Adrianna, Drew and I flopped down on one of the couches. "So, what should we do first?" Drew asked. I looked around the room at everyone else.

"I don't know, I've never really been here before." I admitted.

"Hence this trip taking place. Oh yeah." Drew laughed. I patted him quickly on the shoulder.

"We could just go walk around and see what's up." I suggested. Everyone nodded. I grabbed my phone and shoved it in my pocket. I pulled a pair of aviator sunglasses from my bag and placed them on the top of my head. I decided to leave my hat in the room. Wes and Owen were in front of the mirror in the hallway fixing their hair. I laughed to myself. Well at least they have something in common.

The six of us were only some of the hundreds of people walking down the street. Even though it was before 7 in the morning the streets were already packed. I saw groups of women in their early 20s sipping coffees at cute little cafes, teenage boys rolling down the sidewalks on skateboards, the city was already bustling. We all looked in awe as we passed the stores and shops, stopping to look at anything that caught our eye.

"This place is incredible." Keaton said snapping pictures with his camera. 

"Have you guys been here before?" I asked the boys.

"Yeah, we've driven through LA a few times, but we thought it was pretty similar to Huntington so we never really made a vacation out of it or anything." Drew said. "Boy were we wrong." There was so much to do here. We walked past a little wooden box that had tourist maps spilling out of it. I backtracked and picked one up.

"You guys feel like being touristy?" I grinned. I laid the map down on a table and we all crowded around it. I took out a pen and circled where everyone wanted to go. Keaton wanted to see the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Drew and Wes wanted to check out Venice Beach, Adrianna begged us to see the Hollywood Sign, Owen wanted to take a tour of Warner Brothers' Studios, and I wanted to go to Amoeba the record store. And there was no doubt that we all wanted to go shopping, or at least window-shopping, so I circled Rodeo Drive on the map too.

We decided to go to the Hollywood Walk of Fame first. I was super excited. I've always heard of the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and I was really excited to finally get to see it. Keaton took tons of pictures of us kneeling down next to the bright pink stars. He snapped frames of Adrianna and I with Christina Aguilera and Johnny Depp. 

"Hey Aves, can you take a picture of us in front of Duran Duran's star?" Keaton asked handing me the camera.

"Of course! I love them!" I said happily. "Take one with me in front of it next!" 

"Nonsense! Get in here!" Drew called to me. I handed Adrianna the camera. I walked over to them and stood on the end next to Keaton but Wes dragged me into the middle and lifted me up. I put on my camera smile and Adrianna took a bunch of photos. She laughed, looking them over on the screen.

"These are cute guys!" She smiled at us. Wes still had me cradled in his arms. I tilted my head back.

"It's so insane that we're even here." I said, soaking up the sun's rays.

"This weekend's going to be amazing." He said to me before placing me back on the ground. He placed his hand in mine, spun me out, and then back into him. I crashed lightly into his chest and I laughed. I slipped my arm around his waist and we joined Owen and Keaton huddled over the camera. We walked a little farther until Owen blurted out something.

"Hey it's Queen's star!" He smiled happily.

"No way! I love them!" I grinned back at him. We ran over to the star with glee. Keaton followed us with his camera in hand. I put my arm around Owen's shoulder and we made eye contact.

"Gene Simmons tongues on 3?" He grinned. I started counting down.

"One, two, three!" Keaton clicked the button while we both made rock signs with our fingers and stuck our tongues out at the same time. After the flash went off we both burst out laughing. I caught a glimpse of Wes standing with Drew, frowning off to the side. I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes. I don't want to be in a bad mood, I'm just starting to enjoy myself. Keaton caught my eye and I nodded over toward his brother. He got the message. Adrianna clapped her hands together and suggested we move on to the next stop. We all nodded in consensus. We made our way to the Warner Brothers' Studios lot. Adrianna and I walked in line with Owen, and Keaton hung back to talk with Wes.

When we got to the Warner Brothers' Lot, we got right on a tour. Keaton was being pretty quiet, so when the incredibly long golf cart came around to take us on the tour, I slid in next to him. Keaton got really awkward and he slid farther over in the seat.

"So...?" I asked him hopefully. He didn't look at me.

"So what?" He asked. He knew what I was talking about. I stared him down.

"Keaton." I said with a warning tone. The cart started up. He had no choice but to talk to me. He must have realized too, because he finally looked at me. I raised my eyebrows.

"I- I can't tell you." He said plainly.

"Keaton, please! I just want them to get along!" I pleaded him. He finally caved.

"Wes doesn't like Owen because he thinks that Owen might... you know..."

"NO KEATON I DON'T KNOW!" I screamed. Everyone turned around. Adrianna made a confused at us. Keaton just smiled as if nothing happened. She turned back around.

"Wes thinks that Owen has a thing for you."

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