Chapter 48

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"Are you nervous?" Adrianna asked, turning onto a small street. I tapped my feet against the floor and chewed my gum like a crazy person. My fingers were also moving rapidly. You could say that I was a little nervous. But of course I denied it. "Hahaha, oh my god Aves you are so!" 

"Okay I am. Maybe a little bit." I admitted.

"What? Why? You have an amazing boyfriend who loves youuuu!" She taunted.

"Don't make me regret telling you!" I replied. Ever since I told Adrianna that Wes said he loved me, she hasn't let me forget about it. Ever. 

"He lurvvvves you! He lurvvvvves you!" She said in a singsong voice laughing to herself.

"Okay that's it! Pull over, I'm getting out!" I joked, reaching for the handle. But she didn't pull over.

"Yeah good luck with that. You have no idea where we're going." She laughed. I slumped down in my seat and pouted which made her laugh even harder. After a couple more minutes Adrianna pulled up behind a Corolla. When we got out of the car I looked up the road and saw all the other cars that lined the street.

"Holy shit! Is the entire school here?" I asked sarcastically but Adrianna just nodded.

"Yep. Basically." She said. She slid her phone into her front pocket and started walking. We walked along the sidewalk for ten minutes passing by hundreds of cars. Wow. I guess the whole school really was here. Apparently this had turned from a football party to an end of summer party. The entire football team was there along with the soccer team, the cheerleaders... even the Math team was there. Adrianna said that no one really cared if you were "cool" or not, everyone just wanted to end the summer on a good note.

I heard the bass pumping from the stereo before I actually saw the house. When I did finally see it though, I was overwhelmed. The house was overflowing with people, the front lawn even covered by teenagers. I was pretty surprised to see so many people. The parties that I've gone to back home (The very few of them) never had this many people. Heck, I'm pretty sure there were more people here than went to my entire school.

"How are we supposed to find Wes in here?" I asked not trying to come off as helpless. 

"I have no idea. I guess we should just mingle around and try to find them." She said. I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing.

"Mingle around? Who says that?!" I asked screeching. She gave me a small smile.

"People." So that was it. Instead of looking for the boys Adrianna and I made our way through the house to the backyard where the keg was. I grabbed two cups and handed one to Adrianna. As we made our way over to fill up our cups Drew bumped into us. The first thing he did was kiss Adrianna, but after that he lifted me up onto his shoulder and spun me around.

"It's only been a few hours, but we missed you to death, Aves." Drew said as he put me down. He was smiling as usual, but it looked extra bright tonight. Drew always looked happy, it was one of the things that I admired most about him- his positivity. "Oh and you should probably say hey to Keaton too if you see him. Wes wasn't the only Stromberg brother upset about you leaving." Drew raised his eyebrows at me.

Aww Keaton! I completely forgot about him I was so caught up in surprising Wes. "You didn't tell him I was staying?" I asked Drew. He rubbed the back of his head.

"Nah, it was too risky. Keaton can't lie for shit and Wes would know something was up if he wasn't upset." I laughed, that was true. I smiled at the fact that I knew so much about these boys. Changing the subject I decided to ask Drew where Wes was.

"Eh, he's lurking somewhere. I saw him over on the couch inside a few minutes ago. I decided to give him some space though, he's not really in the party mood." Drew told me and I nodded. "Yeah he hasn't really done much of anything since you 'left'. When I left for the gym he was still passed out and when I got back around 12 he was still sleeping." That's weird, Wes likes to get up early and run most days.

Drew took the cups from our hands and shrugged. Before turning around to leave he said, "Allow me ladies." and he disappeared into the crowd. Once he left I felt someone's hand stroke my back. Thinking it was Wes I turned around but was surprised to see that it wasn't. Instead it was a tall guy with red hair who was waving at another guy across the lawn.

"Uhh...." I started.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" He stammered removing his hand from me immediately. "I thought you were someone else." He looked so sincere and apologetic the only thing I could do was smile.

"It's cool. Not your fault." I chuckled.

"Sorry, again. I'm Jason O' Riley." He said sticking his hand out. Wow this kid was tall. Probably at least six foot three.

"Avery Brayden." I replied shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you."

"I think I've seen you around recently, but you don't go to HBHS do you?" He asked.

"Actually I just moved here. I start up as a senior." I stated.

"Cool, same here." He handed me his phone, which was open to his contacts. "Text me and we can meet up to see if we have any classes together." He said. I smiled and put in my number. 

"Sweet. Just text me your name so I can save your contact too." I told him. He nodded and looked around at all the people.

"So who'd you come here with?" He asked. I couldn't quite hear him over the music and I must have made a confused face because he clarified his words. "Well, I mean I'm just assuming you came with people because you're new." 

"Ohhh. I'm here with my friend Adrianna, she's transferring this year from Westminster." He nodded. "And I'm actually here looking for someone. Do you know Wes Stromberg?" I asked. I hoped that Jason knew him. Maybe he could tell me where he was.

Jason smiled and pointed at his shirt, or in this case jersey. "Yeah we play football together." 

"Have you seen him?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I think he's over by the keg right now." He said pointing. I grinned and thanked him for his help. Then I said that I'd find him later and politely excused myself from the conversation.

When I saw him my heart automatically skipped a beat. Or five. I was so nervous, but I gathered up my confidence and waltzed straight up to him. He was filling himself up a cup so he didn't see me come up to him.

"DO you mind filling mine up too?" I asked holding my cup out to him. He didn't look up, but he responded.

"Sure." I waited as he took the couple of seconds to fill up my cup. He had his cup in his right hand and mine in his left. As he rose up to hand me my cup we made eye contact. I watched his eyes widen and the cups fall to the ground.

So I think that the next chapter is going to be the last D: But don't worry, I'll start the sequel right after :) I really want to make it to the first page of the emblem3 tag, so please vote/share/comment!!! Since the next chapter will be the last, I'll post it after this one gets 45 votes :)


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