A familiar face

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*flash back*

It was 2009,Niall and I where sitting on the green in our estate in mulingar in the middle of the summer on a very rare hot summers day.When my bestfriend said "Amy,guess what!?" Before I could ask what he was already talking!

"My mam has put my name down for the x-factor!" I got up and hugged him really tightly and whispered in his ear "remember this when I say this because u know I'll be right! You'll make it! I just know it!"

Niall replied shyly "thanks Amy!"

*flashback over*

Chapter 1


I woke up to my alarm at 7:30am and mumbled to myself "ugh I hate mondays"

Pulled myself up so that I was sitting up on my bed facing a dull gray wall in my new very boring but big room.

It was my first day of school in London. My mam came in and said "now dear your here is your uniform,put it on quickly before your late!" I rolled my eyes , how can I be late it's half seven in the morning and school didn't start till nine!

When I was ready it was around 8:55 so I shouted goodbye to my mam who was in her office and left to walk to school.


It was nearly nine so I grabbed my bag and ran out the door and hopped into my car and started driving to school when a familiar girl was walking down the road, at first I just figured I was just imagining it considering I hadn't fed in about a week! But as I got closer she looked almost identical to Amy... But I drove past her thinking nothing of it.


When I got into school I went to the main desk to a pleasant looking lady who asked me "hello ,you don't look familiar what's your name?" I replied "I'm new here,my name is Amy Jones."

"Ah yes, welcome Amy. Here is your locker key, its number 23,down the hall 2nd one on the left" she said with a smile.

"Thanks" I replied and walked Down the hall to my new locker.

A familiar faceWhere stories live. Discover now