Chapter 9

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So many things were running through my mind. How could he? I could literally hear my heart breaking into a million pieces. I felt a tight fist clench around my heart. Why did it hurt this much? We weren't even together or anything.

Even though it was summer, I suddenly felt that school was back in session. It's like Wesley was the cute guy in your history class that you stare at from afar. The one that you always caught sneaking looks at you, the guy you knew nothing about, but you still felt like he belonged to you. And then weeks go by, and you start to feel something for him but then one of the cheerleaders comes him and swoops him away.

It felt just like that. Only ten times worse.

Adrianna saw the shattered look in my eye and she put her arm around me. She squeezed my shoulder and looked at me with sympathy in her eyes. I wasn't going to cry. At least not yet. The shock was still in my system. "I think we need to get you out of here." She said leading me away. My eyes were still locked on the window. It hurt, but I couldn't tear myself away. I just nodded and let her guide me back through the house. Owen ran up to us with a smile plastered on his face, but it faded as soon as he saw me.

"Woah, Avery what happened?" He looked at me, his eyes locked on mine. I just shook my head.

"Adrianna. We need to go. Now." I could feel the tears starting to prickle at my eyes. We started to walk out when we heard a bunch of whooping and shouting. Naturally, I looked in the direction of the commotion. But I wish I hadn't. There was Wesley tripping out of the bathroom with the brunette hanging off his arm. They were both laughing hysterically. I couldn't watch this anymore. 

"Averrryyyyyyyyyyy!" I heard Wesley call my name, but I didn't turn around. 

"Is he serious?" Owen asked dangerously. He had a newfound tone of anger towards Wes. But this time I didn't care. He looked at Wesley, fuming. "I'll be right back." He said through grit teeth.

"Owen don't." I grabbed his elbow and he stopped. 

"Please. Can we just leave?" I asked him. He seemed unsteady, but reluctantly he went with us. Owen drove here with his newly earned license, so he herded us into his car. The ride home was pretty quick. And insanely silent. Right when I got home I dove face down into my bed. I just laid there until I fell asleep.

I avoided Wesley entirely for the next few days. I ignored his calls, his texts... I just cut him out of my life entirely. Drew even texted Adrianna about me a few times, but she told him that I broke my phone. After a few days I wasn't mad anymore. I wasn't mad, but all feelings that I had once had were gone. After day 6 Owen and Adrianna finally dragged me out of the house and went to the beach to surf.

Once I got out there, it seemed like all my troubles faded away. For the first time in a about a week I felt excited. The breeze running through my hair felt amazing. I can't believe I was bottled up inside all this time. The weather has been amazing. I was floating on cloud nine when we rode back to shore. But as you know, what goes up must come down. And I came down hard. I saw Wesley and Drew walking in our direction. 

"Shit they saw us." I muttered under my breath.

"We can walk away and pretend that we didn't see them." Adrianna said.

"We can't. They're too close." I said. And they were. When I saw Wes smile at us, it was like a slap to the face. The nerve. 

"Hey guys what's up?" Drew said grinning. We all just kind of just looked at each other awkwardly. Wes and Drew didn't seem phased though. Wesley grinned at me.

"Sup Avery." I avoided his gaze and didn't reply. Is he serious? He isn't going to say anything?! He was so wasted he didn't even know what he did. Which made the situation so much worse.

"Uh. I've gotta go." I said Adrianna and Owen followed me in a heartbeat. We started to make our way back to the house when they jogged after us.

"What do you mean? We just got here!" Drew said smiling. He seemed genuinely sad to see us go. It wasn't fair for me to take it out on Drew. He didn't do anything to hurt me. Adrianna and I had a silent conversation with our eyes. I tried to tell her that she should hang with Drew. Are you sure? She seemed to ask. I nodded at her and she went over to Drew's side.

I smiled. They were extremely cute together. I couldn't bear keeping them apart. Drew and Adrianna were both so sweet; they really did deserve each other. I gave Owen a silent look and we proceeded to walk to the house.

"Avery where are you going?" Wes called after me. At that point I couldn't take it any more and started running. Wes caught up to Owen who blocked his way. I could still hear them in the distance.

"Dude, move out of the way, I need to talk to her!" I heard Wes say. But Owen didn't move, thankfully.

"Yeah well she doesn't really have any interest in what you have to say." Owen's words cut Wesley like a dagger. I didn't need to see his face to tell how much that hurt. 

"What- why?" I heard him ask. There was a long silence and then I could tell that Owen was about to explain everything. I reached the old beach shack and slipped inside. There was a space between the planks of wood composing the building. It was big enough for me to see them, but not for them to see me. I saw Adrianna standing next to Drew, his arm around her. Owen was talking to Wes, and even from this far away I could tell that he was trying not to lose it. His fists were tightly clenched. He must have given Wes the harshest possible version of what happened because Wesley's face went completely slack. He had no idea what had even happened. At that time Drew politely excused them from the conversation and put his arm around Wes. They were walking over in my direction, so I squished farther into the corner. They only thing that I could hear were their voices.

"Shit man, I really messed up. Avery's never going to forgive me." It was Wes.

"Well I don't know why she should bro, you were a total dick." I could tell Drew was being completely serious, but at the same time was trying not to let Wes blame himself too much. He was a good friend that way.

"Dude she hates me." I didn't hate him. I can't believe what he did, but I didn't hate him. I could never hate him.

"Well dude, you gotta find a way to make it up to her. She's not going to trust you until you do." After that, I didn't hear anything else, the coast was clear. I went back to the house and just waited. I watched some TV, ate dinner with everyone at home, took a shower, but still nothing. No calls or texts from Wesley to apologize. I went to bed that night furious. He knew what he did. Even his best friend told him to apologize, and here we are, hours later. Around 11:30 I gave up and started to fall asleep. I was finally going to forget about the stress and drift off to sleep when I heard a small tapping on my window.

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